Trump continues to defer to Putin


Gold Member
Sep 14, 2004
Multiple media outlets have this week reported recent and widespread Russian hacking of US Government agencies. Here’s the report from Reuters.

Yet, the Trump administration refuses to acknowledge, criticize or even mention this outrageous behavior by Russia.

I just don’t get it why Trump supporters continue to give him a pass on this deference to Putin. If this happened during Obama’s watch, Barack would have been labeled as a “Communist collaborator.”

Please jump in with your POV!

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He doesn't care about Russia hacking into our government because he needs to remain on friends terms with Putin after he gets escorted out of the WH in Jan.

Putin will get his response to his attacks on our system once Biden is in office.
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My OP was not intended as an anti Trump flame. I am an anti Trumper, no doubt. But....

I’m seriously puzzled as to why Trumpers don’t criticize DJT for his quiet, deferential approach to Russia and Putin. I don’t get it.

6882, Allied, Majus12, KRV, Ed, El, et al:

Lemme know your perspective and thoughts.

Multiple media outlets have this week reported recent and widespread Russian hacking of US Government agencies. Here’s the report from Reuters.

Yet, the Trump administration refuses to acknowledge, criticize or even mention this outrageous behavior by Russia.

I just don’t get it why Trump supporters continue to give him a pass on this deference to Putin. If this happened during Obama’s watch, Barack would have been labeled as a “Communist collaborator.”

Please jump in with your POV!

I believe Russia has a no extradition policy LOL
Russia Russia Russia!!! Lol. You fools love you some Hoax. I will give you that. The Fake news media is pulling your every string like a Ventriloquist with his dummy
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C’mom Ed. You can do better than that.

I believe the Mueller report.

* did Russia interfere in the 2016 election? Yes.

* did Trump campaign conspire with Russia? No.

This I believe.

Given this, why does Trump defer to Russia? Please explain.
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C’mom Ed. You can do better than that.

I believe the Mueller report.

* did Russia interfere in the 2016 election? Yes.

* did Trump campaign conspire with Russia? No.

This I believe.

Given this, why does Trump defer to Russia? Please explain.

Hillary Clinton the DNC FBI DOJ CIA entire Obama administration interfered in our election. John Durham adding prosecutors to his team recently has a lot of the Clinton Obama Biden teams squirming. They are a much bigger threat to our country than Putin. Trump handled Russia great. We armed the Ukraine we ended the nuclear treaty with them which Russia never followed anyways. Putin is licking his chops at the prospect of Biden Harris. He will own them just like He did Obama. He totally made fools out of Obama Biden & Clinton with her big red reset button. Remember that nonsense. Putin is laughing his butt off that this scam of Biden Harris might come true. I still don’t think it will.
Love you Ed.

But, you are hallucinating about Trump and Putin. Why does Don defer? Scandalous.
Love you Ed.

But, you are hallucinating about Trump and Putin. Why does Don defer? Scandalous.

I don’t believe he defers in the way you are framing it. Also it has not been confirmed that it was in fact Russia. Not that I would trust most of our intelligence at the moment anyways although Ratcliff is solid. Remember that great intelligence community that got us into war with Iraq ?? WMDs? Let’s see how Sleepy Joe deals with Putin as he starts flying Nuclear Bombers over Alaska.. I’m sure he will tell Putin to knock it off and that will satisfy you all. Just like Obama right?? Thank you President Trump for not starting a war with Russia China N Korea or anyone. I don’t doubt for one minute if it was in Our best interest to call Putin out and hit them back with a cyber attack or other means Trump would hesitate. But Russia can inflict a lot of damage on us so sleepy joe better not pull some dumb shit and have us in a cyber war or worse with Russia. Don’t be stupid!! Peace is a good thing. We can hack them back and I’m sure they know this.
Maybe joe can send Hunter over to Russia to straighten out Putin?? I heard Hunter is pretty tight with the wife of the Moscow Mayor
One last thing their Mr Cortez. You do know former Obama sec of defense Gates said Joe Biden has been wrong on every Foreign affairs decision his whole 47years in the swamp. I’m very concerned, seriously, that we will be in some real trouble over the next 4 years with Biden at the helm. This guy is a disaster and the people he’s picking for his administration looks like a bunch of rejects from the Obama years.
Multiple media outlets have this week reported recent and widespread Russian hacking of US Government agencies. Here’s the report from Reuters.

Yet, the Trump administration refuses to acknowledge, criticize or even mention this outrageous behavior by Russia.

I just don’t get it why Trump supporters continue to give him a pass on this deference to Putin. If this happened during Obama’s watch, Barack would have been labeled as a “Communist collaborator.”

Please jump in with your POV!

