Not a great discussion of an important subject. A little timid on Maher's part. He had a few strong comments, but basically tip toed around many "inconvenient truths (quote the Polar Bear).
*He was right about the ridiculously inflated costs of large public projects. He was spot on about "Graft" But he did not have the balls to say that is all that is caused or condoned by big government. He also did not have the balls to call out the democrat party in California who have precided over the growth of droughts, fires and homelessness. He did not call out little poofy hair Newsome for the abject joke corruption of a train project.
*He did not say that there is already a water pipeline to California, Nevada and Arizona called the Colorado River. Maybe it would not be out of water if those states were not taxing their existing citizens to import illegal aliens that oh "use water". Yet if I want to build a deck, I have to get wetlands studies and environmental permits. Again, because of big Woke, tree hugging governments.
*He correctly brought up desalinasation. Yes it works in Israel. It works in a few areas of the US that managed to get it past the eco nuts. It is certainly more economical to desalinate Pacific Ocean saltwater than build a pipeline from NYC subways to LA? But Maher was too chicken poop to talk about the real reasons why there is no deslinization in California: democrat politicians beholden to the green weenies. "Oh desal could affect the saline gradient in Moonbeam Bay and harm an endangered seaweed we just discovered last week". If Maher had any real courage, he would say "Liberals are so stupid they are concerned about a Desal plant disturbing the view of some seals, but they want to stick solar panels and bird killing windmills in everyone's (but their own - see Ted Kennedy are against windmills off the coast of Mass) backyard.
I would have far more respect for Maher if he condemned corrupt government projects and graft 365 days a year. Instead he has this kind of monolog a couple days a year and the other 360 days trying to get cheap laughs by being a smart ass about Trump tweets. He does not have the courage to go after his libbie sycophants consistently.