Senate passes 1.9 trillion in mostly PORK


Gold Member
Jun 2, 2007
Along party lines 50-49 . Senator from Arkansas was dealing with a family emergency. This is not how it’s done. In the house 218-212 with 2 Democrats voting with all the Republicans. Before any of you lefties start comparing and contrasting let me remind you that Trump had members of his administration directly negotiating with Pelosi and so did Republican Senators.
So, you don't care that Biden was directly negotiating with congress (HIMSELF) but this is where the votes ended....but when we had similar vote counts under trump when his administration was negotiating that administration should get some kind of credit? GTFOOH! Miss us please.

So, you don't care that Biden was directly negotiating with congress (HIMSELF) but this is where the votes ended....but when we had similar vote counts under trump when his administration was negotiating that administration should get some kind of credit? GTFOOH! Miss us please.

That wasn’t negotiating that was a photo op. He didn’t do one thing they asked
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That wasn’t negotiating that was a photo op. He didn’t do one thing they asked
But Trump doesn't do photo ops when he negotiates and they end up with the same vote count. He was really negotiating huh? Again....Miss me with this nonsense. Trump was the photo op king with his upside down
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So, you don't care that Biden was directly negotiating with congress (HIMSELF) but this is where the votes ended....but when we had similar vote counts under trump when his administration was negotiating that administration should get some kind of credit? GTFOOH! Miss us please.

And this was an infrastructure conversation not covid relief . Good effort but D grade
But Trump doesn't do photo ops when he negotiates and they end up with the same vote count. He was really negotiating huh? Again....Miss me with this nonsense. Trump was the photo op king with his upside down
Every bill done prior to this was heavily negotiated. All covid bills were strenuously debated until this one
Every bill done prior to this was heavily negotiated. All covid bills were strenuously debated until this one

First of all no it wasn't. This is bullshit. If it were heavily negotiated you wouldnt see party line vote that we have seen for years now. Stop trying to put a Tuxedo and the partisan Bull that republicans did. They did what they wanted to do. There were no hard negotiations and in fact they were doing all they could to ram anything they could through. Honeyiv used to laugh about it here. Not so funny now huh?
First of all no it wasn't. This is bullshit. If it were heavily negotiated you wouldnt see party line vote that we have seen for years now. Stop trying to put a Tuxedo and the partisan Bull that republicans did. They did what they wanted to do. There were no hard negotiations and in fact they were doing all they could to ram anything they could through. Honeyiv used to laugh about it here. Not so funny now huh?
Here is the 900 Billion stimulus package under Trump. The VOTE was 92-6 in the Senate and 359-53 in the House. That is Bipartisan you fool.

Here is the 900 Billion stimulus package under Trump. The VOTE was 92-6 in the Senate and 359-53 in the House. That is Bipartisan you fool.

Listen You can jump up and down and call people a fool all you want. A 92-6 vote is indicative of the timing..... to think and different, that is would be the problem. It was the fist stimulus package for a worldwide pandemic. Stop crying over votes. The people voted who they want and this is why. This isn't 900 Billion dollars. This bill is over twice that size.
Along party lines 50-49 . Senator from Arkansas was dealing with a family emergency. This is not how it’s done. In the house 218-212 with 2 Democrats voting with all the Republicans. Before any of you lefties start comparing and contrasting let me remind you that Trump had members of his administration directly negotiating with Pelosi and so did Republican Senators.

