Olympics - USA now a second rate country


Jan 4, 2014
The pussification of America by the liberals is taking hold. Our athletes have no drive to succeed. Taught from childhood now just good to compete and trophy's for everyone.

Oh and can't wait to see Trump basher Lindsay Vonn crash and burn in the downhill when it happens.
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She has a gold medal and all you have is an obsession with following high schoolers on Twitter. Think about that for a second.
She has a gold medal and all you have is an obsession with following high schoolers on Twitter. Think about that for a second.
Think about you advocating for not having national pride and wanting to win! Participation mentality for losers like you!! Previous generations looked up to Vince Lombardi, guys like you couldn’t handle it! Took over youth sports and created trophies for losers! Congrats Snowflake!!
Its crazy.....when he had a liberal in office during the last olympics we absolutely dominated. Now that we have a conservative in office, that must be why we are getting bent over in this olympics? Obviously, I'm joking, but thats about how sound the logic is in the original post......maybe, just maybe not everything in the world has to do with politics.....just a thought.

@PalmaBoy fwiw on the participation trophy generation (millenials), it wasn't us who asked for participation trophies, it was the generation before us that insisted on it. Most people my generation agree that its stupid and we don't want that for our kids, liberals and conservatives alike.

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