Reparations approved in Chicago


Gold Member
Jan 9, 2003
Dems just don't get it. Watch how fast citizens who pay the bills move the f#ck out. This is why real estate in NC, TN, GA, FL, TX etc is exploding. Once all the people who pay the bills move out who's gonna pay the bills? Another Biden blue state bailout?

Agree or disagree this is an informative historical analysis. Its journalism, meaning the facts supporting the argument are sound and sourced. Of course the opinions may vary but this is a great resource for those who want an actual discussion of topics and not a CNN v. Fox glossing over of the topics.
I would rather see reparations in the form of african americans having free access to college or trade schools. I am not a guy who think we should just get a check. Pay tuition, room and board to college based on decent grades. NO COLLEGE DEBT! The way it should work is we should offer this because during slavery black people were NOT allowed access to education. It was against the law to read and even when slavery ended the resources were subpar to say the least. College isn't for everyone so this should include trade schools.
I would rather see reparations in the form of african americans having free access to college or trade schools. I am not a guy who think we should just get a check. Pay tuition, room and board to college based on decent grades. NO COLLEGE DEBT! The way it should work is we should offer this because during slavery black people were NOT allowed access to education. It was against the law to read and even when slavery ended the resources were subpar to say the least. College isn't for everyone so this should include trade schools.

Better course, to me is to provide resources to educate what reparations even means, why it could be useful, why it could be just and why it could be difficult to employ.

Administration of a program won’t happen without the ability to demonstrate the equitable nature and moreso, the justness of it.

You make a sound argument but it’s like telling someone to back into a parking spot and they’ve never driven a vehicle, don’t own a bike, and literally aren’t aware of the lines delineating the parking space.
I would rather see reparations in the form of african americans having free access to college or trade schools. I am not a guy who think we should just get a check. Pay tuition, room and board to college based on decent grades. NO COLLEGE DEBT! The way it should work is we should offer this because during slavery black people were NOT allowed access to education. It was against the law to read and even when slavery ended the resources were subpar to say the least. College isn't for everyone so this should include trade schools.
Why call it reparations. Re invest in the inner cities school systems and infrastructure to promote better education results and improve business development. It will come back in a better tax base. A win win for all concerned. Calling it reparations will fuel racism. The money should come from the State tax revenues of that particular state. The states pays what it can afford. I think the Federal Government with that Covid Pork Bill has been burdened enough. Now you take the obvious Pork out of the bill and redirect the money for our inner cities for education and business development , I could live with that. No Shumer bridge, no Pelosi tunnel etc.
Why call it reparations. Re invest in the inner cities school systems and infrastructure to promote better education results and improve business development. It will come back in a better tax base. A win win for all concerned. Calling it reparations will fuel racism. The money should come from the State tax revenues of that particular state. The states pays what it can afford. I think the Federal Government with that Covid Pork Bill has been burdened enough. Now you take the obvious Pork out of the bill and redirect the money for our inner cities for education and business development , I could live with that. No Shumer bridge, no Pelosi tunnel etc.
Why call it reparations. Why is that term problematic? Is it the people who have suffered the institutional racist actions responsibility to put lipstick on the pig?

I honestly don't have a final opinion on reparations. That article gives some very very interesting analytical threads to pull on.

What I don't get is why folks need to have their feelings massaged when facts don't care about feelings.

Either way, I'm hopeful some will read the article, doubtful but hopeful. Its just good information.
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I would rather see reparations in the form of african americans having free access to college or trade schools. I am not a guy who think we should just get a check. Pay tuition, room and board to college based on decent grades. NO COLLEGE DEBT! The way it should work is we should offer this because during slavery black people were NOT allowed access to education. It was against the law to read and even when slavery ended the resources were subpar to say the least. College isn't for everyone so this should include trade schools.
Your wish was granted over a decade ago
Its really simple reparations we're promised,set aside and stolen from blacks by whites. It's never too late to do the right thing. There are so many problems in the black community that generational wealth would help and the stealing of reparations are a direct cause. I believe it would help everyone in this country honestly. Despite what most ignorant individuals think the vast majority of blacks want to do right and live peaceful crime free lives. Financial literacy and a level playing field would help most achieve that goal. Facts are facts and the only people to not receive the reparations set aside for them is the black man and woman in this country. Every other race that were deemed to deserve reparations received it. I'm unapologetic in saying blacks should receive theirs as well.
I would rather see reparations in the form of african americans having free access to college or trade schools. I am not a guy who think we should just get a check. Pay tuition, room and board to college based on decent grades. NO COLLEGE DEBT! The way it should work is we should offer this because during slavery black people were NOT allowed access to education. It was against the law to read and even when slavery ended the resources were subpar to say the least. College isn't for everyone so this should include trade schools.

