Racist Progressive Leftists Show Their True Colors Against Tim Scott


Gold Member
May 2, 2005
In a continuation of the Jim Crow era racist dividers, the progressive left again exposed their continued racism, attacking Senator Tim Scott for speaking truths, enabled by that woke biased social media. Left wingers hate it when diverse people speak truths instead of keeping in line with their identity politics.
In a continuation of the Jim Crow era racist dividers, the progressive left again exposed their continued racism, attacking Senator Tim Scott for speaking truths, enabled by that woke biased social media. Left wingers hate it when diverse people speak truths instead of keeping in line with their identity politics

Sadly we all could have predicted this one.
In a continuation of the Jim Crow era racist dividers, the progressive left again exposed their continued racism, attacking Senator Tim Scott for speaking truths, enabled by that woke biased social media. Left wingers hate it when diverse people speak truths instead of keeping in line with their identity politics.
Scott/DeSantis (either order) would be a heck of a ticket in 2024...
The left are frighten by Tim Scott, an honest religious intelligent well spoken black man who can communicate with everyone in this country and follow him.

We have Tim Scott they have Maxine Waters, Al Sharpton, and the rest of the uneducated clown show...
In a continuation of the Jim Crow era racist dividers, the progressive left again exposed their continued racism, attacking Senator Tim Scott for speaking truths, enabled by that woke biased social media. Left wingers hate it when diverse people speak truths instead of keeping in line with their identity politics.
They just drag out their true intentions right in front of their lemmings without question. Shameful
In a continuation of the Jim Crow era racist dividers, the progressive left again exposed their continued racism, attacking Senator Tim Scott for speaking truths, enabled by that woke biased social media. Left wingers hate it when diverse people speak truths instead of keeping in line with their identity politics.
Twitter left the tweets up 17 hours because the algorithm,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Not one of the Democratic POS's that frequent this board have the nut sack to agree that the racial and bigoted rhetoric directed at a Black man and a Senator of the U.S.A. was completely wrong. Again, you can't take the racial hatred out of many Democrats. It's ingrained in them. Very sad...
In a continuation of the Jim Crow era racist dividers, the progressive left again exposed their continued racism, attacking Senator Tim Scott for speaking truths, enabled by that woke biased social media. Left wingers hate it when diverse people speak truths instead of keeping in line with their identity politics.

Yes, and in attacking him, they used stereotypical racial slurs.

Cems, CD, Hawaii Uh-Oh, ellu free thinkers that you claim to be, jump in, tell why it's ok for Libs to do this.

Stop acting like Uncle Wiggleys. Not being wacial, stwickly speaking about you being wabbits here. You know shy wittle cwitters afwaid to speak because they're not weawing any cwothing.

'Hewwo, hewwo'...cwicket, cwicket, cwicket.
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Not one of the Democratic POS's that frequent this board have the nut sack to agree that the racial and bigoted rhetoric directed at a Black man and a Senator of the U.S.A. was completely wrong. Again, you can't take the racial hatred out of many Democrats. It's ingrained in them. Very sad...
Their silence shows their true colors supporting racism. Jim Crow Democrats all elected Klansman Robert Byrd’s BFF Biden.
The reality is those snowflakes all blocked me because my intellect exceeds theirs by a significant margin, and they couldn’t handle debating the facts vs. their own alt reality. Then there is dishonest Ellu, who got exposed being fraudulent. Win win for the good honest folk. Game over.
When Progressives use the term, 'double edged sword', it doesn't quite mean what we believe it to mean. It means that after they call their enemies uncle something or other and the nword, they may then spot one of us Conservos and let us know what racist POS's we are.
Scott's response was deeply deceptive. Scott voted with DJT over 90% of the time, including to weaken the Dodd Frank Act, which aims to stop discriminatory attempts from mortgage lenders---with Black businesses and owners being disproportionately affected. In 2016, he got just 8% of the black vote in South Carolina, so its clear he doesnt speak for the overwhelming majority of Black voters, even in his home state.
He quickly went viral in his rebuttal to Bidens 1st 100 days Congressional address saying "I get called Uncle Tom & the N word, by Progressives." A few moments later he added "Here me clearly, America is not a racist country." There are 2 big problems with that take. 1st, its hard to imagine people calling African Americans the N word as not being racist. 2nd, as much as saying Scott's pronouncement may have been appealing to white Republican voters, it wasnt an actual rebuttal to Biden's remarks. Biden never said America was a racist country. Scott created a straw man talking point for his party's base so he could tell them what they wanted to hear. He was joyfully playing the role of the Black man who makes white americans more comfortable.
In wednesday's speech, Biden use the word racism twice, when he called to "root out systemic racism in our criminal justice system" and also said "we have a real chance to root out systemic racism that Plagues American life in many other ways."
Truth is Scott wasnt there to rebut Biden's speech. He had one job: to soothe racial guilt at any cost.
Scott's response was deeply deceptive. Scott voted with DJT over 90% of the time, including to weaken the Dodd Frank Act, which aims to stop discriminatory attempts from mortgage lenders---with Black businesses and owners being disproportionately affected. In 2016, he got just 8% of the black vote in South Carolina, so its clear he doesnt speak for the overwhelming majority of Black voters, even in his home state.
He quickly went viral in his rebuttal to Bidens 1st 100 days Congressional address saying "I get called Uncle Tom & the N word, by Progressives." A few moments later he added "Here me clearly, America is not a racist country." There are 2 big problems with that take. 1st, its hard to imagine people calling African Americans the N word as not being racist. 2nd, as much as saying Scott's pronouncement may have been appealing to white Republican voters, it wasnt an actual rebuttal to Biden's remarks. Biden never said America was a racist country. Scott created a straw man talking point for his party's base so he could tell them what they wanted to hear. He was joyfully playing the role of the Black man who makes white americans more comfortable.
In wednesday's speech, Biden use the word racism twice, when he called to "root out systemic racism in our criminal justice system" and also said "we have a real chance to root out systemic racism that Plagues American life in many other ways."
Truth is Scott wasnt there to rebut Biden's speech. He had one job: to soothe racial guilt at any cost.

