Republicans Go After 1st Amendment next...


Aug 14, 2007
As this party officially hates America with a variety of anti protest laws. Some that don't even allow you to collect unemployment or get student loans. It's shameful what the hyenas of this party will do to prime thier xenophobic ideals. Sad.
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As this party officially hates America with a variety of anti protest laws. Some that don't even allow you to collect unemployment or get student loans. It's shameful what the hyenas of this party will do to prime thier xenophobic ideals. Sad.
Since when did looting and rioting = peaceful protests ? You really need to read the Constitution.

Funny coming from someone trying to shut other views down. Gotta love the lack of self awareness, bigot.
First Amendment

an amendment to the US Constitution that prohibits any law limiting freedom with respect to religion, expression, peaceful assembly, or the right of citizens to petition the government.
First Amendment

an amendment to the US Constitution that prohibits any law limiting freedom with respect to religion, expression, peaceful assembly, or the right of citizens to petition the government.
Words may not be your thing, but check these words out:

peaceful assembly

In which dictionary is throwing a Molotov cocktail through a window of a store and stealing goods from a store as it burns down a peaceful assembly? Which dictionary says breaking into a state or US Capitol and stealing shit is peaceful assembly?

Get back to us with your homework assignment complete.
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First Amendment

an amendment to the US Constitution that prohibits any law limiting freedom with respect to religion, expression, peaceful assembly, or the right of citizens to petition the government.
CD, I think Republicans are annoyed with how the Democrats have used the first amendment. I don't know when the Republicans will play dirty like the Democrats but it is obvious that, to this point in time, the Democrats have been more adept at using and distorting the first amendment for their end game. Big social media private companies that aligned themselves with the Democratic party is a powerful weapon to limit and distort any news that would be favorable to Republicans . Republicans didn't see the level of influence that big tech had on the masses.
CD, I think Republicans are annoyed with how the Democrats have used the first amendment. I don't know when the Republicans will play dirty like the Democrats but it is obvious that, to this point in time, the Democrats have been more adept at using and distorting the first amendment for their end game. Big social media private companies that aligned themselves with the Democratic party is a powerful weapon to limit and distort any news that would be favorable to Republicans . Republicans didn't see the level of influence that big tech had on the masses.
Serious question. Doesn't this type of thing ever get old for you guys? I mean your disregard for responsibility or accountability? For example when Trump goes on social media you are much more comfortable blaming who owns or runs social media companies than those that promote the falsehoods like Trump to stop the steal. That's not on the social media companies. We are accountable for our own actions. Over 60 judges debunked this yet you blame the social media companies because they won't allow this? It's sad and you would think it would get old.
Serious question. Doesn't this type of thing ever get old for you guys? I mean your disregard for responsibility or accountability? For example when Trump goes on social media you are much more comfortable blaming who owns or runs social media companies than those that promote the falsehoods like Trump to stop the steal. That's not on the social media companies. We are accountable for our own actions. Over 60 judges debunked this yet you blame the social media companies because they won't allow this? It's sad and you would think it would get old.
It is proven by watching all the news channels. Some news is more prominent on some channel's versus other channels. As an example, Hunter Biden's issues do not even get mentioned on MSNBC or CNN. Fox , of course, will bring it up. A better example is the sequestering of news on the border crisis. We have to rely on watching every channel to form an opinion.
It is proven by watching all the news channels. Some news is more prominent on some channel's versus other channels. As an example, Hunter Biden's issues do not even get mentioned on MSNBC or CNN. Fox , of course, will bring it up. A better example is the sequestering of news on the border crisis. We have to rely on watching every channel to form an opinion.
No we don't. Not at any point in my comment did I even mention a news channel. I am talking about 60 judges from both parties appointments. That's how t formed my opinion. You are searching out news channels that agree with you. If you don't find a channel reporting things you want like Hunter Biden news you believe it's news channels. Hunter Biden is not president not did he run. What does that have to do with stop the steal? What steal? Social media isn't going to allow you to say anything you want that is proven false. That's not on THEM! ACCOUNTABILITY! It's currently missing in your party and you are all for it if you have no explanation beyond "what about Hunter"?
I don't think you would ever understand. The first amendment was used to hide facts, lie, and be controlled by social media. You have to give it to the Democrats for manipulating truths that their big tech and social media buddies controlled. As soon as the Republicans realize that you cannot play fair, the quicker the Democrats ,big tech and social media will be forced to do the right thing for the people.
The Republicans led by the most corrupt President in our country’s history wants to pack the Constitution with as many racist and Xenophobic Amendments and laws as they can..
Notice how CD gets exposed when facts are provided, and then he runs away. The media has brainwashed sheep into thinking “peaceful” means burning buildings down and stealing shit. Baaaaaaah little sheep.
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The Republicans led by the most corrupt President in our country’s history wants to pack the Constitution with as many racist and Xenophobic Amendments and laws as they can..
I seldom visit the lounge or post here but this is one of the least informed comment of the decade. You might consider brushing up on Constitutional interpretation.
The Republicans led by the most corrupt President in our country’s history wants to pack the Constitution with as many racist and Xenophobic Amendments and laws as they can..
Some of this is very troubling. It's going create a serious problem. We simply can not allow these racist xenophobic haters of American democracy to succeed.

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