Free access to colleges and trade schools is definitely a great way to do it. Getting an education with no debt is massive at a time when student debt is soaring.
Free access to colleges and trade schools is definitely a great way to do it. Getting an education with no debt is massive at a time when student debt is soaring.
Why that's very Communistic of you. Why should we give money away when hard working Americans pay their way for their education or take out loans , get JOBS, and pay back what they owed. Bernie would be proud of you.
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Why that's very Communistic of you. Why should we give money away when hard working Americans pay their way for their education or take out loans , get JOBS, and pay back what they owed. Bernie would be proud of you.

Well this thread is about reparations so the answer is pretty obvious. We give away billions annually to defense contractors for frivolous corporate welfare projects as well as subsidies to corporations in the fossil fuel and agricultural sectors just to name a few, therefore the precedent of the government giving away money is already there. Therefore surely the wealthiest nation in history that was founded atop the ethnic cleansing of two races should be able to give back to the ancestors of those who were forced to build our nation for free.
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The black family has been destroyed by liberal politicians. Nothing being done to cure the true problems. Even successful NBA , NFL, MLB, player’s are part of the problem. No family structure, Children out of wedlock , No moral accountability, in all of society of all race . Got to start with family values and accountability. Kids staying out at clubs all night is not family structure. Look at what is going on at south beach right now during spring break. Playing the blame game for wrong doing in today’s society has become the normal standard . Yep government can not fix family got to start with responsible parents And people owning there mistakes not blaming others .
Its really simple reparations we're promised,set aside and stolen from blacks by whites. It's never too late to do the right thing. There are so many problems in the black community that generational wealth would help and the stealing of reparations are a direct cause. I believe it would help everyone in this country honestly. Despite what most ignorant individuals think the vast majority of blacks want to do right and live peaceful crime free lives. Financial literacy and a level playing field would help most achieve that goal. Facts are facts and the only people to not receive the reparations set aside for them is the black man and woman in this country. Every other race that were deemed to deserve reparations received it. I'm unapologetic in saying blacks should receive theirs as well.

First off learn your history before you state FACTS. The reparations promised in William T Sherman field order No. 15 were being implemented until Lincoln assassination when Democrat VP Johnson stopped it. I’m sure you’re aware that segregation was also a part of field order. Do you also support that section of the FO ? Third part defined the area where land was to be granted pretty much Charleston South ( Islands included ) 30 Miles inland to St John River in Florida.
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Why that's very Communistic of you. Why should we give money away when hard working Americans pay their way for their education or take out loans , get JOBS, and pay back what they owed. Bernie would be proud of you.
Not "giving" money away genius. It's investing in african americans. The way African Americans did in literally building this country with their 400 years free labor. Providing a 400 plus year head start in education and many other useful things.

African Americans invested then. Against their will! This country should invest now.
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First off learn your history before you state FACTS. The reparations promised in William T Sherman field order No. 15 were being implemented until Lincoln assassination when Democrat VP Johnson stopped it. I’m sure you’re aware that segregation was also a part of field order. Do you also support that section of the FO ? Third part defined the area where land was to be granted pretty much Charleston South ( Islands included ) 30 Miles inland to St John River in Florida.

You're obviously the one ignorant and speaking from a place of limited knowledge. Dont have time to spank you right now but I'll be back a little later and relieve you of some of that ignorance.
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You're obviously the one ignorant and speaking from a place of limited knowledge. Dont have time to spank you right now but I'll be back a little later and relieve you of some of that ignorance.

