And you are the authority on who is an intellectual and who isn't? Did you consider one of the worst Presidents of our time ,Barak Obama a phony elitist and a failure or a great intellectual? He is the cause of the racial tensions we have today. Just look at what the lack of action by Obama and Holder with the Ferguson situation caused? It carries over to today.
I'm not an authority on intellectualism.
I would ask you to objectively compare their academic credentials, if meritocracy is the question. One had a lawyer have his transcripts silenced. The other was elected as the Editor of his Law Review at an Ivy League school. I was on a law review, it wasn't "THE" Miami Law Review, wasn't even the International Law Review nor was it the Business Law Review, the three most prestigious at U Law, and it still placed me in the upper part of my class. I'd venture to say the Editor of THE Law Review at Harvard would be considered by most, at a minimum, intellectual.
Pew Research is a non partisan (definitely not liberal leaning) group. This is the popular view of Presidents in 2018. My point is simply you said worst President of our time. Not many would agree. Its intellectually dishonest when he is bracketed by Bush (who I did not dislike) and Trump. Objective metrics would not place him as the worst if for nothing else, the job he did pulling out out of the economic crisis of 2007. I'll allow you to do your own research, not parrot shit that you've read, your own research (or be a parrot, frankly its not my job to provide you data freely available any with the actual interest in finding it).
Stating that Barak Obama is the cause of racial tension is statement of such intellectual dishonesty that it literally doesn't deserve a response. Because this is a sports site I'll use sports as a way to illustrate how fictive that statement is. Jack Johnson, Jessie Owens, Joe Lewis, Earl Lloyd, Jackie Robinson, Earnie Davis, Don Haskins, Althea Gibson, Lew Alcindor, John Carlos, Tommy Smith, Muhammad Ali, Al Campanis, Frank Robinson, Arthur Ashe, Art Shell, Doug Williams, John Thompson, Craig Hodges, Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf, Carlos Delgado...all before Obama. Would you like me to do civil unrest? How about legal changes and challenges? Here, a video for your you.
Regarding Ferguson, is your argument that Obama should brought charges? Did he also kill Trayvon? These the first two incidents of their kind in history? Recent history, recent being 2000 or after??? 1990 or after??? 1980 or after??? 1970 or after??? I mean do we really need to do the 60's? Obama was responsible for Arthur McDuffie? Diallo?