Official Live Debate Thread

The minute you see one of them making facial expressions when the other is speaking, you KNOW the one that's making facial expressions is getting boatraced.
Trump taxes still under audit....
Lol. She gives Joe as much time as he wants to respond. When Trump tries to respond she wont stop yelling 10 seconds.
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Get ready for the Socialist Libs to burn this moderator's house! FINALLY! AN IMPARTIAL MODERATOR!
Joe Biden who had to drop out of his first presidential fun due to plagiarism, is talking about himself being known for integrity.
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So says the poster who changed his screen name from Gump12 to try to cover up his lies and all the times he was belittled with no recourse.
Ryan as I told you the first time....I changed it because bitches like you have nothing else to say but talk about my screen name. It’s the nickname of Montgomery Al...that’s it. Nov 3rd is coming Little Ryan....
Ryan as I told you the first time....I changed it because bitches like you have nothing else to say but talk about my screen name. It’s the nickname of Montgomery Al...that’s it. Nov 3rd is coming Little Ryan....
Why the venom? Why the anger? You can't win every contest. We lost to Klempsun. We just regrouped.

Hey! It happens. You get your ass kicked sometimes. Just regroup. Fight another day.

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