On a side note we just got our first snow of the season about a foot and a half. I’m headed out boarding tomorrow with my girls. Going to teach my 4yo how to shred. Any snow out your way yet? What are you couple hours from Tahoe? Love Tahoe. Been out there a few times.
Love you Ed.

But, you are hallucinating about Trump and Putin. Why does Don defer? Scandalous.
😂😂😂😂 He’s a clown fanatic....loves his clown azz more than the Canes!! I wonder how many rallies has Ed been to?🧐 LMMFAO Maybe he traveled around the country to hear his great leader get on stage and freestyle a bunch of lies
Hillary Clinton the DNC FBI DOJ CIA entire Obama administration interfered in our election. John Durham adding prosecutors to his team recently has a lot of the Clinton Obama Biden teams squirming. They are a much bigger threat to our country than Putin. Trump handled Russia great. We armed the Ukraine we ended the nuclear treaty with them which Russia never followed anyways. Putin is licking his chops at the prospect of Biden Harris. He will own them just like He did Obama. He totally made fools out of Obama Biden & Clinton with her big red reset button. Remember that nonsense. Putin is laughing his butt off that this scam of Biden Harris might come true. I still don’t think it will.
This is your explanation why Trump defers to Russia? Trump is barely mentioned anywhere in this explanation. No, he does not handle Russia great. He cowtows to him and everyone can see it except yourself. You go off on some tangent about everyone else except Trump. Obama/Biden/Hillary sanctioned Russia to the tune of a trillion dollars and there is more where that came from.....but you are trying to dodge the main question.

Trump enables this guy. He takes out bounties on American soldiers. Trump says nothing. He interferes in our elections. Trump says nothing. Oh, my bad he got on the world stage and defended him. Said he believed him over our own like the bitch he is. We can't get rid of his ass soon enough.
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Multiple media outlets have this week reported recent and widespread Russian hacking of US Government agencies. Here’s the report from Reuters.

Yet, the Trump administration refuses to acknowledge, criticize or even mention this outrageous behavior by Russia.

I just don’t get it why Trump supporters continue to give him a pass on this deference to Putin. If this happened during Obama’s watch, Barack would have been labeled as a “Communist collaborator.”

Please jump in with your POV!


This is what the media continues to report Some weak ass story about Russia.
Maybe they should look into the Biden’s and China this is more of a national security problem..
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This is your explanation why Trump defers to Russia? Trump is barely mentioned anywhere in this explanation. No, he does not handle Russia great. He cowtows to him and everyone can see it except yourself. You go off on some tangent about everyone else except Trump. Obama/Biden/Hillary sanctioned Russia to the tune of a trillion dollars and there is more where that came from.....but you are trying to dodge the main question.

Trump enables this guy. He takes out bounties on American soldiers. Trump says nothing. He interferes in our elections. Trump says nothing. Oh, my bad he got on the world stage and defended him. Said he believed him over our own like the bitch he is. We can't get rid of his ass soon enough.
Yet Barry and Creepy Joe did nothing but send blankets when Russia invaded Ukraine. Those Obama/Biden/Hillary sanctions on Russia scared them so bad that they then proceeded to interfere with our 2016 elections. Why did Barry just sit back with his thumb up his ass while Russia was interfering with our elections under his watch? Putin must have laughed his ass off every time your effeminate hero spoke on the world stage. Red lines in the sand anyone?
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Multiple media outlets have this week reported recent and widespread Russian hacking of US Government agencies. Here’s the report from Reuters.

Yet, the Trump administration refuses to acknowledge, criticize or even mention this outrageous behavior by Russia.

I just don’t get it why Trump supporters continue to give him a pass on this deference to Putin. If this happened during Obama’s watch, Barack would have been labeled as a “Communist collaborator.”

Please jump in with your POV!

More distraction away from what’s actually happening in this country. More lies from the left with the bait & switch.

And by the way it allegedly did happen on Obama’s watch lol.

Why not address what has happened since Trump took office without engaging in Kremlin style whataboutism.
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Why not address what has happened since Trump took office without engaging in Kremlin style whatabioutism.
There’s no need to argue/go back & forth with CLOWN supporters—It’s useless!! LOL It’s not about party (it seems like he’s switched between DEM/GOP as many times as he’s been accused of sexual assault) they’re ALL IN with the CLOWN
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There’s no need to argue/go back & forth with CLOWN supporters—It’s useless!! LOL It’s not about party (it seems like he’s switched between DEM/GOP as many times as he’s been accused of sexual assault) they’re ALL IN with the CLOWN

