Provide the data that says and proves it.
Jim crow laws were simply keeping Blacks and whites separate. Stupid laws.
Stupid law #1 Blacks and whites were discouraged from playing checkers against each other. In those days the checker board was black & white squares, next to each other. Also illegal were dice dominos
and card games.
Stupid law # 2 In the state of Florida, Black & white juveniles were prohibited from associating with one another. Probably because the state didnt want blacks & whites to form some kind of Utopian integrated crime organization and take over the state. Its interesting that Florida concentrated on Juvenile delinquents. Once upon a time Florida man was once Florida boy, and that boy had to be a racist.
Stupid law #3 In the state of Georgia, Blacks and whites could not be buried next to each other, proving racism doesnt end even if your dead and emphasizing that racism is eternal. Then again after decomposition they all look the same.
Stupid law #4 Also out of Georgia, Black & white baseball teams couldnt play/practice within 2 blocks of each other. It was to perpetuate a lie; blacks are not talented enough. I honestly believe it had to be 2 blocks that way folks couldnt hear the crack of the bats of the black players, which would likely bear witness to blacks could really play. Also, a baseball game is just that, a game. Dont take it seriously.
Stupid law #5 In Louisiana The blind folks were separated. This was probably not the idea of the blind. How would they know???? Theyre blind. The blind should be separated by smell and the pitch of their voice. Everything else is irrelevant than being blind. You'd think that in the state of Louisiana people would assume if you were blind and Black and playing the blues so well that it would make whites that were blind feel bad about themselves on their inability to perform from a musical standpoint. It might create a stereotype that all blind black folks in Louisiana are musically gifted.
Stupid law #6 In Oklahoma laws prevented Blacks and whites from fishing together, boating together and swimming together. How does a landlocked state regulate boating, swimming, fishing of any kind. It should not be a problem for Oklahoma. Outside of lakes, streams and rivers there isnt any ocean.
Whats hilarious about these laws is they are so specific, so random.
With checkers, they mustve seen 2 kids, 1 white and one black having fun playing, making double jump moves. The authorities didnt want it. The same scenario existed with swimming. They couldnt see a white kid and a black kid swimming in the same watering hole.
These laws were designed to prevent 2 groups from coming together, enjoying each others company. Its the divide and conquer theory by white supremacists. "Keep whites believing they are superior." This way blacks developed a feeling they were inferior. It was designed to allow those who controlled cities, counties, towns so those in charge could divvy up the profits nad at the same time keep folks occupied with Im better and you are not. Im sure those who were in charge could clearly see that 2 groups could get along but ultimately wanted a different result. They could see that people are people but they had to put a stop to it. Who are they to say who can play checkers and who cant???