This guy

Watching this right now is pissing me off. He has been talking about voter fraud for months because he was losing. He hasn’t offered one shred of proof. Wtf is wrong with our president? It’s embarrassing, he is subdued in his remarks because he knows he is full of Shit.
Watching this right now is pissing me off. He has been talking about voter fraud for months because he was losing. He hasn’t offered one shred of proof. Wtf is wrong with our president? It’s embarrassing, he is subdued in his remarks because he knows he is full of Shit.

All of this.
He will die of humiliation when this is all over. Anyone that supports Him is a idiot. I understand repping your party but he is a stupid jacka$$ and doesn't care about this country. Glad he's choking on that humble pie.
He's basically saying to the world this country is corrupt. He's speaking defamatory about all of America. There's no red or blue states just America. Fu@k this divisive POS. He switches from saying Georgia needa to stop counting and turns around and applauds Arizona for keeping counting. But i thank him for exposing all these idiots.

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