The level of brainwashing is pretty sad though. Most of them have completely lost touch with objective reality and are reduced to parroting narratives being spoodfed to them by right wing media.
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I don’t believe he defers in the way you are framing it. Also it has not been confirmed that it was in fact Russia. Not that I would trust most of our intelligence at the moment anyways although Ratcliff is solid. Remember that great intelligence community that got us into war with Iraq ?? WMDs? Let’s see how Sleepy Joe deals with Putin as he starts flying Nuclear Bombers over Alaska.. I’m sure he will tell Putin to knock it off and that will satisfy you all. Just like Obama right?? Thank you President Trump for not starting a war with Russia China N Korea or anyone. I don’t doubt for one minute if it was in Our best interest to call Putin out and hit them back with a cyber attack or other means Trump would hesitate. But Russia can inflict a lot of damage on us so sleepy joe better not pull some dumb shit and have us in a cyber war or worse with Russia. Don’t be stupid!! Peace is a good thing. We can hack them back and I’m sure they know this.
They know we won’t under Trump and that is why they keep doing it.
My OP was not intended as an anti Trump flame. I am an anti Trumper, no doubt. But....

I’m seriously puzzled as to why Trumpers don’t criticize DJT for his quiet, deferential approach to Russia and Putin. I don’t get it.

6882, Allied, Majus12, KRV, Ed, El, et al:

Lemme know your perspective and thoughts.

“The cold war called and they want their policies back” sound familiar? No president has sanctioned russia as much as trump and you want us to go to war with the biggest nuclear power in the world because it’s not enough right now. News flash we’re still building up our military that was depleted for eight years under obama/biden due to it being the milenia and we “no longer need as many horses and bayonets too” while russia russia russua crossed red lines and your boys let them take over countries and they are your boys (obama, biden, hillary and cary) that you literally give the free pass to on everything on which make your op extremely ironic.

We’re fighting a silent war right now because we’re not in a position to fight it out right thanks to mr “i’ll have more flexibility after the election” and mrs clinton who’s brother is still currently one of the biggest stake holders in one of the biggest oil refineries in russia. What do you suggest he do that he hasn’t already done and don’t just assume that he didn’t do just because you didn’t hear about it on a liberal propaganda network.

I could just easily ask you why you gave biden/obama/hillary and cary the free pass when they were building them selves up to what they were when trump took office. Would their even be a russia russia russia if hillary had won? I sincerely doubt it. This premise that it didn’t happen under obama just because you didn’t hear about it in your echo chamber is total BS.

You asked I answered, I’m sure theirs a lot more being done behind the scenes than you know in edition to the sanctions. Say what you want about bush but he kept putin at bay and he did it by fighting dirty behind the scenes. Zero chance putin was going to cross a line until he was ready to do it now you’re blaiming Trump for not controlling putin enough after he built him self up during oboma biden cary hillary tenure. It’s total bs.
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Hillary Clinton the DNC FBI DOJ CIA entire Obama administration interfered in our election. John Durham adding prosecutors to his team recently has a lot of the Clinton Obama Biden teams squirming. They are a much bigger threat to our country than Putin. Trump handled Russia great. We armed the Ukraine we ended the nuclear treaty with them which Russia never followed anyways. Putin is licking his chops at the prospect of Biden Harris. He will own them just like He did Obama. He totally made fools out of Obama Biden & Clinton with her big red reset button. Remember that nonsense. Putin is laughing his butt off that this scam of Biden Harris might come true. I still don’t think it will.
Not one Trumper will step up to say:

* I love Trump and support him. He is imperfect.
* but, his deference to Putin is a disturbing mystery. Why won’t he confront and condemn the Russian dictator?
Not one Trumper will step up to say:

* I love Trump and support him. He is imperfect.
* but, his deference to Putin is a disturbing mystery. Why won’t he confront and condemn the Russian dictator?
Again, you could apply this exact same logic towards your self regarding obama/biden/hillary/cary but you don’t, so clearly the substance of the conversation is not a priority in the topic to you. This OP is just a mere Trump flame despite what your follow up post says. My follow up question to you is that if Putin has been a snow balling threat to our country that hypothetically started with biden/oboma/cary/clinton and grew all through trumps four years, what do yiu expect biden to do differently? Perhaps a reset button? We’re not going to war with these guys right now. Not in the traditional sense anyway and they’ve already been sanctioned to shit but bidens guys in china keep them in business if you know what i mean.

When are you coming to Orlando? If you’re serious about getting to the bottom of these conversations and like to have a good time and not just flame and don’t start fights with people that don’t agree with you, I have a great group of friends with all different opinions that are smart as shit that love and drink good wines and smoke cigars. I’m telling you, check out my buddies podcast You’ll be surprised. Hell he surprises me all the time and I’m around him all the time.
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Russia Russia Russia

Ed this one is bad. He is soft on Russia and this is major. He has been a terrible president since Election Day. We need a response. He needs to knock off his baby act and do something for this country other than bitch about election. Who knows what Russians got their hands on. He is great against China but He needs to get off his ass and do something for this country. Major issue here.
Not one Trumper will step up to say:

* I love Trump and support him. He is imperfect.
* but, his deference to Putin is a disturbing mystery. Why won’t he confront and condemn the Russian dictator?

