U.S. judge to consider objection to Trump University settlement....Oh Boy

Lololol what a miserable life! Knowing you'll spend days in a cubicle and mornings that the man you hate is running the WORLD!
lmao....too funny that you think this ass hat is running the world when he can't even get healthcare passed or a muslim ban with a republican house and senate. He can't even run his own party.
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When there is a Muslim pulling the strings behind the scenes backed by george Soros it is impossible to accomplish anything. You think Barry's surprise visit to Hawaii days before the Hawaii judge halted the immigration bill is a coincidence? You think Barry living 2 miles from the White House is a coincidence? 8 yrs of ruining our country wasn't enough for that piece of shit.
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lmao....too funny that you think this ass hat is running the world when he can't even get healthcare passed or a muslim ban with a republican house and senate. He can't even run his own party.
Lololololol you forget it hasn't been even 90 days!! Lolol your in for a LONG ride!! Fixing Obamas mess will take time! Will be easier once Obama gets exposed for surveillance and the Dems are powerless!!
When there is a Muslim pulling the strings behind the scenes backed by george Soros it is impossible to accomplish anything. You think Barry's surprise visit to Hawaii days before the Hawaii judge halted the immigration bill is a coincidence? You think Barry living 2 miles from the White House is a coincidence? 8 yrs of ruining our country wasn't enough for that piece of shit.
It's amazing CD doesn't see this? Doesn't see the Muslim threat!!! He's blind!
When there is a Muslim pulling the strings behind the scenes backed by george Soros it is impossible to accomplish anything. You think Barry's surprise visit to Hawaii days before the Hawaii judge halted the immigration bill is a coincidence? You think Barry living 2 miles from the White House is a coincidence? 8 yrs of ruining our country wasn't enough for that piece of shit.

Lame excuse dude. Very lame excuse. Trump isn't doing JACK. Hear me? JAAAACCCCCKKK! Obama is not there any longer. He can't do anything behind the scenes. That sounds so ridiculous it isn't even funny. Please! WTH does that have to do with failing on every piece of major legislation he tries. Behind the scenes? That's why judges are saying his ban is unconstitutional? No...his fat mouth is the reason. Obama stopped his heathcare bill? Nope...republicans stopped it because it is straight garbage like him as president.
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Lololololol you forget it hasn't been even 90 days!! Lolol your in for a LONG ride!! Fixing Obamas mess will take time! Will be easier once Obama gets exposed for surveillance and the Dems are powerless!!
Somehow I don't think I take smart every time. Its how I roll.
Lame excuse dude. Very lame excuse. Trump isn't doing JACK. Hear me? JAAAACCCCCKKK! Obama is not there any longer. He can't do anything behind the scenes. That sounds so ridiculous it isn't even funny. Please! WTH does that have to do with failing on every piece of major legislation he tries. Behind the scenes? That's why judges are saying his ban is unconstitutional? No...his fat mouth is the reason. Obama stopped his heathcare bill? Nope...republicans stopped it because it is straight garbage like him as president.
Not a lame excuse Cush speaking the truth!! You forget the Obamacare hurdles and timeline, your blinded by free stuff someone else has to pay for!! A Florida judge deemed Obamacare was also in '09, and you don't think Osama still has people in place to cause problems? Republicans stopped it because unlike Dems they aren't going to sell people down a river for votes!!
Not a lame excuse Cush speaking the truth!! You forget the Obamacare hurdles and timeline, your blinded by free stuff someone else has to pay for!! A Florida judge deemed Obamacare was also in '09, and you don't think Osama still has people in place to cause problems? Republicans stopped it because unlike Dems they aren't going to sell people down a river for votes!!

They stopped it because it is garbage and they know the dems would get the house, senate and presidency if you are stupid enough to kick 24 million people off their healthcare instead of fixing it. It was the best thing that happened to the party honestly. If it didn't hurt so many people I would rather it passed.

A federal judge deemed obamacare was also in 09? Someone should tell you Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act is the law. Deal with it! lmao
They stopped it because it is garbage and they know the dems would get the house, senate and presidency if you are stupid enough to kick 24 million people off their healthcare instead of fixing it. It was the best thing that happened to the party honestly. If it didn't hurt so many people I would rather it passed.

