POTUS Does not Attend FBI Special Agent’s Funeral Today

Complete lack of leadership to not attend this woman’s funeral to pay his respects. Instead, Biden attended that criminal, woman abusing, PoS George Floyd’s funeral.
Give it a rest brother your starting to sound like the libs.
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Give it a rest brother your starting to sound like the libs.
I don’t give a fook what I sound like. You don’t find it disrespectful that this clown doesn’t pay his respect to her, but he goes to George Floyd’s funeral?
Complete lack of leadership to not attend this woman’s funeral to pay his respects. Instead, Biden attended that criminal, woman abusing, PoS George Floyd’s funeral.
It was politically expedient to attend that guys funeral at that time. It would look good to Black voters. Now that he is President, he doesn't need Black votes.
I don’t give a fook what I sound like. You don’t find it disrespectful that this clown doesn’t pay his respect to her, but he goes to George Floyd’s funeral?
I don't contrast the 2. He wasn't President during George Floyd he was campaigning. Presidents don't go to every tragedy in America. All I'm saying is don't do what THEY do and disect every freaking little thing.
It was politically expedient to attend that guys funeral at that time. It would look good to Black voters. Now that he is President, he doesn't need Black votes.
Many of my black brothers get duped over and over. Some have exited that party over the years after realizing the lies being spewed. The brainwashing that Republicans are all racists worked well for decades, but now the reality has caught up.
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I don't contrast the 2. He wasn't President during George Floyd he was campaigning. Presidents don't go to every tragedy in America. All I'm saying is don't do what THEY do and disect every freaking little thing.
The death of an FBI special agent on duty is no little thing. It is rare. They are federal employees who serve the Executive Branch, led by POTUS. Total lack of leadership by not attending. Disgusting
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Many of my black brothers get duped over and over. Some have exited that party over the years after realizing the lies being spewed. The brainwashing that Republicans are all racists worked well for decades, but now the reality has caught up.
What reality?
The death of an FBI special agent on duty is no little thing. It is rare. They are federal employees who serve the Executive Branch, led by POTUS. Total lack of leadership by not attending. Disgusting
I understand. I hear you.
Bandit. Where were your comments when Biden did go to the Capitol to honor the Capitol Police officer killed during the January 6 assault on the Capitol? It was a somber moment.

DJT did not attend of ever pay homage to this fallen officer. Shameful. Where were your comments then?
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Bandit. Where were your comments when Biden did go to the Capitol to honor the Capitol Police officer killed during the January 6 assault on the Capitol? It was a somber moment.

DJT did not attend of ever pay homage to this fallen officer. Shameful. Where were your comments then?
Stay on topic. You approve of him not attending and paying his respects to this slain agent? You don’t think it’s disrespectful? Put politics aside.
Many of my black brothers get duped over and over. Some have exited that party over the years after realizing the lies being spewed. The brainwashing that Republicans are all racists worked well for decades, but now the reality has caught up.
You are right we can tell by all the votes Donald Trump got. By the way who is the President of the United States? Don’t be fooled.
The death of an FBI special agent on duty is no little thing. It is rare. They are federal employees who serve the Executive Branch, led by POTUS. Total lack of leadership by not attending. Disgusting
I am trying to remember if Trump was at the police officers funeral who got killed at the capital. Would you know the answer to that question?
I am on topic. You say “put politics aside”. What a hoot. Your comments criticizing Biden and your failure to criticize Trump are all about nothing but your politics.
Cortez you are right these cult members say anything to fit their agenda but forget their boy did the same thing and even worse in some cases. And then have the nerve to talk about their black friends. GTFOOH
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Complete lack of leadership to not attend this woman’s funeral to pay his respects. Instead, Biden attended that criminal, woman abusing, PoS George Floyd’s funeral.

This old fool is already burnt out... Need time off...
what a weak POS..!!!
Many of my black brothers get duped over and over. Some have exited that party over the years after realizing the lies being spewed. The brainwashing that Republicans are all racists worked well for decades, but now the reality has caught up.
The republicans are majority racist. Lots and lots of proof. Not saying that dems aren’t either but republicans have now taken this to a new level. Look at the groups following trump. Disgusting

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