Brian Fremeau of tracked all offensive non-garbage possessions from 2007 to 2014 and created the points per possession by starting field position stat, or PPD. Some highlights.
Own 1- 1.1ppd / .141%TD
Own 25 - 1.82ppd/ .229%TD
Own 35 - 2.13ppd/ .267%TD
50 - 2.76ppd/ .339%TD
Opp 35 - 3.71ppd/ .445%TD
Opp 25 - 4.00ppd/ .468%TD
Opp 10 - 4.83ppd/ .560%TD
Opp 1 - 6.51ppd/ .915%TD
This very clearly highlights the importance of special teams play.
Own 1- 1.1ppd / .141%TD
Own 25 - 1.82ppd/ .229%TD
Own 35 - 2.13ppd/ .267%TD
50 - 2.76ppd/ .339%TD
Opp 35 - 3.71ppd/ .445%TD
Opp 25 - 4.00ppd/ .468%TD
Opp 10 - 4.83ppd/ .560%TD
Opp 1 - 6.51ppd/ .915%TD
This very clearly highlights the importance of special teams play.