Newsom signed law is a major part of the Supply Chain Debacle


Jan 31, 2005

Newsom took away work rights of California independent contractors like truckers and Uber drivers. Now there are not enough truckers to get products out of California ports. Have read over 50% of products move from California ports were previously hauled by independent truckers. Just another genius move by the nation's worst and most corrupt governor.

Newsom took away work rights of California independent contractors like truckers and Uber drivers. Now there are not enough truckers to get products out of California ports. Have read over 50% of products move from California ports were previously hauled by independent truckers. Just another genius move by the nation's worst and most corrupt governor.

He also passed law that was was part of green energy and limited age of trucks operating on California roads. Starting January 1, 2015, lighter vehicles with engines that are 20 years or older must be replaced with newer trucks (or engines). Starting January 1, 2020, all remaining vehicles need to be replaced so that they all have 2010 model year engines or equivalent emissions by January 1, 2023.
I can't believe there are so few responses to this thread. Unions helped Newsome and Biden get elected and neither supports right to work laws. Also, the proposed 5 trillion in spending calls for all government work to be performed by union labor. Where's the outrage. Dozens of cargo ships laying at anchor due to labor shortages at the docks and on the road.
Unfortunately the press does not provide detailed information, rather they let Biden, little Petey and pSAKi spew nonsense. I think a lot of the informed population have given up trying to educate others, rather just trying to get by.

But the Republicans are not much better. McConnell's father in law makes his billions from,,,,,, shipping containers from Asia. Trump shows no interest in current events, rather all his focus is on an election that is not going to be reversed. And McCarthy is basically useless. We are screwed until the midterms. Welcome to $5.00 per gallon gas and a $35 cheap steak, if you can find either.

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