Trump going to show USA how minimal Covid is to healthy people


Oct 15, 2004
President Trump has presented with typical cold symptoms.
Trump and Melania will be. Just fine,
LMAO @ “sky iS falling” Libs.
Healthy people do just fine with Covid, Trump gonna prove it.
52 more months
Buckle up libs
Perhaps the message that should be sent is that he should have been wearing the damn mask like all of the experts have stated, instead of mocking others for doing it. Yes, most do ok with the virus, but there's over 200,000 that would disagree if they could. When he should have been a leader and encouraged masks and social distancing, he's chosen to make light of it all, now he and his wife have to hope and pray that they end up on the right side of this virus.

I'm certainly no fan of Trump, nor am I a Liberal, but i don't wish sickness or death on anyone. Hope he recovers and changes his message to the American people regarding COVID, regardless of the election outcome.
President Trump has presented with typical cold symptoms.
Trump and Melania will be. Just fine,
LMAO @ “sky iS falling” Libs.
Healthy people do just fine with Covid, Trump gonna prove it.
52 more months
Buckle up libs


That is ONE BIG bet with 4 weeks to go. If Trump or any other White House staffer develops serious health issues, that bet goes bad just before the election. Those are some high stakes on the throw of the Covid dice.

But for me, Trump’s infection is a near fatal blow to his campaign. Why? To prevail over the next 30 Days, Trump needs an organized, disciplined and narrow focus on just two issues:

* the economy: you know that I’m the guy to bring back prosperity.
* law & order: I’ll arrest everyone in Portland if I have to.

What he doesn’t need is a public focus on the pandemic, his lowest polling subject area. So what does he do? He contracts the disease guaranteeing that the public will focus only on the disease for at least two weeks. Voting has already begun. Within 2 weeks, millions will have voted while Trump quarantines in the White House. No rallies for him. Perhaps no debates.

Trump forfeited his advantage as an incumbent in the first debate. Now, he has forced the entire electorate to focus on his weakest area, the handling of the pandemic. What a guy!

That is ONE BIG bet with 4 weeks to go. If Trump or any other White House staffer develops serious health issues, that bet goes bad just before the election. Those are some high stakes on the throw of the Covid dice.

But for me, Trump’s infection is a near fatal blow to his campaign. Why? To prevail over the next 30 Days, Trump needs an organized, disciplined and narrow focus on just two issues:

* the economy: you know that I’m the guy to bring back prosperity.
* law & order: I’ll arrest everyone in Portland if I have to.

What he doesn’t need is a public focus on the pandemic, his lowest polling subject area. So what does he do? He contracts the disease guaranteeing that the public will focus only on the disease for at least two weeks. Voting has already begun. Within 2 weeks, millions will have voted while Trump quarantines in the White House. No rallies for him. Perhaps no debates.

Trump forfeited his advantage as an incumbent in the first debate. Now, he has forced the entire electorate to focus on his weakest area, the handling of the pandemic. What a guy!
I like our odds of Trump 1rst lady and all White House staff bouncing back fairly quickly. Science is in our side 99.4% chance. I like those odds

but I agree with you on what He needs to hammer home message on Economy & Law & Order. Plus if vaccine is approved and Covid death rate and hospitalizations continue to decline COVID won’t be #1 issue. I really believe people are ready to move on. I just heard an expert from Hopkins say by the end of the year the Covid Morbidity rate will be comparable with seasonal Flu.

That is ONE BIG bet with 4 weeks to go. If Trump or any other White House staffer develops serious health issues, that bet goes bad just before the election. Those are some high stakes on the throw of the Covid dice.

But for me, Trump’s infection is a near fatal blow to his campaign. Why? To prevail over the next 30 Days, Trump needs an organized, disciplined and narrow focus on just two issues:

* the economy: you know that I’m the guy to bring back prosperity.
* law & order: I’ll arrest everyone in Portland if I have to.

What he doesn’t need is a public focus on the pandemic, his lowest polling subject area. So what does he do? He contracts the disease guaranteeing that the public will focus only on the disease for at least two weeks. Voting has already begun. Within 2 weeks, millions will have voted while Trump quarantines in the White House. No rallies for him. Perhaps no debates.

Trump forfeited his advantage as an incumbent in the first debate. Now, he has forced the entire electorate to focus on his weakest area, the handling of the pandemic. What a guy!
Yep..Trump has gone to Vegas and made a life changing bet in which the house usually wins..
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I like our odds of Trump 1rst lady and all White House staff bouncing back fairly quickly. Science is in our side 99.4% chance. I like those odds

but I agree with you on what He needs to hammer home message on Economy & Law & Order. Plus if vaccine is approved and Covid death rate and hospitalizations continue to decline COVID won’t be #1 issue. I really believe people are ready to move on. I just heard an expert from Hopkins say by the end of the year the Covid Morbidity rate will be comparable with seasonal Flu.
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It’s on local news 7 Fox here in S. Fla right now.