Here's what the real racists do, some like this pseudo-intellectual...others less subtle. He didn't use the nword, nor call Tim anyone's uncle. He just validated their reasons.

Just to brush upon one point this 'National Socialist' made, only 8% of black voters voted for Scott how racist are the white Republicans in S.C. who elected him?

Again, this latent racist...who's mission on Earth is to protect colored people, offered no remorse. He totally justified the slurs.

Time for this pineapple to put down his computer, relax, catch a big wave and get leid.
Here's what the real racists do, some like this pseudo-intellectual...others less subtle. He didn't use the nword, nor call Tim anyone's uncle. He just validated their reasons.

Just to brush upon one point this 'National Socialist' made, only 8% of black voters voted for Scott how racist are the white Republicans in S.C. who elected him?

Again, this latent racist...who's mission on Earth is to protect colored people, offered no remorse. He totally justified the slurs.

Time for this pineapple to put down his computer, relax, catch a big wave and get leid.
Not putting down the computer yet, not ready to do so. Takes a pseudo itellectual to know one. Having Tim Scott do the rebuttal was a phsycological ploy by the GOP leadership, BTW you are one of many repubs who believe Democrats wanted slavery from the get go. FACT It was the southern democrats, AKA Dixiecrats who were pro slavery. The democrats in the north didnt want it.
Another one of your many smokescreens, stay away from the VINO brother I.
Not putting down the computer yet, not ready to do so. Takes a pseudo itellectual to know one. Having Tim Scott do the rebuttal was a phsycological ploy by the GOP leadership, BTW you are one of many repubs who believe Democrats wanted slavery from the get go. FACT It was the southern democrats, AKA Dixiecrats who were pro slavery. The democrats in the north didnt want it.
Another one of your many smokescreens, stay away from the VINO brother I.

