Rudy Giuliani and menthol cigarettes

Rudy is going to jail.
Hahaha, I’ll take ur money , 1-Large lets go tough guy. Put ur money where ur mouth is....

Bro ur not to bright, you think Rudy being one of the top AG in this country at one time would be stupid enough to leave evidence where the Feds can get at it..

No wonder u voted for Biden...🤡🤡🤡🤡
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Everyone is going to jail ... Trump , Rudy , Trump Jr. 🤡🤡🤡🤡👍👍
Biden in office 100 days and he is raiding offices of political opponents. There ARE American's in jail as political prisoners. Third world banana republic dictators gonna do what they do. Biden is trying to take Raul Castro's title as grand formage of North America.
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Who gives a shit if people smoke menthol cigarettes or not. Everyone with a half a brain knows the dangers by now. If people want to smoke cigarettes then they are signing their own death warrant. Same goes for people that do hard drugs. Let's try to save those people that need saving!
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