So are you upset with Biden more or Trump?This could've been avoided had Trump had a single ounce of humility and listened to his advisors. He would've won the election handily. This package and subsequent bills to come can all be directly attributed to Trumps fu@k up. Enjoy the ride and place blame where it belongs.
So are you upset with Biden more or Trump?This could've been avoided had Trump had a single ounce of humility and listened to his advisors. He would've won the election handily. This package and subsequent bills to come can all be directly attributed to Trumps fu@k up. Enjoy the ride and place blame where it belongs.
Upset with Trump? He's gone man. It's now your boy's turn. Lets see; 51 Executive orders in under 2 months, a disaster at the border, kids coming here unaccompanied with no place to put them so they are back in the "cages" that Obama built, gas prices up .50 per gallon since January, a 1.9 TRILLION stimulus package rammed thru by 1 party with ZERO negotiation with the other party while we still have nearly 1 trillion remaining from prior bills, ZERO press conferences from your boy, reading a card to remember the number 500,000 dead from Covid, bombed Syria, flew B52's over the Middle East this weekend. Dude you better get over Trump real F'ing quick and go to your mailbox to get your $1400.
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Listen You can jump up and down and call people a fool all you want. A 92-6 vote is indicative of the timing..... to think and different, that is would be the problem. It was the fist stimulus package for a worldwide pandemic. Stop crying over votes. The people voted who they want and this is why. This isn't 900 Billion dollars. This bill is over twice that size.
It's indicative of working together fool
It's indicative of working together fool


You sound pretty foolish...working together? You continually start all these divisive childish threads in some lame attempt of false equivalence every single time Biden and / or Dems accomplish anything. It's weak. It's lame. It's very transparent.

You didn't give a shit about working together or four years as the Rich got over 80 Percent of the tax cuts....and added trillions to our national debt they spent eight years complaining to Obama about. Where were your threads then?
So are you upset with Biden more or Trump?This could've been avoided had Trump had a single ounce of humility and listened to his advisors. He would've won the election handily. This package and subsequent bills to come can all be directly attributed to Trumps fu@k up. Enjoy the ride and place blame where it belongs.

From a member of the Red Team, you are correct, Republican's do need to look inward first. Biden regime is a train wreck. Biden gave working Americans peanuts while laviching big bucks on political donors. But yes, Trump got off message and McConnell is a corrupt joke. Mitch was worried about a few individual American's getting an small undue benefit. His stupidity cost the American Taxpayers $1.7B in Pork. And I am sure that his wife, Elaine Chao's interests received Million$ of the pork while he was worried about a few people getting an extra $1,400..
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From a member of the Red Team, you are correct, Republican's do need to look inward first. Biden regime is a train wreck. Biden gave working Americans peanuts while laviching big bucks on political donors. But yes, Trump got off message and McConnell is a corrupt joke. Mitch was worried about a few individual American's getting an small undue benefit. His stupidity cost the American Taxpayers $1.7B in Pork. And I am sure that his wife, Elaine Chao's interests received Million$ of the pork while he was worried about a few people getting an extra $1,400..
Doesn't seem like you know much about this bill. It's not about giving to classes of people. It's a stimulus package to help us keep our economy going. IT's for all Americans. Donors are Americans too. This false equivalence constantly being used by the right is out of control. This is nothing like Trumps plan.
I read that 825M can be directly or loosely tied to COVID recovery. The extra trillion is just government waste. It is kinda shocking. People "support" it because they want free money. I would bet a minuscule fraction of those people even know what's in the their support is irrelevant as to whether it's a good bill.
Upset with Trump? He's gone man. It's now your boy's turn. Lets see; 51 Executive orders in under 2 months, a disaster at the border, kids coming here unaccompanied with no place to put them so they are back in the "cages" that Obama built, gas prices up .50 per gallon since January, a 1.9 TRILLION stimulus package rammed thru by 1 party with ZERO negotiation with the other party while we still have nearly 1 trillion remaining from prior bills, ZERO press conferences from your boy, reading a card to remember the number 500,000 dead from Covid, bombed Syria, flew B52's over the Middle East this weekend. Dude you better get over Trump real F'ing quick and go to your mailbox to get your $1400.

You missed the point. Trump is the only reason he's not in office. He should've won but he blew it with his selfish bullsh!t
I read that 825M can be directly or loosely tied to COVID recovery. The extra trillion is just government waste. It is kinda shocking. People "support" it because they want free money. I would bet a minuscule fraction of those people even know what's in the their support is irrelevant as to whether it's a good bill.
Because those people either believe money grows on trees or there is something called free in life. Fools
From a member of the Red Team, you are correct, Republican's do need to look inward first. Biden regime is a train wreck. Biden gave working Americans peanuts while laviching big bucks on political donors. But yes, Trump got off message and McConnell is a corrupt joke. Mitch was worried about a few individual American's getting an small undue benefit. His stupidity cost the American Taxpayers $1.7B in Pork. And I am sure that his wife, Elaine Chao's interests received Million$ of the pork while he was worried about a few people getting an extra $1,400..

