Now that polls show overwhelming support for voter ID ,she has gone from 'Jim Crow on steroids" to " we've always been for voter ID." What a total fat fraud. Put a clown nose on her.
Will an honest media challenge her on her Fauci flip flop?Now that polls show overwhelming support for voter ID ,she has gone from 'Jim Crow on steroids" to " we've always been for voter ID." What a total fat fraud. Put a clown nose on her.
It "evolved" when fatso saw the latest poll where 80% are in favor of voter ID. Anyone who is not is just looking to steal elections. Why do you think Biden is letting all these ppl through the border?Absolutely not. WAPO said her position 'evolved"
That hog can sure put down the sausage & gravy ….Now that polls show overwhelming support for voter ID ,she has gone from 'Jim Crow on steroids" to " we've always been for voter ID." What a total fat fraud. Put a clown nose on her.
The guy who calls out for Bree Olsen in every thread call someone else juvenile!!! Bwahahaha !!!!!!! juvenile! The right still despises powerful women of color? Too bad. Be careful or you will be admonished for your insult...oh... wait. SMFH..
I'd vote tomorrow for Condoleezza Rice for Prez. But you wouldn't because it doesn't fit the narrative. They have to be LIBERAL women of color for you juvenile! The right still despises powerful women of color? Too bad. Be careful or you will be admonished for your insult...oh... wait. SMFH..
That’s good!Stacy Abrams pulled into gas station SW Georgia asked “ How do I get to 285 “? Attendant answered “ Diet and Exercise “
No. You are wrong as always. People who think for themselves, as opposed to regurgitating CNN talking points, have no use for sleazy liars like Abrams or the Biden family , regardless of race or gender . They are all equally juvenile! The right still despises powerful women of color? Too bad. Be careful or you will be admonished for your insult...oh... wait. SMFH..
What has she lied about? Because I thought you were a Trump supporter. I can give you a pretty long list of lies. You dont have a problem with him.No. You are wrong as always. People who think for themselves, as opposed to regurgitating CNN talking points, have no use for sleazy liars like Abrams or the Biden family , regardless of race or gender . They are all equally repulsive.
Well the Washington Post, of all sources, gave her 2 Pinocchios for lying about the Georgia voting law, but she did better than Biden. They gave him 4.What has she lied about? Because I thought you were a Trump supporter. I can give you a pretty long list of lies. You dont have a problem with him.
Powerful women of the late night dinner all u can eat… juvenile! The right still despises powerful women of color? Too bad. Be careful or you will be admonished for your insult...oh... wait. SMFH..