SIAP: Sad news 7 yr old Ga boy dies

From Covid, No underlying conditions. Schools still need to open but anyone can catch this thing. You just Never know how it will affect people. So much for kids practically immune or whatever nonsense he said.

  1. 1.
    virtually; almost.
    "the place was practically empty"
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Sad how libs were just salivating and waiting for a kid to die so they could blame trump. Facts are facts. The mortality rate amongst the young is almost non existent. It's time we move forward. Kids needs to be in school. Sitting at home is more dangerous to there well being than COVID.
From Covid, No underlying conditions. Schools still need to open but anyone can catch this thing. You just Never know how it will affect people. So much for kids practically immune or whatever nonsense he said.
it's sad but read this. the basic flu pediatric deaths 2017-2018 then scroll further down and look at hospitilizations for same time period from the flu the 2017-2018,during the 2017-2018 season.
From Covid, No underlying conditions. Schools still need to open but anyone can catch this thing. You just Never know how it will affect people. So much for kids practically immune or whatever nonsense he said.
Sad for that young boys family, but it changes absolutely nothing. Swimming pools are about 10 times more deadly to kids under 15 than Covid. There are still less than 200 deaths from Covid in the 21 and under group that has a population of 90M, that is .00002% statistically speaking we can round that down to zero risk.
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Sad for that young boys family, but it changes absolutely nothing. Swimming pools are about 10 times more deadly to kids under 15 than Covid. There are still less than 200 deaths from Covid in the 21 and under group that has a population of 90M, that is .00002% statistically speaking we can round that down to zero risk.
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