You got exactly what I was saying. You cant find one thread where I bashed Trump on policy! My issue was the rhetoric at times and the lack of leadership pertaining to covid. But anyone that remotely understands politics and paid attention to what happened should only blame Trump. The election was his to lose and he lost because he thought he was smarter and more knowledgeable than the team around him. And the infighting he's promoting will destroy the GOP. I understand the importance of a bipartisan government. But in order for it to truly work you need strong,clear headed leadership from both sides. I hate to sound like a broken record but I just dont see how the GOP survives Trump. You claim Mitch is weak(I disagree) I believe he understands the ramifications of following Trump. But yet if he's nominated again he has no choice. In my humble opinion the best thing for the GOP would be to ban Trump,get behind some younger leadership that gets it and fight back into relevancy. If they don't I'm willing to bet whoever whatever that the next 2 presidential elects will be Democrats and 2-3 red states will turn blue.
I read that 825M can be directly or loosely tied to COVID recovery. The extra trillion is just government waste. It is kinda shocking. People "support" it because they want free money. I would bet a minuscule fraction of those people even know what's in the their support is irrelevant as to whether it's a good bill.
It's all a you understand what that means? Because based on these comments I'm not sure you do. See... everything is directly or indirectly related to COVID.

The thing Biden and the Dems want to do is restore our economy where it is even better pre COVID for everyone. Not just wealthy people.

This is exactly why they are in office. That's what was missing....and will be fixed. Infrastructure is coming. Minimum wage is coming. Dems will get this stuff done or be replaced.
It's all a you understand what that means? Because based on these comments I'm not sure you do. See... everything is directly or indirectly related to COVID.

The thing Biden and the Dems want to do is restore our economy where it is even better pre COVID for everyone. Not just wealthy people.

This is exactly why they are in office. That's what was missing....and will be fixed. Infrastructure is coming. Minimum wage is coming. Dems will get this stuff done or be replaced.

Ignorant, partisan, shortsighted, small minded, and hypocritical statement. These libs could shit in your coffee and you would come on here and try to convince us it tastes good.
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Ignorant, partisan, shortsighted, small minded, and hypocritical statement. These libs could shit in your coffee and you would come on here and try to convince us it tastes good.
Sounds exactly like what you are doing. Which is why your party was told to pack thier shit and GTFOOH.
All this started when Obama won and Republicans cried.
Yeah..... pretty much. Obama because George Bush was another in a long line of dumpster fires they left for Dems to clean up. People learned thier lesson this time. Went out and voted instead of assuming nobody is stupid enough to vote for this POS.
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Funny these articles about the bill can never quite make it total the 1.9 trillion tag. They purposely leave the pork out so people can stay uninformed.

Funny these articles about the bill can never quite make it total the 1.9 trillion tag. They purposely leave the pork out so people can stay uninformed.
We're you concerned about pork when the rich got windfall tax cuts that cost America trillions in revenue?
I love the, it’s to stimulate the economy approach. Like why don’t we just give all the money to the people so they can spend it all over the country and stimulate the economy that way? You know why. This is such bull shit even democrats should be offended at their politicians thinking they’re stupid enough to believe this.
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I'm always concerned about government waste. Now, as always, my opinion doesn't really matter. This government has been out of control my entire lifetime and it's not stopping anytime soon. Still doesnt mean I shouldn't care.
Yet to me it seems you are only concerned about waste when Dems are in office. I never see these comments when there is waste or pork on the other side.
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Trump spent tons, no Republicans cared then?????
Nope! Free money....less tax obligation. Taking revenue from our coffers and increasing our national debt substantially. Not a peep because republicans think things are free for them. Things like access to working roads and bridges, clean water, edible food, good schools etc. They believe these are things that should be free to them and cost everyone else. So, they think they can use what our society affords them to thrive and then not give back to society. These people are takers. Then call everyone else takers.
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