Raoul humility man,,,,, you are sitting here telling people what they should and shouldn't do, and on top of it, are judging and shaming in the process and the wackest part of it all is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you don't know or understand what you're talking about.
No one, atleast that I have heard and/or read, has said NO DO NOT Take The Vaccine (if you had a shred of integrity you would offer up what Kamal, Biden, and others said about taking the Vacc, while Trump was President ). What I know that's been said is Take it or Don't IF YOU WANT TO. All these Hysterical Demands EVERYONE Must/Has to/ World in Peril b/c You didn't get your Shot is FRAUD. You talk of Science, then IGNOR IT. SHOW Me Where a DR Said MUST GET THE VACCINE. It has not and will NOT be said. Get the vaccine if not a high/ very high chance of,,,,, we may induce you into something that favors the goal, but not force. As more people get the Vaccine, as well as, more people get NATURAL IMMUNITY from over-coming the Covid infection we will get to HERD IMMUNITY. That is SCIENCE. Just DO What YOU think is RIGHT for YOURSELF, its not your job nor right to tell anyone else how to live theirs. If you ARE Vaccinated Awesome (I am as well) We have NO Need to worry what Another can or will do.
* on a Side Note: There seems to be a PROBLEM with the Covid (pcr) TEST. It states there is a problem with the pcr test from the beginning to this day where all results are suspect. That's the CDC release.
If any Dr would like to expand and share I would be grateful.
My problem with this admission is that when it comes to TESTING not having the right mix of Specificity and Sensitivity will lead to high False Positives, high False Negatives, or both. Basically ALL the COVID Counts (its a CDC test run in USA E-room/hosp as well as Dr offices) are/were WRONG.
I would expect Transparency in this, and the numbers, because to think a test was made to generate a statistic for anything other than a Medical purpose is beyond twilight zone.