I hate trump but voted for him. Man is one of the biggest POS business men and people. He ****ed over a few family friends of ours in NJ when he built Taj Mahal hotel. He only cares about him self and Putin def has something on him like naked pics with a 15 year old Russian model or something lmao. I like some of his policies though but I’m not a trumper. You can’t defend the man he is indefensible but he aligns with a lot of republican policies which is what I would think people like.
I don’t believe he defers in the way you are framing it. Also it has not been confirmed that it was in fact Russia. Not that I would trust most of our intelligence at the moment anyways although Ratcliff is solid. Remember that great intelligence community that got us into war with Iraq ?? WMDs? Let’s see how Sleepy Joe deals with Putin as he starts flying Nuclear Bombers over Alaska.. I’m sure he will tell Putin to knock it off and that will satisfy you all. Just like Obama right?? Thank you President Trump for not starting a war with Russia China N Korea or anyone. I don’t doubt for one minute if it was in Our best interest to call Putin out and hit them back with a cyber attack or other means Trump would hesitate. But Russia can inflict a lot of damage on us so sleepy joe better not pull some dumb shit and have us in a cyber war or worse with Russia. Don’t be stupid!! Peace is a good thing. We can hack them back and I’m sure they know this.
You think biden is an honorable honest guy which gives you zero credibility on several levels.

In fact I do feel that way about Biden. Do you feel Trump is not a liar who cheats on his wives while simultaneously kowtowing to the Russians?
You think biden is an honorable honest guy which gives you zero credibility on several levels.
DT is a piece of shyt...has been, is one now, and will continue to be! It’s not about parties with him, he’s been all over the map! You might not admit it on here but you know what the vibes are with him! 💯
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DT is a piece of shyt...has been, is one now, and will continue to be! It’s not about parties with him, he’s been all over the map! You might not admit it on here but you know what the vibes are with him! 💯
I’ll be the first person to say he’s not a lock stock and barrel “republican”. Maybe that’s why people like me like him. “Republicans” failed us. He’s probably the closest thing this country has had to a true independent in a long time. Guess what? hillary, obama, cary and biden are true pieces of shit, so don’t act like character is an issue with you or moral interigity/honesty is even a concern of yours.
In fact I do feel that way about Biden. Do you feel Trump is not a liar who cheats on his wives while simultaneously kowtowing to the Russians?
That is why I know you’re credibility is dead and you are totally naive. I think all politicians lie and cheat on their wives and I know obama was caught on a hot mic saying to putin that he’d have more flexibility after the election that he thought hillary (who’s brother is one of the top investors to one of the biggest oil refineries in Russia) would win. Remember the guy that said “the cold war called and they want their policies back”). Just tonight i had the seminole county commissioner lead chair and joel Greenberg in my restaurant. Two different tables at two different times. One of my best friends that was here tonight knew him well (independent bundler that plays both sides) and as they were both here at different tables, i saw the text he sent my friend. He’s going to prison. Crazy stuff. The congresswomen brown from jacksonville that went to prison, i knew her well, she stole over $100,000 from my neighbor that recently passed away in the name of charity. Republican/democrat doesn’t matter, you’re brain washed. It’s almost as if you have to get dirty to get to dc. Even what’s his name from miami lakes, the ex senator comes in every time he’s in town and brags about shit. Mica, rubio, etc, i’ve sat next to all these guys and talked with them with mutual friends. It’s a shady business. You know what though, our little town of Lake Mary gets shit done where as liberal cities all across the country are crushing small businesses and forcing everyone to rely on their government at the expense of total control.
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I’ll be the first person to say he’s not a lock stock and barrel “republican”. Maybe that’s why people like me like him. “Republicans” failed us. He’s probably the closest thing this country has had to a true independent in a long time. Guess what? hillary, obama, cary and biden are true pieces of shit, so don’t act like character is an issue with you or moral interigity/honesty is even a concern of yours.
Among a whole bunch of other things, he’s a racist AND couldn’t even help himself from admitting it...who the fuk gets on a debate stage and say they’re the least racist person in the room?🧐 Knock it off know he’s super full of shyt and it has NOTHING to do with party affiliation
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Among a whole bunch of other things, he’s a racist AND couldn’t even help himself from admitting it...who the fuk gets on a debate stage and say they’re the least racist person in the room?🧐 Knock it off know he’s super full of shyt and it has NOTHING to do with party affiliation
It kinda sounds like you’re literary blaming Trump for both not admitting to being racist and going on record as saying he’s not racist. Clearly bidens not racist or full of shit either though, right? Just in fact what is your definition of racist? I always thought it just meant someone that didn’t like another race. Someone on here called me a racist just because I voted for Trump. Is that the new standard for racism?

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