Go read up, I don’t have too.
Well this thread is about reparations so the answer is pretty obvious. We give away billions annually to defense contractors for frivolous corporate welfare projects as well as subsidies to corporations in the fossil fuel and agricultural sectors just to name a few, therefore the precedent of the government giving away money is already there. Therefore surely the wealthiest nation in history that was founded atop the ethnic cleansing of two races should be able to give back to the ancestors of those who were forced to build our nation for free.
Ha,ha...your delusional..ha,ha.
Not "giving" money away genius. It's investing in african americans. The way African Americans did in literally building this country with their 400 years free labor. Providing a 400 plus year head start in education and many other useful things.

African Americans invested then. Against their will! This country should invest now.
First CD, I wish to thank you for recognizing the genius in me. Secondly, I have already stated that the word reparations would result in greater racial divide. Invest in the inner city. Invest in education and invest in the businesses. No handouts, no welfare. Be proud of what you accomplish not what was just handed out to you. Create the sense of accomplishment. It feels good when you know that you are good at what you do.
First CD, I wish to thank you for recognizing the genius in me. Secondly, I have already stated that the word reparations would result in greater racial divide. Invest in the inner city. Invest in education and invest in the businesses. No handouts, no welfare. Be proud of what you accomplish not what was just handed out to you. Create the sense of accomplishment. It feels good when you know that you are good at what you do.

There is racial divide in this country since it's birth and always will be so walking around to avoid confrontation rather than doing what is right just isn't for me. I don't care. Divide is part of life and I am not interested in listening to self serving solutions. I am interested in doing the right things. Investing in education is no handout. That was earned through over 400 years of free labor so I don't know what you are talking about. A lot of white families benifited monetarily and that is generational are you complaining about their handout that was inherited. Nope! I don't care what you call it. Reoperations or whatever. I am concerned with doing what is right. Preaching about a hard days earned work 400 years of forcing others to do you work really means nothing to
There is racial divide in this country since it's birth and always will be so walking around to avoid confrontation rather than doing what is right just isn't for me. I don't care. Divide is part of life and I am not interested in listening to self serving solutions. I am interested in doing the right things. Investing in education is no handout. That was earned through over 400 years of free labor so I don't know what you are talking about. A lot of white families benifited monetarily and that is generational are you complaining about their handout that was inherited. Nope! I don't care what you call it. Reoperations or whatever. I am concerned with doing what is right. Preaching about a hard days earned work 400 years of forcing others to do you work really means nothing to
Oh Jeez CD, I said invest in education and inner city businesses INSTEAD of handouts, welfare, free shiz, etc. Damn...
Dems just don't get it. Watch how fast citizens who pay the bills move the f#ck out. This is why real estate in NC, TN, GA, FL, TX etc is exploding. Once all the people who pay the bills move out who's gonna pay the bills? Another Biden blue state bailout?

Its the way the left gets the black vote .. Free money .. Sad, your not gainng anything in life by receiving hand outs...
Better course, to me is to provide resources to educate what reparations even means, why it could be useful, why it could be just and why it could be difficult to employ.

Administration of a program won’t happen without the ability to demonstrate the equitable nature and moreso, the justness of it.

You make a sound argument but it’s like telling someone to back into a parking spot and they’ve never driven a vehicle, don’t own a bike, and literally aren’t aware of the lines delineating the parking space.
Thats gotta come from with in. I think you’re seeing that from a big portion of the black community. Unfortunately there’s still a big portion from with in the black community that’s fighting that other part of the black community. As a white guy, we want to do what ever we can can to do our part but at the end of the day we’re just on the out side looking in and we’ll never know what it’s like to be black and we can’t be black or do anything to physically make change from with in. On one hand i don’t want to be called a racist for acting like black ppl need help from the white man but on the other hand I don’t want to do nothing because imo that’s even worse. My only play is to treat all gods children the same and hope that even if you’re black you’ll do the same towards me and other white people. This is clearly a touchy subject but we can’t move forward in the human race if we can’t have these discussions. I thank god for forums like this and subjects like college football that allow us to talk about things like this that we wouldn’t other wise.

Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to take the stance of the good book and just except that we’re literally all sinners trying to do the best we can and just pray for us all. Trust me when I say, none of us are innocent in these conversations but take peace in knowing that we are trying and winning as a whole.

these topics have all to do with political disagreements and little if anything to do with hate. That in of it’s self is progress. These topics alone are progress. Shut them down due to pc nature and we go backwards and further apart divided.
There is racial divide in this country since it's birth and always will be so walking around to avoid confrontation rather than doing what is right just isn't for me. I don't care. Divide is part of life and I am not interested in listening to self serving solutions. I am interested in doing the right things. Investing in education is no handout. That was earned through over 400 years of free labor so I don't know what you are talking about. A lot of white families benifited monetarily and that is generational are you complaining about their handout that was inherited. Nope! I don't care what you call it. Reoperations or whatever. I am concerned with doing what is right. Preaching about a hard days earned work 400 years of forcing others to do you work really means nothing to
Same shit- different day.
Why call it reparations. Why is that term problematic? Is it the people who have suffered the institutional racist actions responsibility to put lipstick on the pig?

I honestly don't have a final opinion on reparations. That article gives some very very interesting analytical threads to pull on.

What I don't get is why folks need to have their feelings massaged when facts don't care about feelings.

Either way, I'm hopeful some will read the article, doubtful but hopeful. Its just good information.
Why is it a fact that it needs to be called reparations. Why should people today be remunerated for what happened hundreds of years ago? I do not feel the least bit responsible for what happened hundreds of years ago. Reparations should be for survivor's of crimes against humanity. If anyone is still alive from those cruel times, I say open the checkbook and pay em. I think the the answer is ,for those who feel they should get money representing reparations should get off welfare and get a JOB instead.
Thats gotta come from with in. I think you’re seeing that from a big portion of the black community. Unfortunately there’s still a big portion from with in the black community that’s fighting that other part of the black community. As a white guy, we want to do what ever we can can to do our part but at the end of the day we’re just on the out side looking in and we’ll never know what it’s like to be black and we can’t be black or do anything to physically make change from with in. On one hand i don’t want to be called a racist for acting like black ppl need help from the white man but on the other hand I don’t want to do nothing because imo that’s even worse. My only play is to treat all gods children the same and hope that even if you’re black you’ll do the same towards me and other white people. This is clearly a touchy subject but we can’t move forward in the human race if we can’t have these discussions. I thank god for forums like this and subjects like college football that allow us to talk about things like this that we wouldn’t other wise.

Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to take the stance of the good book and just except that we’re literally all sinners trying to do the best we can and just pray for us all. Trust me when I say, none of us are innocent in these conversations but take peace in knowing that we are trying and winning as a whole.

these topics have all to do with political disagreements and little if anything to do with hate. That in of it’s self is progress. These topics alone are progress. Shut them down due to pc nature and we go backwards and further apart divided.

I appreciate you stating your thoughts. We fundamentally disagree on a great deal, especially the conclusion. I'll caution this, calling things PC as a derivisive term is dismissive of an issue integral to the discussions. Lots of scholarly study, journalist thought and just plain old non-fiction writing that could add layers of perspective. May I suggest Baldwin and Coates as as primer. The Fire Next Time by Baldwin, I Am Not Your Negro are both fantastic. 18 is also amazing. its good to read points of view spoken by those who live in those points of view that challenge your own perspective. That's how growth is best had, an exchange of ideology.

An apolitical book that is amazing is The Warmth of Other Suns, its chronicles the Great Migration.

Another book that is pure journalism and amazing is Buried in Bitter Waters. DM me and I'll send you copies of the last two if your willing to read.
Why is it a fact that it needs to be called reparations. Why should people today be remunerated for what happened hundreds of years ago? I do not feel the least bit responsible for what happened hundreds of years ago. Reparations should be for survivor's of crimes against humanity. If anyone is still alive from those cruel times, I say open the checkbook and pay em. I think the the answer is ,for those who feel they should get money representing reparations should get off welfare and get a JOB instead.

So, the offspring of crimes against humanity are not affected? gtfooh....and please take your outdated self indulgent ideals with you. Obviously we are talking about generational damage that was existing as recently as Jim Crowe. You just feel responsible. Nobody said you were responsible for anything. This is just America facing its demons.
So, the offspring of crimes against humanity are not affected? gtfooh....and please take your outdated self indulgent ideals with you. Obviously we are talking about generational damage that was existing as recently as Jim Crowe. You just feel responsible. Nobody said you were responsible for anything. This is just America facing its demons.
I wouldn't have participated in any damage, I don't feel responsible now.

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