Recounts In Various States

I am willing to meet Dems halfway.

Anybody dead LESS than a year who voted, I say let the vote stand.

Anybody that has been dead >365 days who voted...their vote should be thrown out.
Bruh, I’m independent-so I don’t have to be met anywhere for this comment/observation...they can recount EVERY state of every current living person NOW and come January, there’s STILL gonna be a new sheriff in town 😂😂
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I am willing to meet Dems halfway.

Anybody dead LESS than a year who voted, I say let the vote stand.

Anybody that has been dead >365 days who voted...their vote should be thrown out.

What is the rule anyway on dead votes?
Bruh, I’m independent-so I don’t have to met anywhere for this comment/observation...they can recount EVERY state of every current living person NOW and come January, there’s STILL gonna be a new sheriff in town 😂😂
That's cool. Without the Senate or SCOTUS and what's looking more and more like a dead-even House, Biden can't do anything 'cept sign executive orders until Trump wins again in 2024.
That's cool. Without the Senate or SCOTUS and what's looking more and more like a dead-even House, Biden can't do anything 'cept sign executive orders until Trump wins again in 2024.
Hey, I don’t know if he’s gonna run and/or win again or flee the country....BUT in January, he’s up outta the WH
I am willing to meet Dems halfway.

Anybody dead LESS than a year who voted, I say let the vote stand.

Anybody that has been dead >365 days who voted...their vote should be thrown out.
I,ll you dade and browsed county for Fulton and Cobb
That's cool. Without the Senate or SCOTUS and what's looking more and more like a dead-even House, Biden can't do anything 'cept sign executive orders until Trump wins again in 2024.
Hate to rain on your parade, but the Dictator wana be will be in Rikers along with his kids for tax fraud in NY. He’ll be served with papers at 12:05 January 20, 2021.
Hillary and Comey will be joining him.
LOL If that has to happen than so be it...but you DO KNOW that dude has ALL KIND of problems facing him after he’s out of office in January!!
LOL If that has to happen than so be it...but you DO KNOW that dude has ALL KIND of problems facing him after he’s out of office in January!!
In all fairness we have heard the same thing for years about Russian collusion lol. At some point you guys are going to realize that cnn and msnbc have been lying to you this whole time
In all fairness we have heard the same thing for years about Russian collusion lol. At some point you guys are going to realize that cnn and msnbc have been lying to you this whole time
LOL In more all fairness, I don’t care if all of them go to may never admit it on here or not (your choice) but you KNOW that DT is FULL OF SHYT-post election, we’ll see if his luck runs out or not
LOL In more all fairness, I don’t care if all of them go to may never admit it on here or not (your choice) but you KNOW that DT is FULL OF SHYT-post election, we’ll see if his luck runs out or not
What kind of problems do you think he’s facing post election?
That's cool. Without the Senate or SCOTUS and what's looking more and more like a dead-even House, Biden can't do anything 'cept sign executive orders until Trump wins again in 2024.
Thats a lie. The dems will win the run off votes in Jan. Harris will be the deciding voice. Good try. but there isnt light at the end of the tunnel for you.
Lying? Nobody has questioned him under oath to make a false statement.
😂😂 I’ll say this Cash....when he’s not protected by/because the office he sits in right now anymore (the latter part of January) the rubber will start meeting the road! If he hasn’t done anything FOUL, he’s good money! If he has, he’s TOAST!! It’s really that simple-no more, no less!!
😂😂 I’ll say this Cash....when he’s not protected by/because the office he sits in right now anymore (the latter part of January) the rubber will start meeting the road! If he hasn’t done anything FOUL, he’s good money! If he has, he’s TOAST!! It’s really that simple-no more, no less!!
We will see come January lol
For paying off bimbo's with campaign contributions for one.
If you throw him in jail for campaign finance violations your ass better keep that same energy for Ilhan Omar who was also found in violation of those very same laws! They’re often fined and sent on their way.
If you throw him in jail for campaign finance violations your ass better keep that same energy for Ilhan Omar who was also found in violation of those very same laws! They’re often fined and sent on their way.
Let them ALL go...if you’re out or pocket, gotta go sit down!!

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