Biden said nothing was unethical in reference to his son Hunter getting the Burisma position $$$$$, China money, etc. Getting your child a position for which he has no experience, doesn't speak the language, and has no prior ties to the country thousands of miles away is NOT ethical. It does not pass the smell test especially when this kid was kicked out of the US Navy for crack usage . It gets only worse when you consider that Daddy the VP was put in charge of Ukrainian corruption and the company Burisma was widely known to be the most corrupt company in Ukraine. It would be unethical if the VP got his son a sweetheart job here in America that he was not qualified for but in Ukraine and for the amounts of money Hunter was being paid? Smells fishy to me.....................Biden claimed we were friends with Hitler more utter nonsense. We broke off relations with Germany in 1917 when the expanded their submarine patrols into international waters and reduced further as the Hitler regime began rounding up Jews. Total freaking nonsense. Wants to get rid of oil? What runs the factories in this country? What runs the wind turbines? No oil? There goes Texas, Louisiana, Pennsylvania economies. Biden claims not getting rid of fracking and then later in debate he wants all oil gone. Ok Joe.