That provides Florida a goal to shoot for.Because they already lead the nation in gun deaths and now they want zero restrictions. Lock and load amigo!
That provides Florida a goal to shoot for.Because they already lead the nation in gun deaths and now they want zero restrictions. Lock and load amigo!
As you said, we’ll have to agree to disagree. When you bounced the discussion to the second and third trimesters, I responded in detail. Your image of a doctor puncturing skulls = fear mongering at its best.
2nd and 3rd trimester decisions are truly difficult. What is clear to me, however, is that I don’t want state legislators making those medical decisions. They are politically driven rather than guided by the health of the mother and the fetus/baby pre and post delivery.
I previously answered you. See above.You’re bouncing from 3rd trimester, to 2nd, to 9 months with a sharp object in the brain to the morning after pill. In response:
Ok on first and second trimester as well as cases of rep, incest or danger to the mother. Shakier on third trimester and big no on sharp object to the brain in Month 9 (never heard of that one). Ok with morning after pill.
I tried to start a rational discussion on the Texas legislation. Namely,
*6 week deadline is absurd as you mentioned. Many women don’t know that they’re even pregnant at that point.
*no exception for rape or incest. Criminal. Sounds like a Taliban rule.
*private civil lawsuits with $ penalties against those who aid abortions? Crazy. Would create an vigilante industry for anti abortion zealots and Abortion ambulance chasers.