Trigger Warning: Players Triggered after being Booed for Kneeling Before Game

Players still tone deaf at the timing of their kneel at a time honoring veterans, but are now triggered at the response by paying fans..

The gall of those fans, putting their country a head of entitled idiots full of ignorance. Don’t those fans know that moment was all about them? They ruined their social warrior moment.
The gall of those fans, putting their country a head of entitled idiots full of ignorance. Don’t those fans know that moment was all about them? They ruined their social warrior moment.
Very true. Can’t wait until their salaries are significantly reduced after pissing off their fans, and they come back begging. Athlete privilege strikes again!
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He's pissed off that he can't make a political statement in front of paying customers in his workplace. How disrespectful of the fans. I honestly can't wait until this type of sh#t drives revenue down to the point where owners will have no choice but to put a stop to all of this. There are plenty of other ways for athletes to advance their views, but it shouldn't be done in the workplace, stadium, arena, etc. Try this sh#t at your job in front of your boss and in front of his customers and see how it goes. Athletes should be no different. Keep politics out of sports.
I really dont understand how these owners cant just say hey lets all kneel together with our arms raised, then lets stand and respect our country that enables us to be here. That would end it and keep fans in place. I guess they think BLM will come to there games and fill the void they are gonna get.

If that happens, CRIME at games will go UP.
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