Someone with Manny's ear MUST tell him how bad of a look this is when we are getting stomped, to pull out this chain, or TD rings!!!!!
It's an indication that the game's outcome is irrelevant, it's classless, and it shows the viewing public just how pathetic Manny is as a HC to allow such an embarrassing act to take place while losing........Hell if I'm a player on the team, I wouldn't want to touch either of those trinkets while we getting beaten.......where's the pride??
It's an indication that the game's outcome is irrelevant, it's classless, and it shows the viewing public just how pathetic Manny is as a HC to allow such an embarrassing act to take place while losing........Hell if I'm a player on the team, I wouldn't want to touch either of those trinkets while we getting beaten.......where's the pride??