Miami-Dade ICUs at capacity

Miami-Dade ICUs at 146% capacity with coronavirus patients, according to federal document
Actually they’re currently at just under 92% capacity and that’s not even all COVID related!

You dumb mother f’ers keep spreading fake news and fear though!
The information comes from the “senior leadership brief” for July 27 prepared by the Department of Health and Human Services...In the section titled “Medical care,” the document notes that in Florida, “hospitalizations increased 79% since July 4, with 8,974 current COVID-19 patients; ICU beds in Miami-Dade County at 146% capacity.”
The information comes from the “senior leadership brief” for July 27 prepared by the Department of Health and Human Services...In the section titled “Medical care,” the document notes that in Florida, “hospitalizations increased 79% since July 4, with 8,974 current COVID-19 patients; ICU beds in Miami-Dade County at 146% capacity.”
My post was from today and is updated every day. Dont post fake sh-t!
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I provided a link from the state of Florida. Look at it. It provides ICU capacity for every county in the state. So tell me again how its correct information when the state of FL directly contradicts it.
The reporting is from today, 7/30. I can't help you with your own research. That's your job. Enjoy.
Concerns about hospital beds in Florida have been building for some time, but the internal Trump administration document suggests that the problem is more severe than had been previously thought. Those concerns have been compounded by allegations that Gov. Ron DeSantis’s administration is manipulating or hiding data about the pandemic.
You posted an article. I posted the state of FL’a records. I think mine are a little more credible but thanks for playing and being a liar.
jdx your a sick little puppy, as someone that actually walks into Icu/Ccu/ nicu/&picu's they are not exclusive to covid and we aren't at capacity. Your sick desire to show death as a political tool is so sad, and speaks so poorly of yourself. Boooooo on you bro,,,,,,, Boooo :p and you'll Lose regardless
The reporting is from today, 7/30. I can't help you with your own research. That's your job. Enjoy.
No the article is from today, the numbers are from the 27th.

“The information comes from the “senior leadership brief” for July 27 prepared by the Department of Health and Human Services, or HHS, and distributed to federal agencies involved in the pandemic crisis. The document includes detailed analyses on various aspects of the crisis, from emerging hot spots to supply chain updates.”

The actual numbers from today are in my link. Stop the bullsh-t!
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Morgues are next..
Death is a 2-3 week lagging indicator, cases peaked 2 weeks ago and now the death toll will be bad for about the next 10-15 days. After that it will fall off a cliff just like it has everywhere else that peaked in the spring.

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