Ted Wheeler one of the worst Mayors in America

Great move. He runs a sovereign city. It is not a situation for federal troops. The funny thing is the people that claim to be republicans and conservatives that want federal government to allow the states to run things are the first ones here cucked out for Trump when he pisses on our constitution. Right?
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Great move. He runs a sovereign city. It is not a situation for federal troops. The funny thing is the people that claim to be republicans and conservatives that want federal government to allow the states to run things are the first ones here cucked out for Trump when he pisses on our constitution. Right?

Great move? No!!!

Nothing right about rioting, destruction, and lawlessness.

It's not ok to shoot and kill someone because they have a different opinion or political view. That is fascism at it's best!

Without law and order, you don't have a society.

If the Mayor, who happens to be also, the police commissioner can't provide the safety of its citizens, he needs to be removed.
Great move? No!!!

Nothing right about rioting, destruction, and lawlessness.

It's not ok to shoot and kill someone because they have a different opinion or political view. That is fascism at it's best!

Without law and order, you don't have a society.

If the Mayor, who happens to be also, the police commissioner can't provide the safety of its citizens, he needs to be removed.
It's our constitution to allow our US States and Cities to handle this. You only quote the constitution when it is convenient to you right? You don't even understand it.
Great move. He runs a sovereign city. It is not a situation for federal troops. The funny thing is the people that claim to be republicans and conservatives that want federal government to allow the states to run things are the first ones here cucked out for Trump when he pisses on our constitution. Right?

Your an idiot..!!!
It's our constitution to allow our US States and Cities to handle this. You only quote the constitution when it is convenient to you right? You don't even understand it.

The Insurrection Act of 1807 says your a dumbass. I would love the states to handle this and prefer them do so but through incompetence and dereliction of duty they have failed to do so. At this point the feds have every right and should have squashed this by now.

He couldn't care less about honest innocent families, children living in this city, businesses in Portland getting destroyed. Piece of total liberal garbage...............

People in cities like Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, Chicago and New York among others are moving out in droves to cities in red states where they will feel a lot safer.
People in cities like Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, Chicago and New York among others are moving out in droves to cities in red states where they will feel a lot safer.
To your point, I have a good friend in Sandpoint Idaho who tells me property values/prices are shooting through the roof as folks from the Left Coast are fleeing in droves.
Are you still blaming Trump for the rioting in Portland, or did you decide to stop parroting China Joe.
I never did blame Trump for rioting. Please show me one post blaming him. I didn't think so. He does deserve the blame for the response. You don't send unmarked troops and tanks into our sovergn territories. Everyone knows that...or should. Read your constitution.
I never did blame Trump for rioting. Please show me one post blaming him. I didn't think so. He does deserve the blame for the response. You don't send unmarked troops and tanks into our sovergn territories. Everyone knows that...or should. Read your constitution.

They had tanks when they wrote the Constitution ? I’m from Philly and I’ve never heard this before.
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He’s on TV now blaming Trump for riots. I don’t think he’s delusional this is what this guy wants.
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The Insurrection Act of 1807 says your a dumbass. I would love the states to handle this and prefer them do so but through incompetence and dereliction of duty they have failed to do so. At this point the feds have every right and should have squashed this by now.
First of all it is "You are" a dumbass or "You're" a dumbass is acceptable. Remember, when calling people a dumbass at least be grammatically correct. Second of all, peaceful protest with outsiders serving as agitators on the other side do not rise to the level necessarily deemed as civil unrest. That is not the spirit of the act. You might want a better understanding of your constitution.
First of all it is "You are" a dumbass or "You're" a dumbass is acceptable. Remember, when calling people a dumbass at least be grammatically correct. Second of all, peaceful protest with outsiders serving as agitators on the other side do not rise to the level necessarily deemed as civil unrest. That is not the spirit of the act. You might want a better understanding of your constitution.
Thanks for the grammar lesson douche....that's when you know people got nothing to say in response. Thanks for letting me know you are beat.

Nothing about any of these riots have been peaceful
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Great move. He runs a sovereign city. It is not a situation for federal troops. The funny thing is the people that claim to be republicans and conservatives that want federal government to allow the states to run things are the first ones here cucked out for Trump when he pisses on our constitution. Right?
No we just want to restore calm for the INNOCENT people caught up in the mayhem. Perhaps you would feel differently if you lived there or had a small business there? Just guessing of course.
I never did blame Trump for rioting. Please show me one post blaming him. I didn't think so. He does deserve the blame for the response. You don't send unmarked troops and tanks into our sovergn territories. Everyone knows that...or should. Read your constitution.
You said- we have rioting in the streets. This is Trumps America.It sure sounds like you are blaming him. By the way the Homeland Security agents wore uniforms but not name tags for obvious reasons. Try do doing some basic research before bloviating mindlessly.
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You said- we have rioting in the streets. This is Trumps America.It sure sounds like you are blaming him. By the way the Homeland Security agents wore uniforms but not name tags for obvious reasons. Try do doing some basic research before bloviating mindlessly.
And they have every right to protect Federal property
You said- we have rioting in the streets. This is Trumps America.It sure sounds like you are blaming him. By the way the Homeland Security agents wore uniforms but not name tags for obvious reasons. Try do doing some basic research before bloviating mindlessly.

I know what I said. We do have people rioting in the streets do we not? and he is the president so he has to provide a solution.....does he not. He asked to be president. That's the job no? This is the United States of America. We don't send anyone in without a clear identification.
Great move. He runs a sovereign city. It is not a situation for federal troops. The funny thing is the people that claim to be republicans and conservatives that want federal government to allow the states to run things are the first ones here cucked out for Trump when he pisses on our constitution. Right?

CD get your girlfriend a twinkie and calm her down.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">“I am not sad that a f—ing fascist died tonight,” says a woman at the antifa gathering in downtown Portland. The crowd laughs and cheers. The ID of the deceased is not confirmed but he is believed to be a Trump &amp; blue lives supporter. <a href=";ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#PortlandRiots</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) <a href="">August 30, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
I never did blame Trump for rioting. Please show me one post blaming him. I didn't think so. He does deserve the blame for the response. You don't send unmarked troops and tanks into our sovergn territories. Everyone knows that...or should. Read your constitution.
First learn how to spell sovereign and then if he does not send troops how does it end, he should of gone in their rambo style and tear gas the hell out of them and locked them up for life.
First learn how to spell sovereign and then if he does not send troops how does it end, he should of gone in their rambo style and tear gas the hell out of them and locked them up for life.
I do know how to spell sovereign. Obviously it is a spell check error since it is spelled correctly in literally every other post so .......... Secondly, this is the United States of America. We don't solve our problems like some countries.
I know what I said. We do have people rioting in the streets do we not? and he is the president so he has to provide a solution.....does he not. He asked to be president. That's the job no? This is the United States of America. We don't send anyone in without a clear identification.
It's pretty obvious why they didn't want name tags on the agents- not that hard to figure out. They were wearing uniforms in contradistinction to your claim but ignore that. How can he prove a solution when Wheeler says -we don't want your help.
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Great move. He runs a sovereign city. It is not a situation for federal troops. The funny thing is the people that claim to be republicans and conservatives that want federal government to allow the states to run things are the first ones here cucked out for Trump when he pisses on our constitution. Right?
CD WRONG once again on the wrong side of every issue

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