TRUMP didn’t get his MILITARY PARADE!!

He is clearly the most self-centered narcissistic ego centric President/ Human we have ever seen...He has tested positive but he doesn’t feel the need to isolate himself at all....Don’t get me wrong..I want him to recover so I can get to see him rot in jail after he loses on November 3rd...Unless of course he immediately resigns after recognizing defeat and Pence then pardons him...
He is clearly the most self-centered narcissistic ego centric President/ Human we have ever seen...He has tested positive but he doesn’t feel the need to isolate himself at all....Don’t get me wrong..I want him to recover so I can get to see him rot in jail after he loses on November 3rd...Unless of course he immediately resigns after recognizing defeat and Pence then pardons him...

Yeah what a pri#k wanting to thank people. BTW how do you think He got to Walter Reed ? Walked ?
Haters will hate no matter what Trump does... Its useless having a conversation with Dems that wear blinders ....
Nov 3rd can’t come soon enough...
Trump DOMINATED Prume Time News slot with leaving Walter Reed and landing in front of White House. Looked like a movie scene.
WHOLE country watched it
Jealous eh??

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