Anyone ? Are you on Crack ? Show me where it HAS been proven our WHOLE history, Historic Figures, Children, Brothers , sisters and friends are a Racist ? Not some EMO I feel it is, so its true childish brat reasoning. I would ask you if you were, but unfortunately
Definition of racism
: a belief that
race is a fundamental
determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
you believe your superior and look down on the whole white race as corrupt and impure, its no effort for you to believe the USA is racist, it seems. Even their friends, husbands, and wife's tokens ? I would hate to work or of worked alongside you, if I were white. Did you call any of them friends ?
Your idiotic irresponsible statement
means exactly what I wrote. Maybe you in your life harbor and see only racism and hate, but that's you.
In my time at our Great U I saw none of it. Going to high school in Georgia the deep South in the 80's everyone looked down upon it, the few times I saw 5-6 disheveled drunks marching down a street, or infront of my own school, everyone looked down upon it, booo'ed it, used it as a teaching moment. Where is the Institutional racism there ? You should Stop painting everyone with the same stroke. Try and practice what you preach.
Oh and Raoul,,,,,, What happened with YOUR LINE IN THE SAND ? Why haven't you answered ? Are you running ? 13 Dead over 30 injured