Trump said his Ratings Higher than 911 Coverage


Gold Member
Dec 22, 2006
Parkland, Florida
Is there a limit to Trump's narcissism? The man has no morals.

Speaking of morals. smh

I just did. Trump is a POS. Want more? You right wingers should be outraged by his perverted behavior. Finally, you're an idiot.

We all understand that you think he's immoral. We all argue that those you like are just as shitty. Can you bring some solid arguments about his policy? Like how tax cuts are helpful to Americans or not? Show me how what Hillary or Obama did, or was going to do was going to help the people vs what Trump is doing? Remember Obama said Hillary would say anything and change nothing. Obama gave away free phones! Are you mad because you don't have your phone anymore?
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I just did. Trump is a POS. Want more? You right wingers should be outraged by his perverted behavior. Finally, you're an idiot.

C'mon, I can say Obama and Hillary are BOTH POS .. and have been for decades. That doesn't make me a right winger .. just moderately informed.
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We all understand that you think he's immoral. We all argue that those you like are just as shitty. Can you bring some solid arguments about his policy? Like how tax cuts are helpful to Americans or not? Show me how what Hillary or Obama did, or was going to do was going to help the people vs what Trump is doing? Remember Obama said Hillary would say anything and change nothing. Obama gave away free phones! Are you mad because you don't have your phone anymore?

You talk about wanting to have a constructive discussion but you end your diatribe by saying I get free phones. You don't know me but you assume I'm on public assistance.

Lets discuss the facts in support of Obamacare. 20 million people now have health insurance that previously didn't. All Americans have access to health insurance without pre-existing issues to deal with. Kids 26 and under can now be under their parents' plan without fear of no coverage. Prescription drug coverage; preventive services, no lifetime dollar amount limit; pediatric services; lab services, etc.

Now lets have a back and forth, point counter point discussion without name calling. Just you and I. Can you do that?
You talk about wanting to have a constructive discussion but you end your diatribe by saying I get free phones. You don't know me but you assume I'm on public assistance.

Lets discuss the facts in support of Obamacare. 20 million people now have health insurance that previously didn't. All Americans have access to health insurance without pre-existing issues to deal with. Kids 26 and under can now be under their parents' plan without fear of no coverage. Prescription drug coverage; preventive services, no lifetime dollar amount limit; pediatric services; lab services, etc.

Now lets have a back and forth, point counter point discussion without name calling. Just you and I. Can you do that?
This 20 million number liberals keep repeating which you stolet from CD, ok let's discuss how many areas have been dropped from Obamacare, how the people can't afford the care, how Obama mislead the country with his "if you like your Dr line" and again why are you so proud of cheering for someone else to pay for someone else to get health care? It's obvious your on public assistance due to the passion you have when talking about free stuff which isn't free because someone is out busting thier ass to pay for someone else!
You talk about wanting to have a constructive discussion but you end your diatribe by saying I get free phones. You don't know me but you assume I'm on public assistance.

Lets discuss the facts in support of Obamacare. 20 million people now have health insurance that previously didn't. All Americans have access to health insurance without pre-existing issues to deal with. Kids 26 and under can now be under their parents' plan without fear of no coverage. Prescription drug coverage; preventive services, no lifetime dollar amount limit; pediatric services; lab services, etc.

Now lets have a back and forth, point counter point discussion without name calling. Just you and I. Can you do that?

And see above from your beloved CNN, only 11 million on Obamacare! If your going to lie he's two pieces of advice. Don't lie about anything that can be looked up! And don't repeat anything CD has to say that MIGHT resemble a fact because he's a compulsive bullshit artist! Your just stupid enough to believe him!! And oh yeah, the premiums for this shit care which I work to pay for you to have has gone up 22%! Your welcome and Obama was worst President ever to con his way into office!!! Total fraud!! Ran before he had a record and nobody could point out what a shit for brains he was! And it will come out he's a Muslim!! Watch!!
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C'mon, I can say Obama and Hillary are BOTH POS .. and have been for decades. That doesn't make me a right winger .. just moderately informed.

And you have a right to call Obama and Hillary anything you desire. No problem with that. That's why I love this country. Keep in mind this is a message board and many of us say stuff to piss off the other. For example, I'm constantly being tagged with being on public assistance but these guys know I'm not. They're just trying to piss me off. It didn't work. However, at the same time we are voicing our true feelings about a particular issue.

We all have opinions about how this country should be governed. What's missing is our inability to have open discussions on what this looks like.
This 20 million number liberals keep repeating which you stolet from CD, ok let's discuss how many areas have been dropped from Obamacare, how the people can't afford the care, how Obama mislead the country with his "if you like your Dr line" and again why are you so proud of cheering for someone else to pay for someone else to get health care? It's obvious your on public assistance due to the passion you have when talking about free stuff which isn't free because someone is out busting thier ass to pay for someone else!

