Don't need to be a geologist to research the subject. If you think it's not credible then find your own sources. There are many available. You won't because you know you're wrong. Typical Trumper denying reality. You're just another "Stop the Steal". Ahole!
LOL mikey what " source" did you site ??? You copy pasted something and played it off as if you wrote it ?
For a preview of what would occur, look next door to Prudhoe Bay. Some 1,700 acres now flooded because roads and pipelines prevent water from running off to the sea. Grave and debris litter hundreds of acres and more are scarred by off-road tracks. All this affects how snow drifts in the winter and pools during melt each summer-which then influence plant and animal life. Most worrying impact of development is permafrost thaw, which causes the land to change into what's called thermokarst It grows uneven and warped and riddled with tunnels as subsurface ice melts. At Prudhoe Bay, at least 900 acres of thermokarst have developed since drilling began. The Arctic Refuge's coastal plain is already short on space, much narrower than Prudhoe Bay, so has less area where animals can spresd out. Birds congregate around surface ponds, which are only able to hold water because of permafrost. The lesson from Prudhoe is clear: Even the most judicious attempts to drill for oil without disturbing the landscape are not sufficient. Drilling requires intensive infrastructure and wherever there's infrastructure, wildlife will be disturbed and landscape will forever be damaged.
No wonder your a Biden Loyalist ROFLMAO 🤣 😂 Plagiarism at it's finest 🤡