Something just doesn’t feel right.
I’m NOT buying everything I’ve been reading on Canesport last 10 days or so.
How do we go from Mas bros involvement, 25-30 million dollar commitment, firing BJ, now to read Manny will be back??
There is no way that these decision makers just did a 180 and changed their minds because we beat a coacheless VT.
Regardless of the fact that this team has won 4 of 5, they all came down to final 5 mins. We could have lost those games just as easily!
The team has come out unprepared, fallen behind in every game
I was so excited when Gary strongly intimated that THIS TIME things were going to change, and now this?????????
I call BS, decisions of this magnitude dont usually sway in the wind, or change overnight like this
So did Gary jump the gun, getting us all excited? Is the admin this totally inept??
Something isnt kosher!
I’m NOT buying everything I’ve been reading on Canesport last 10 days or so.
How do we go from Mas bros involvement, 25-30 million dollar commitment, firing BJ, now to read Manny will be back??
There is no way that these decision makers just did a 180 and changed their minds because we beat a coacheless VT.
Regardless of the fact that this team has won 4 of 5, they all came down to final 5 mins. We could have lost those games just as easily!
The team has come out unprepared, fallen behind in every game
I was so excited when Gary strongly intimated that THIS TIME things were going to change, and now this?????????
I call BS, decisions of this magnitude dont usually sway in the wind, or change overnight like this
So did Gary jump the gun, getting us all excited? Is the admin this totally inept??
Something isnt kosher!