My post was not directed to you but to @289fia who asked me a question and I responded in a very respectful way. Your response is your typical disjointed post with no way to respectfully respond and I want.
My post was not directed to you but to @289fia who asked me a question and I responded in a very respectful way. Your response is your typical disjointed post with no way to respectfully respond and I want.
Again your in a discussion board, ok skip the question because it's the truth and you can't respond without digging the hole deeper for yourself!! You have no answers due to the fact that you can form a response on your own!! And those who want respect give respect. You've gone out of your way to disrespect me for weeks so deal with what you started.
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And see above from your beloved CNN, only 11 million on Obamacare! If your going to lie he's two pieces of advice. Don't lie about anything that can be looked up! And don't repeat anything CD has to say that MIGHT resemble a fact because he's a compulsive bullshit artist! Your just stupid enough to believe him!! And oh yeah, the premiums for this shit care which I work to pay for you to have has gone up 22%! Your welcome and Obama was worst President ever to con his way into office!!! Total fraud!! Ran before he had a record and nobody could point out what a shit for brains he was! And it will come out he's a Muslim!! Watch!!

You are a freaken retard. Get help.
Again your in a discussion board, ok skip the question because it's the truth and you can't respond without digging the hole deeper for yourself!! You have no answers due to the fact that you can form a response on your own!! And those who want respect give respect. You've gone out of your way to disrespect me for weeks so deal with what you started.

Don't have another hissy fit. Calm the fuk down. We can make this work. Just calm down. Not sure why I would be concerned about digging a deeper hole for myself? Will you take my lunch money from me? Or better yet, put me on ignore? lolol...Remember, you are the one that hijacks a thread with your nonsense. Not me.
Don't have another hissy fit. Calm the fuk down. We can make this work. Just calm down. Not sure why I would be concerned about digging a deeper hole for myself? Will you take my lunch money from me? Or better yet, put me on ignore? lolol...Remember, you are the one that hijacks a thread with your nonsense. Not me.
Cems there's nothing to work out, your a lowlife punk, talk out of both sides of your mouth! And yeah I'm the one who hijacks threads. Lmfao idiot!
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Cems there's nothing to work out, your a lowlife punk, talk out of both sides of your mouth! And yeah I'm the one who hijacks threads. Lmfao idiot!
Look. I get the best of you every day. Take a break.....I'll resume handing your azz to you later tonight. I have to go.
You talk about wanting to have a constructive discussion but you end your diatribe by saying I get free phones. You don't know me but you assume I'm on public assistance.

Lets discuss the facts in support of Obamacare. 20 million people now have health insurance that previously didn't. All Americans have access to health insurance without pre-existing issues to deal with. Kids 26 and under can now be under their parents' plan without fear of no coverage. Prescription drug coverage; preventive services, no lifetime dollar amount limit; pediatric services; lab services, etc.

Now lets have a back and forth, point counter point discussion without name calling. Just you and I. Can you do that?

Health Care is one of the worst topics to bring up really. He stood on TV and said, "you can keep your insurance, you can keep your doctor". Both lies! Yes a lot of people have insurance, but not all of them can use it or afford it, or have it and can't use it. Pre-existing conditions, a good thing, the 26 year old thing was Relublicans ideas. The problem with this is they took money from the top 1% to pay for it, yet it still drove up he cost for a lot of people. Then, to top it off it's failing terribly. It's going to fail completely. Everybody agrees it has to be fixed, on both sides.

The real problem is this, Obama had Pelosi push this bill through and made people vote on it without reading it because they knew it was going to fail. Why do that? Why not do what the Repubs are and negotiate until all sides are good with it and then vote. It took Dems 18 months to pass a bill that nobody read. How stupid is that?

That's just the beginning of what was wrong with Obamas presidency.

He surrounded his self with really dumb people that had really no experience. Hell, he was only a 2 term senator. Valiery Jarret? She was his advisor and a sworn socialist.

Do you know what would happen if this country became socialist? Meaning the government controlled everything? We would all starve to death, and thats exactly what Bernie Sanders, Valiery Jarret and Obama are.

The Democratic Party is not what it once was, and Trump may be a piece of shit but his ass knows what makes this country great and if he does half of what he said we might just get out of this mess.

Don't get me wrong, it's not all Obamas fault, which Trump has said several times but he made it worse with his progressive nonsense.

This country is not in a position to be taking more and more and giving it away for nothing in return. It's time to grow, then we can look at helping the less fortunate. Local communities should be able to do what the Gov tries too, but they tax the living shit out of us and give it to people who come here, that can't work, can't speak English and don't even know if they want to be here. This shit has to stop. Everybody in the world can't move to America, we can't feed them, and provide jobs for everybody.

