It was a good speech...but you buggin. I would like to think the highlight of the next four days didn't happen the first night. Like damn, he was good but he wasn't a Gold Star family and what did that do for the final result, stop simpin.
Not scum. No human being is scum. Just uneducumucated minorities.Atleast that man would never kneel before out flag like the rest of the scum...
I was in Cuba about a year and a half ago. I can't comprehend how any American especially those of Cuban background and heritage would not want the Communists gone from Cuba. It wouldn't matter, young or old, Democrat or Republican, that had the opportunity to see that beautiful island and it's beautiful people could not recognize the utter failure of Communism and especially it's economic policies. The infrastructure Is in shambles. The people could live 50x better with virtually any other form of economy and government. It's truly a shame. There is nothing outdated about anti - Communist schtick.Younger Cubans are trending Dem, which means the outdated anti-communist schtick the GOP have been relying on to fearmonger their way to votes with the previous generation of Cubans won't work as more older Cuban Americans die off.
Republicans Won The Florida Election, But Young Cuban-American Voters Are Beginning to Vote Democrat
Cuban voters make up roughly 6 percent of the total Florida vote. According to an analysis of election results in heavily Cuban neighborhoods, in 2016, the Cuban vote broke 57 percent for Trump and 40 percent for Clinton. Two years later, it went 66 for Ron DeSantis and 33 for Andrew
I was in Cuba about a year and a half ago. I can't comprehend how any American especially those of Cuban background and heritage would not want the Communists gone from Cuba. It wouldn't matter, young or old, Democrat or Republican, that had the opportunity to see that beautiful island and it's beautiful people could not recognize the utter failure of Communism and especially it's economic policies. The infrastructure Is in shambles. The people could live 50x better with virtually any other form of economy and government. It's truly a shame. There is nothing outdated about anti - Communist schtick.
The word "outdated" you used is what I objected to. There is nothing outdated when it comes to the removal of Communism. It's not in the catagory of " schtick" it is a legitimate problem for the people.There's nothing mutually exclusive about both concepts. You can simultaneously want Democratic governance in the US, as what the Democratic party supports, and still want Communism gone in Cuba.
The word "outdated" you used is what I objected to. There is nothing outdated when it comes to the removal of Communism. It's not in the catagory of " schtick" it is a legitimate problem for the people.
I say we bomb Cuba.