OT: Get vaccinated

I say this both for the country's sake and for us as CFB-Canes fans who do not want to see a disruption like last season.
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I say this both for the country's sake and for us as CFB-Canes fans who do not want to see a disruption like last season.
Sorry man, we will still have stoppages as people are testing positive left and right who are vaccinated. Two of my employees last week.

I’m not against vaccines by any means. I am against anyone telling me what to do.
Dude I am not for mandating it but I do believe in strongly encouraging it. And I also believe in private businesses have every right to mandate it with employees and customers. And people vaccinated who get it does not prove it does not work. As they are still much less likely to get hospitalized or die and transfer disease. Obviously you can still get it but I can tell you if we have 75-80 percent fully vaccinated a few months ago especially in the South the Delta variant would have burned out very quickly.

Bottom line masks and social distancing are not solutions, vaccinations are it.
Sorry man, we will still have stoppages as people are testing positive left and right who are vaccinated. Two of my employees last week.

I’m not against vaccines by any means. I am against anyone telling me what to do.
But when what u do affects your family and your neighbors or employees u should tell them what to do, like all the hospitals are telling them employees. It is total ignorance not to get vaccinated. Also, n one as of yet has died from myocarditis. Most children recover without any medicine some with steroids and others with Tylenol.
Dude I am not for mandating it but I do believe in strongly encouraging it. And I also believe in private businesses have every right to mandate it with employees and customers. And people vaccinated who get it does not prove it does not work. As they are still much less likely to get hospitalized or die and transfer disease. Obviously you can still get it but I can tell you if we have 75-80 percent fully vaccinated a few months ago especially in the South the Delta variant would have burned out very quickly.

Bottom line masks and social distancing are not solutions, vaccinations are it.
Trust me, I hope you’re right. I’m sitting at home with COVID right now and it ain’t no cold....
Best metaphor. You have a burning campfire. You can throw two different sets of logs on the fire. Dry kindling wood and Wet wood. Dry kindling wood are the unvaccinated. The more dry wood you put in the fire the more it will make the fire burn longer and hotter. Wet wood can still burn. But it is much harder to burn and the more you put on the fire the quicker the flames burn out.
I got vaccinated months ago, I am 72, no problems from it. My father got his, no problem he is 94, my pregnant daughter same no problem. in fact the rest of my family has and again no problem. What problems could a young guy have? I would not make it mandatory but, they should for the team's sake. UM should procure the JJ one shot deal and offer it to them.
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Do we need another Covid: vaccine thread here ?
It appear that 85%+ of the team is vaccinated. It also appears that there will be no restrictions on tailgating or HRS attendance. Most everyone, including this staunch conservative believes that vaccines are great. Most agree that mandates are overkill.
So what exactly is the issue and why do we need another divisive discussion?
Play ball 🏈
Shortly, once the vaccine is approved by the FDA, the Insurance Companies are going drive this train and people undoubtedly will get vaccinated.. Why? Medical Cost!
*Insurance companies are not going to want to continue pay out the exorbitant hospitalization and medical bills.

Subsequently, they will pass those cost on to your employers. So guys, it is all about profitability. The questions is whether you want to be considered an asset or a liability. Either way, you have a choice of exercising your free will but, keep in mind, your company has an option of exercising it's "at will clause" that is part your employment contract. In other words, they can fire you without explanation particularly when they mandate vaccines as condition of your employment. Rest assured, it's coming!
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Do we need another Covid: vaccine thread here ?
It appear that 85%+ of the team is vaccinated. It also appears that there will be no restrictions on tailgating or HRS attendance. Most everyone, including this staunch conservative believes that vaccines are great. Most agree that mandates are overkill.
So what exactly is the issue and why do we need another divisive discussion?
Play ball 🏈
Because when we sidestep the conversation it emboldens those that still refuse to admit that #45 gave them bad advice. We all want to see ball play and full stadiums, but the unvaccinated are increasing the spread, plain and simple.
Because when we sidestep the conversation it emboldens those that still refuse to admit that #45 gave them bad advice. We all want to see ball play and full stadiums, but the unvaccinated are increasing the spread, plain and simple.

Actually, you mean Kamala politicized it and said she wouldn’t get the vaccine. 2/3 of non Asian minorities refuse to get the vaccine. Oh, and…

But when what u do affects your family and your neighbors or employees u should tell them what to do, like all the hospitals are telling them employees. It is total ignorance not to get vaccinated. Also, n one as of yet has died from myocarditis. Most children recover without any medicine some with steroids and others with Tylenol.
You do you, I’ll do me
However I did get a vaccine!
Shhhhhh, Covid no different than religion or politics.
You DONT tell people what to do!
How long? Symptoms? I had a light case of it, lost my sense to smell and taste. Feel better!
Tested positive Thursday, baaad fever for 4 days and on the upswing now. Never lost my smell/taste, have not had problems breathing. Felt like the flu, same congestion, etc.

Wife and mother got it as well but almost no symptoms.

worst part was I tested positive while on a biz trip amd had to drive home from Birmingham, AL with a 102 temp... 😛
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Tested positive Thursday, baaad fever for 4 days and on the upswing now. Never lost my smell/taste, have not had problems breathing. Felt like the flu, same congestion, etc.

Wife and mother got it as well but almost no symptoms.

worst part was I tested positive while on a biz trip amd had to drive home from Birmingham, AL with a 102 temp... 😛
Damn....driving while ill....Godspeed.

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