The biggest problems in this country are because there are too many people sitting around on their ass, they need good jobs and opportunities. A lot of this arguing and bitching will go away once that happens.

But first, there must to be law and order. To many people take what we have for granted.

I don't even want to talk about foreign policy. If the guy is not a Muslim, I question his Christianity. Seriously! And if he loved America he sure as hell fooled me.
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Health Care is one of the worst topics to bring up really. He stood on TV and said, "you can keep your insurance, you can keep your doctor". Both lies! Yes a lot of people have insurance, but not all of them can us it or afford it, or have it and can't use it. Pre-existing conditions, a good thing, the 26 year old thing was Relublicans ideas. The problem with this is they took money from the top 1% to pay for it, yet it still drove up he cost for a lot of people. Then, to top it off it's failing terribly. It's going to fail completely. Everybody agrees it has to be fixed, on both sides.

The real problem is this, Obama had Pelosi push this bill through and made people vote on it without reading it because they knew it was going to fail. Why do that? Why not do what the Repubs are and negotiate until all sides are good with it and then vote. It took Dems 18 months to pass a bill that nobody read. How stupid is that?

That's just the beginning of what was wrong with Obamas presidency.

He surrounded his self with really dumb people that had really no experience. Hell, he was only a 2 term senator. Valiery Jarret? She was his advisor and a sworn socialist.

Do you know what would happen if this country became socialist? Meaning the government controlled everything? We would all starve to death, and thats exactly what Bernie Sanders, Valiery Jarret and Obama are.

The Democratic Party is not what it once was, and Trump may be a piece of shit but his ass knows what makes this country great and if he does half of what he said we might just get out of this mess.

Don't get me wrong, it's not all Obamas fault, which Trump has said several times but he made it worse with his progressive nonsense.

This country is not in a position to be taking more and more and giving it away for nothing in return. It's time to grow, then we can look at helping the less fortunate. Local communities should be able to do what the Gov tries too, but they tax the living shit out of us and give it to people who come here, that can't work, can't speak English and don't even know if they want to be here. This shit has to stop. Everybody in the world can't move to America, we can't feed them, and provide jobs for everybody.

The biggest problems in this country are because there are too many people sitting around in their ass, they need good jobs and opportunities. A lot of this arguing and bitching will go away once that happens.

But first, there must to be law and order. To many people take what we have for granted.

I don't even want to talk about foreign policy. If the guy is not a Muslim, I question his Christianity. Seriously! And if loved America he sure as hell fooled me.
Great post! Maybe best ever!
Health Care is one of the worst topics to bring up really. He stood on TV and said, "you can keep your insurance, you can keep your doctor". Both lies! Yes a lot of people have insurance, but not all of them can use it or afford it, or have it and can't use it. Pre-existing conditions, a good thing, the 26 year old thing was Relublicans ideas. The problem with this is they took money from the top 1% to pay for it, yet it still drove up he cost for a lot of people. Then, to top it off it's failing terribly. It's going to fail completely. Everybody agrees it has to be fixed, on both sides.

The real problem is this, Obama had Pelosi push this bill through and made people vote on it without reading it because they knew it was going to fail. Why do that? Why not do what the Repubs are and negotiate until all sides are good with it and then vote. It took Dems 18 months to pass a bill that nobody read. How stupid is that?

That's just the beginning of what was wrong with Obamas presidency.

He surrounded his self with really dumb people that had really no experience. Hell, he was only a 2 term senator. Valiery Jarret? She was his advisor and a sworn socialist.

Do you know what would happen if this country became socialist? Meaning the government controlled everything? We would all starve to death, and thats exactly what Bernie Sanders, Valiery Jarret and Obama are.

The Democratic Party is not what it once was, and Trump may be a piece of shit but his ass knows what makes this country great and if he does half of what he said we might just get out of this mess.

Don't get me wrong, it's not all Obamas fault, which Trump has said several times but he made it worse with his progressive nonsense.

This country is not in a position to be taking more and more and giving it away for nothing in return. It's time to grow, then we can look at helping the less fortunate. Local communities should be able to do what the Gov tries too, but they tax the living shit out of us and give it to people who come here, that can't work, can't speak English and don't even know if they want to be here. This shit has to stop. Everybody in the world can't move to America, we can't feed them, and provide jobs for everybody.

The biggest problems in this country are because there are too many people sitting around on their ass, they need good jobs and opportunities. A lot of this arguing and bitching will go away once that happens.

But first, there must to be law and order. To many people take what we have for granted.

I don't even want to talk about foreign policy. If the guy is not a Muslim, I question his Christianity. Seriously! And if he loved America he sure as hell fooled me.