A federal judge deemed obamacare was also in 09? Someone should tell you Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act is the law. Deal with it! lmao
No as usual you skipped your free Obamacare meds! And Obamacare will be repealed, Trump will still be President! Deal with that all while stuffed in a cubicle all day! And for once be honest, the 24 million number is a myth! Let me ask you this, how many people have lost or are undercovered due to rising costs? How many insurers have dropped the coverage? For something so great why is it being dropped?
No as usual you skipped your free Obamacare meds! And Obamacare will be repealed, Trump will still be President! Deal with that all while stuffed in a cubicle all day! And for once be honest, the 24 million number is a myth! Let me ask you this, how many people have lost or are undercovered due to rising costs? How many insurers have dropped the coverage? For something so great why is it being dropped?
Fix it! That's my answer. You don't like what it is.....your party is in charge. Get to fixin! You can't because you don't have a better option. So, it will be fixed when the dems are inevitably back in control. In the words of the great Maxine Waters "Trump will never be my president" I live to oppose him and everything he does every step of the way. Because he is toxic. In fact, I don't expect him to be around much longer. #goingdownfasterthanbreeolson
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Fix it! That's my answer. You don't like what it is.....your party is in charge. Get to fixin! You can't because you don't have a better option. So, it will be fixed when the dems are inevitably back in control. In the words of the great Maxine Waters "Trump will never be my president" I live to oppose him and everything he does every step of the way. Because he is toxic. In fact, I don't expect him to be around much longer. #goingdownfasterthanbreeolson
Ok I'll agree with you for once, however being the colossal mess that it is that takes time. Yeah the "great" Maxine Waters, lmfao that is well thought out!! And it's funny you Dems BEG for "coming together" unless of coarse it's someone with an opposing view!!
Ok I'll agree with you for once, however being the colossal mess that it is that takes time. Yeah the "great" Maxine Waters, lmfao that is well thought out!! And it's funny you Dems BEG for "coming together" unless of coarse it's someone with an opposing view!!

We can all agree with this fact. Republicans are in charge and your speaker of the house said it very well last week. I was surprised but he said "It is one thing to campaign but another thing to actually govern." He said "Right now I am trying to get everyone to understand the American people expect us to govern now." He really surprised me because he was talking about being the "opposition party" in the past. Now the governing party.

Dems are NOT begging for anything. I would have no problem if they did, if it helped the American people. The American people want both parties to come together. It makes good political sense to work across the isle on issues. Trump doesn't understand this. He doesn't listen to anyone or want anyone around him that doesn't agree with him. That is the sure sign of someone that is not smart.

He should look for things right now that are bi partisan but he won't. He will only cater to his base and the fact is the American people hate that. Regardless of who is in charge. People want compromise. They want solutions.
We can all agree with this fact. Republicans are in charge and your speaker of the house said it very well last week. I was surprised but he said "It is one thing to campaign but another thing to actually govern." He said "Right now I am trying to get everyone to understand the American people expect us to govern now." He really surprised me because he was talking about being the "opposition party" in the past. Now the governing party.

Dems are NOT begging for anything. I would have no problem if they did, if it helped the American people. The American people want both party to come together. It makes good political sense to work across the isle on issues. Trump doesn't understand this. He doesn't listen to anyone or want anyone around him that doesn't agree with him. That is the sure sign of someone that is not smart.

He should look for things right now that are bi partisan but he won't. He will only cater to his base and the fact is the American people hate that. Regardless of who is in charge.
Are you serious? Your saying the Dems have tried to work with him? Your really saying this with a straight face?? you've got Dems all over the TV undermining the office yet you preaching from your soap box about coming together? And you constantly advocate for government to do something for the people! So you are a Socialist! People should do for themselves! You sit back and wait for the governement to do something for you you'll end up waiting a long time and also end up with a shitty service!! Man up CD and do for you! You nonstop preach about Govt and everyone holding your hand.
We can all agree with this fact. Republicans are in charge and your speaker of the house said it very well last week. I was surprised but he said "It is one thing to campaign but another thing to actually govern." He said "Right now I am trying to get everyone to understand the American people expect us to govern now." He really surprised me because he was talking about being the "opposition party" in the past. Now the governing party.

Dems are NOT begging for anything. I would have no problem if they did, if it helped the American people. The American people want both parties to come together. It makes good political sense to work across the isle on issues. Trump doesn't understand this. He doesn't listen to anyone or want anyone around him that doesn't agree with him. That is the sure sign of someone that is not smart.

