Pelosi is the most out of touch, insensitive animal watch yourself


Gold Member
Jun 2, 2007
If this Cvnt doesn't make your blood boil something is wrong with you. Remember this is Wolf Blitzer of CNN not Fox News.

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If this Cvnt doesn't make your blood boil something is wrong with you. Remember this is Wolf Blitzer of CNN not Fox News.

She doesnt give a squat about the American people ... Its all about politics with her..
She doesnt give a squat about the American people ... Its all about politics with her..
I applaud Wolf for calling her out. Told her he sees the people on the streets begging for food and her response? Well are you feeding them because we are. If she were feeding them they wouldn't be on the streets begging . I can't stand this bytch
CNN and Wolf continued their onslaught of Pelosi yesterday. After Barrett hearings ended I switched over to CNN while working and Wolf had a Dem. Representative on who disagrees with Pelosi entirely. He said his constituents in his district need help desperately and Pelosi is playing politics. There are a large group of Democrats in Congress applying a tremendous amount of pressure on her over this
If this Cvnt doesn't make your blood boil something is wrong with you. Remember this is Wolf Blitzer of CNN not Fox News.

Insensitive lol. Moron trump beats all. POS liar president

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