This is a lot to digest but here goes. I will only respond to your posts because responding to other posts, especially the ones that attempt to derail our discussion, will not be productive.

You said the 26 year old idea was a Republican thing. Obamacare as a whole was supported by Republicans prior to Obama. In fact Mitch Romney as governor of Massachusetts created a similar plan. Republicans have always supported health care of some form but for some reason didn't want to work with the Dems. Why? Also, lets not get hung up on who was first with an idea. If we truly believe in our democracy it shouldn't matter whose idea it is. Just work together.

There are issues with the plan but frankly repealing it to replace it with a plan that will remove 24 million people from health care does not make sense. The plan needs some fixes. Dems knew this plan wasn't perfect but hoped it would get fixed down the road. It didn't and here we are.

As for your statement that Obama surrounded himself with dumb people is laughable when I look at Trump's team. What do you base this on? I would assume you feel Trump's team is not dumb. I would not use dumb to describe Trump's team because I don't know them personally. Nor did you know Obama's team to make such judgment. Instead of calling someone dumb I would ask if they are qualified for their job. Do you think Betsy DeVos is qualified for her job as Secretary of Education? No! Check her record. Do you think Rick Perry is qualified for his job as Energy Secretary? No! What about Sean Spicer as Press Secretary? No, no, no. Trump's Secretary of HUD is Ben Carson. The man is a former neurosurgeon. Trump has his daughter and son n law as senior advisors. Neither has experience for the roles they have.

What evidence do you have that Obama is not a christian? Regardless, according to our constitution that shouldn't matter. There is more evidence available that strongly suggests Trump is a serial sexual assaulter but yet I don't hear the right complain.
This is a lot to digest but here goes. I will only respond to your posts because responding to other posts, especially the ones that attempt to derail our discussion, will not be productive.

You said the 26 year old idea was a Republican thing. Obamacare as a whole was supported by Republicans prior to Obama. In fact Mitch Romney as governor of Massachusetts created a similar plan. Republicans have always supported health care of some form but for some reason didn't want to work with the Dems. Why? Also, lets not get hung up on who was first with an idea. If we truly believe in our democracy it shouldn't matter whose idea it is. Just work together.

There are issues with the plan but frankly repealing it to replace it with a plan that will remove 24 million people from health care does not make sense. The plan needs some fixes. Dems knew this plan wasn't perfect but hoped it would get fixed down the road. It didn't and here we are.

As for your statement that Obama surrounded himself with dumb people is laughable when I look at Trump's team. What do you base this on? I would assume you feel Trump's team is not dumb. I would not use dumb to describe Trump's team because I don't know them personally. Nor did you know Obama's team to make such judgment. Instead of calling someone dumb I would ask if they are qualified for their job. Do you think Betsy DeVos is qualified for her job as Secretary of Education? No! Check her record. Do you think Rick Perry is qualified for his job as Energy Secretary? No! What about Sean Spicer as Press Secretary? No, no, no. Trump's Secretary of HUD is Ben Carson. The man is a former neurosurgeon. Trump has his daughter and son n law as senior advisors. Neither has experience for the roles they have.

What evidence do you have that Obama is not a christian? Regardless, according to our constitution that shouldn't matter. There is more evidence available that strongly suggests Trump is a serial sexual assaulter but yet I don't hear the right complain.
**** off stupid
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You talk about wanting to have a constructive discussion but you end your diatribe by saying I get free phones. You don't know me but you assume I'm on public assistance.

Lets discuss the facts in support of Obamacare. 20 million people now have health insurance that previously didn't. All Americans have access to health insurance without pre-existing issues to deal with. Kids 26 and under can now be under their parents' plan without fear of no coverage. Prescription drug coverage; preventive services, no lifetime dollar amount limit; pediatric services; lab services, etc.

Now lets have a back and forth, point counter point discussion without name calling. Just you and I. Can you do that?

Yes, they have healthcare off the work and sacrifice from people like us. If they would get off their lazy asses there would be no need Obama care. As an individual, I have no empathy for people that choose not to work. Why should they receive healthcare provided for them "free" of charge?
To add, why would the dems ask for more money in exchange for more miltary funding if Obama care wasn't failing? It's a failing system.
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Yes, they have healthcare off the work and sacrifice from people like us. If they would get off their lazy asses there would be no need Obama care. As an individual, I have no empathy for people that choose not to work. Why should they receive healthcare provided for them "free" of charge?
To add, why would the dems ask for more money in exchange for more miltary funding if Obama care wasn't failing? It's a failing system.

There were known issues with ACA when it passed. Most legislation aren't perfect when they pass but the push is always to get it in to move someones agenda forward regardless of party. The point is, millions of people have a chance to benefit from having health care which benefits all of us. Remember, if there is no coverage they all show up at the emergency room and we pay for it anyway.