He could die...pray for him
He has a whole suite at Walter Reed Medical Center that includes offices. It’s pure precautionary. Man. This is how rumors get started man. He’s not being rushed to the Hospital.
He does have the best healthcare compared to most Americans. So I would expect the liar to get better faster.

Well I guess if he’s a liar he probably doesn’t even have the virus right. BTW that comment is so dumb it’s incredible.
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President Trump has presented with typical cold symptoms.
Trump and Melania will be. Just fine,
LMAO @ “sky iS falling” Libs.
Healthy people do just fine with Covid, Trump gonna prove it.
52 more months
Buckle up libs

That’s usually true but not always. My brother in laws brother Goes to gym 5 days a week no pre-existing conditions almost died. Remdesivir saved his life, they thought he wasn’t going to survive. While rare you can’t say healthy people do just fine. It affected my family first hand. But overall I agree with your premise.
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Well I guess if he’s a liar he probably doesn’t even have the virus right. BTW that comment is so dumb it’s incredible.
Your ignorance is hilarious. What American would be flown to the hospital right after testing positive. Why is he getting therapeutic treatments that others do not get. Explain moron
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Your ignorance is hilarious. What American would be flown to the hospital right after testing positive. Why is he getting therapeutic treatments that others do not get. Explain moron

The ignorance was you putting he’s a liar in your post. Like that has some effect on the virus.
You dont get into Wharton without top grades. PERIOD.
Dont start
That pic is a crock.
he is a liar proven fact on many issues. The ignorance of you not understanding his constant lies is very disturbing and ridiculous. Wow
Like Biden’s out right lies of where he went to colleges, his grades, standing in class, on scholarships?????
Love your partial reality.
That’s like playing for Clemson in the 70s and telling people now you started at Clemson. Check Wharton’s admission rate then and now. Not a shot at him but that’s inaccurate and misleading.
Fair enough ellu, however Wharton was always tough to get into. They also give credit to life experiences in addition to grades. I applied there in 1981. Got accepted, decided to stay home and get my MBA in Finance @ UM
You dont get into Wharton without top grades. PERIOD.
Dont start
That pic is a crock.

Like Biden’s out right lies of where he went to colleges, his grades, standing in class, on scholarships?????
Love your partial reality.
Liar trump paid big bucks to get into Wharton. Classmates said he was a POS. Lol
You dont get into Wharton without top grades. PERIOD.
Dont start
That pic is a crock.

Like Biden’s out right lies of where he went to colleges, his grades, standing in class, on scholarships?????
Love your partial reality.
My party. 🙄 I am a registered republican and voted for this ****ing POS liar. I would vote for a marshmallow instead of trump. He has split this country into pieces. All for a overinflated stock market.
Fair enough ellu, however Wharton was always tough to get into. They also give credit to life experiences in addition to grades. I applied there in 1981. Got accepted, decided to stay home and get my MBA in Finance @ UM

I know ow someone who has a lot of money and on a whim asked the alumni fundraisers of an ivy league school how much he would have to donate to ensure his child got into the school. The answer was indirect but the price was $25 million.

His view was he'd rather his kid go to state school and just give the kid the money.
President Trump has presented with typical cold symptoms.
Trump and Melania will be. Just fine,
LMAO @ “sky iS falling” Libs.
Healthy people do just fine with Covid, Trump gonna prove it.
52 more months
Buckle up libs

Its going to show this country how evil the left is with all the hate , going to benefit Trump big time...
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he did say it was going away and downplayed it so others died because of his lies.

That would be a lie if He said, It’s gone. He’s explained why he downplayed it, didn’t want a panic. Next thing you’ll tell me is He made Nursing Homes take COVID positive patients.
Fair enough ellu, however Wharton was always tough to get into. They also give credit to life experiences in addition to grades. I applied there in 1981. Got accepted, decided to stay home and get my MBA in Finance @ UM
No shade but a 45% acceptance rate is hardly selective. It’s 7% now. Reminds me of Dean Rose at UM law, he has an NYU day law degree but when he went to NYU it was similar to get it, now it’s single digit. Again not diminishing but it’s just factually incorrect and misleading.
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No shade but a 45% acceptance rate is hardly selective. It’s 7% now. Reminds me of Dean Rose at UM law, he has an NYU day law degree but when he went to NYU it was similar to get it, now it’s single digit. Again not diminishing but it’s just factually incorrect and misleading.

How much of acceptance % rate change due to numbers of kids attending college now as opposed to then ?
That would be a lie if He said, It’s gone. He’s explained why he downplayed it, didn’t want a panic. Next thing you’ll tell me is He made Nursing Homes take COVID positive patients.
BS. You are nuts

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