He should look for things right now that are bi partisan but he won't. He will only cater to his base and the fact is the American people hate that. Regardless of who is in charge. People want compromise. They want solutions.
And you advocating for "begging" also says more than I need to know about you! Instead of making it on your own two feet you make it by sticking your hands out!! Pathetic
Are you serious? Your saying the Dems have tried to work with him? Your really saying this with a straight face?? you've got Dems all over the TV undermining the office yet you preaching from your soap box about coming together? And you constantly advocate for government to do something for the people! So you are a Socialist! People should do for themselves! You sit back and wait for the governement to do something for you you'll end up waiting a long time and also end up with a shitty service!! Man up CD and do for you! You nonstop preach about Govt and everyone holding your hand.
Where did I say dems tried to work with him. I said they weren't begging to work with him. I said I wish they would if it would help the American people.

You can't talk sh't about people and expect them to want to work with you. It doesn't work that way. Obama is extremely popular with democrats for example. Trump or yourself not liking him means nothing to If you are going to spend all your time trashing him and lying about him on twitter.....ummmm....I don't think they are going to be trying to work with you. What has he done for dems? I'm sorry. He did try to kill Obama's signature legislation instead of work with them to fix it. So, no they weren't trying to work with him and if he wants to work with dems he should reach out to them.

Republicans spent 8 years complaining Obama wasn't reaching out to them but when their guy gets in there, it is acceptable to not want to work across the isle?
And you advocating for "begging" also says more than I need to know about you! Instead of making it on your own two feet you make it by sticking your hands out!! Pathetic
That's because I am humble and about doing what it takes to help America. Trump needs to try something because what he is doing doesn't work dude. Talking tough and threatening people for votes? Nobody is afraid of him or Banner....lmao. Trust me. Nobody in his own party and no democrat is afraid.
Not a lame excuse Cush speaking the truth!! You forget the Obamacare hurdles and timeline, your blinded by free stuff someone else has to pay for!! A Florida judge deemed Obamacare was also in '09, and you don't think Osama still has people in place to cause problems? Republicans stopped it because unlike Dems they aren't going to sell people down a river for votes!!
There you go again riding Cush's knutz. What's with that? Can't you stand alone and defend your own position without help? This Republican talking point of "Obama people in place" is getting old and somewhat paranoia. Trump needs to get off his lazy azz and start to appoint people to these positions. Oh, he can't do that b/c he plays golf all the time. Smh
There you go again riding Cush's knutz. What's with that? Can't you stand alone and defend your own position without help? This Republican talking point of "Obama people in place" is getting old and somewhat paranoia. Trump needs to get off his lazy azz and start to appoint people to these positions. Oh, he can't do that b/c he plays golf all the time. Smh

Riding Cush's nuts?? Cems again your a low class human being and I'm insulting most of the entire world putting you into a catagory of humans! Did I not defend my own position? Do I not on a daily basis? And facts aren't talking points! And Trump lazy? It's funny Osama jetted all over the world yet nobody noticed, yet you keep a calendar of the guy. And I'll say this again. You add zero to the discussion! Your a total waste of time to respond too! You add nothing. Aside from your typical stupid uneducated uninformed comments.

Riding Cush's nuts?? Cems again your a low class human being and I'm insulting most of the entire world putting you into a catagory of humans! Did I not defend my own position? Do I not on a daily basis? And facts aren't talking points! And Trump lazy? It's funny Osama jetted all over the world yet nobody noticed, yet you keep a calendar of the guy. And I'll say this again. You add zero to the discussion! Your a total waste of time to respond too! You add nothing. Aside from your typical stupid uneducated uninformed comments.

Riding Cush's nuts?? Cems again your a low class human being and I'm insulting most of the entire world putting you into a catagory of humans! Did I not defend my own position? Do I not on a daily basis? And facts aren't talking points! And Trump lazy? It's funny Osama jetted all over the world yet nobody noticed, yet you keep a calendar of the guy. And I'll say this again. You add zero to the discussion! Your a total waste of time to respond too! You add nothing. Aside from your typical stupid uneducated uninformed comments.
Be truthful. You heard this talking point on Fox Fake News? If so, you should know now the Sean Hanity's and Bill O'reilly of the world are lying POS. Just saying.

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