You still clumsily dance by the issue. Why are racial slurs by the left not racism?
Not putting down the computer yet, not ready to do so. Takes a pseudo itellectual to know one. Having Tim Scott do the rebuttal was a phsycological ploy by the GOP leadership, BTW you are one of many repubs who believe Democrats wanted slavery from the get go. FACT It was the southern democrats, AKA Dixiecrats who were pro slavery. The democrats in the north didnt want it.
Another one of your many smokescreens, stay away from the VINO brother I.
And Jim Crow laws, and they were against desegregation, and Biden Democrats wanted unfair punishment and incarceration of minorities, no busing for schools, etc. You never learn.
You obviously didnt listen to his speech. Your a douche who has no clue what your saying because you dont think for yourself. Senator Scott is not your puppet. He is a man and has a right to his beliefs and convictions. Glad to see you think you can denigrate and shout him down. You leftist are all the same.
Scotts message was nonsense: "Biden is dividing the country????? Scott implied all the divisiveness is coming from the left. Ridiculous. He lost the support of millions of African Americans when he said "America is NOT a racist country." It wouldve been better for him and the GOP if he said we have made some progress but still much has to be done. We are still struggling, there is still racism in our institutions." He did himself a disservice when he jumped out of that lane. Yet he sounds so different from other republicans
Scotts message was nonsense: "Biden is dividing the country????? Scott implied all the divisiveness is coming from the left. Ridiculous. He lost the support of millions of African Americans when he said "America is NOT a racist country." It wouldve been better for him and the GOP if he said we have made some progress but still much has to be done. We are still struggling, there is still racism in our institutions." He did himself a disservice when he jumped out of that lane. Yet he sounds so different from other republicans
Dude, you’ve lost this one. Another one. Scott was providing a rebuttal to Biden, so of course he was talking about Biden’s divisiveness. He stayed on topic, something you clearly don’t know how to do. Maybe if your bigotry will allow it, you can learn to remain on topic in Lounge debates from Tim Scott.
Dude, you’ve lost this one. Another one. Scott was providing a rebuttal to Biden, so of course he was talking about Biden’s divisiveness. He stayed on topic, something you clearly don’t know how to do. Maybe if your bigotry will allow it, you can learn to remain on topic in Lounge debates from Tim Scott.
Divisiveness was encouraged by DJT. Amazing how many people want to follow that narrow path. Havent lost. still talking. DJT wanted dto find something to energize his base so he urged insurrection on Jan 06.
Provide the data that says and proves it.
Jim crow laws were simply keeping Blacks and whites separate. Stupid laws.
Stupid law #1 Blacks and whites were discouraged from playing checkers against each other. In those days the checker board was black & white squares, next to each other. Also illegal were dice dominos
and card games.
Stupid law # 2 In the state of Florida, Black & white juveniles were prohibited from associating with one another. Probably because the state didnt want blacks & whites to form some kind of Utopian integrated crime organization and take over the state. Its interesting that Florida concentrated on Juvenile delinquents. Once upon a time Florida man was once Florida boy, and that boy had to be a racist.
Stupid law #3 In the state of Georgia, Blacks and whites could not be buried next to each other, proving racism doesnt end even if your dead and emphasizing that racism is eternal. Then again after decomposition they all look the same.
Stupid law #4 Also out of Georgia, Black & white baseball teams couldnt play/practice within 2 blocks of each other. It was to perpetuate a lie; blacks are not talented enough. I honestly believe it had to be 2 blocks that way folks couldnt hear the crack of the bats of the black players, which would likely bear witness to blacks could really play. Also, a baseball game is just that, a game. Dont take it seriously.
Stupid law #5 In Louisiana The blind folks were separated. This was probably not the idea of the blind. How would they know???? Theyre blind. The blind should be separated by smell and the pitch of their voice. Everything else is irrelevant than being blind. You'd think that in the state of Louisiana people would assume if you were blind and Black and playing the blues so well that it would make whites that were blind feel bad about themselves on their inability to perform from a musical standpoint. It might create a stereotype that all blind black folks in Louisiana are musically gifted.
Stupid law #6 In Oklahoma laws prevented Blacks and whites from fishing together, boating together and swimming together. How does a landlocked state regulate boating, swimming, fishing of any kind. It should not be a problem for Oklahoma. Outside of lakes, streams and rivers there isnt any ocean.
Whats hilarious about these laws is they are so specific, so random.
With checkers, they mustve seen 2 kids, 1 white and one black having fun playing, making double jump moves. The authorities didnt want it. The same scenario existed with swimming. They couldnt see a white kid and a black kid swimming in the same watering hole.
These laws were designed to prevent 2 groups from coming together, enjoying each others company. Its the divide and conquer theory by white supremacists. "Keep whites believing they are superior." This way blacks developed a feeling they were inferior. It was designed to allow those who controlled cities, counties, towns so those in charge could divvy up the profits nad at the same time keep folks occupied with Im better and you are not. Im sure those who were in charge could clearly see that 2 groups could get along but ultimately wanted a different result. They could see that people are people but they had to put a stop to it. Who are they to say who can play checkers and who cant???
You telling Sen. Scott to "stay in his lane". In your eyes, how dare he think for himself. You and other Democrats have already told him what to think..why is he getting out of his lane....he needs to be brought sound like a slave owner.
Sadly, the Democratic masters continue to exert control over minorities, and too many sheep continue to support them.
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Can you prove Tim Scott is mistreated by the Dems in the senate? I'll wait
Liberals slip and slide by the truth. No one said he was mistreated by the Senate. He was racially attacked by Liberal pundits and just plain Liberal shape-shifters like yourself. Open up Twitter and look with your own eyes, you needn't 'wait' for me to prove.

By your recent posts it's evident that you've no problem labeling a minority who dares to hold positions differing from yours, uncle someone and surely a nword.

We are concluding that you've been a vocal supporter of this racial animus and a willing participant. We also conclude that, in your heart of hearts, you and your Democrat party support the white supremacists.
Liberals slip and slide by the truth. No one said he was mistreated by the Senate. He was racially attacked by Liberal pundits and just plain Liberal shape-shifters like yourself. Open up Twitter and look with your own eyes, you needn't 'wait' for me to prove.

By your recent posts it's evident that you've no problem labeling a minority who dares to hold positions differing from yours, uncle someone and surely a nword.

We are concluding that you've been a vocal supporter of this racial animus and a willing participant. We also conclude that, in your heart of hearts, you and your Democrat party support the white supremacists.
It’s sad you need to summarize the obvious to this tool

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