mshodell SuperCane Staff Jul 31, 2001 30,197 28,199 113 Miami, FL Mar 3, 2022 #1 Rosario out, has 10.00 era and has dead arm issue per DiMare today. So Friday night is going to be Palmquist with Saturday freshman Karson Ligun who had five strong Innings vs FAU and Sunday will be Garland Reactions: Cane5NCS and quincycane
Rosario out, has 10.00 era and has dead arm issue per DiMare today. So Friday night is going to be Palmquist with Saturday freshman Karson Ligun who had five strong Innings vs FAU and Sunday will be Garland
newnangacane SuperCane Mar 9, 2005 1,196 634 113 miami Mar 3, 2022 #2 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view. Reactions: Zonacane70 and cjgeyer