Yeah, this election has been over. These next 4 years will be hard to tolerate but some good will come from it. The democratic party has turned into a cesspool of socialists and anti American thought. They are emboldened so this will be be on full display for all to see. They will sell out American with their hate American first policies, and constant anti American rhetoric. the races in the house have already shown people dont subscribe to that thought. 4 years of that rammed down our throat and we wont have to worry about the libs for years to come.
That’s some powerful thought and accusation, Mungo.
Here‘s an alternative take from a Moderate Dem (I voted for Bloomberg in my state’s primary):
* the left wing of the Dem Party (Squad, Bernie, and friends) were thoroughly defeated in this election. There was no Blue Wave. Moderation prevailed. Biden won but House seats were lost and the Senate remains with Republicans.
* Biden was not a great candidate. But the Dems bumbled into the nomination of the one guy who might beat Trump. Joe plays it down the middle and engendered none of the hatred that Hillary did. Bernie, et al would have been thoroughly whipped by Trump
* Trump became only the third incumbent to lose in the last 90 years. Why? Three items for me:
1. His rhetoric over the last 4 years is one of hatred and divisiveness against all of his perceived enemies, eg immigrants, racial minorities, women, etc. These attacks, together with his nauseating narciscism and persistent lies, turned off huge swaths of people, eg collegege educated, women and suburbanites.
2. His handling of the pandemic was abysmal. Rather than lead a nationwide rally to fight COVID, he denied its seriousness, recommended quack remedies and outsourced responsibility to governors and mayors. No other country did this. Disgraceful.
3. His campaign was an unfocused joke. He needed to pound home on his skills to bring back the economy and retain law and order. Instead, he was all over the place, playing the outsider, the victim. This worked in 2016. But he is the President not the outsider. He never figured out the difference.
Biden won as a reassuring moderate, not as a socialist. Trump lost as a guy seen as a chump by 80 million people. I’m hoping Biden can lower the national temperature, defeat COVID and help us to a healthy economy. That’s not a radical agenda. You’ll be ok!