Wondering how bad the riots are gonna be when Trump wins....


Oct 15, 2004
The way these peaceful riots have become rioting, looting, and total chaos in Dem run cities, I can only imagine how bad it will get when these LOSERS, lose AGAIN.
They still havent gotten over 2016. The current state of affairs will be kindling for the next wave.
They tried with Russia, Impeachment, Covid, BLM, nothing worked.
Prayers it doesnt happen,but we know better.
Come Nov 3, my gun will be next to my front door.
Then the Ho Kamala does a presser that Biden wont do cause he has Alzheimers bashing Trump for virus which he handled so much better than a Democrat in todays world ever could. I just noticed the stretch marks around her mouth from eating so many chicken wings to move up the career ladder.
The way these peaceful riots have become rioting, looting, and total chaos in Dem run cities, I can only imagine how bad it will get when these LOSERS, lose AGAIN.
They still havent gotten over 2016. The current state of affairs will be kindling for the next wave.
They tried with Russia, Impeachment, Covid, BLM, nothing worked.
Prayers it doesnt happen,but we know better.
Come Nov 3, my gun will be next to my front door.
Plan on staying home for a bit if Trump wins. Interestingly, conservatives have more guns than the left but except for self defense, you don't have to worry about them using them if Biden wins... Don't have to worry about us rioting and looting either.
Did you laugh as hard as i did today when Biden pivoted and said the violence has to stop for the first time. LOL. They must have looked at the ratings plummeting.

Too late ****ERS.
That is exactly right and now all the talking heads on the liberal shows are starting to plead with them to stop or else Biden won't win. These scums have no morals and don't give a shit about the country, they just what Trump out and had the strategy wrong regarding "peaceful" protests. Guess what - they created monsters that they cannot control.
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On Morning Joe this morning (MSNBC) criticizing last night's convention they said the republicans lied that Biden never spoke against the protests which he did within 2 hours of the convention (only because of the polls). I don't think the republicans are glued to see what Sleepy Joe has to say once every two weeks.
Seriously fellas. Arm yourselves and be prepared for nut jobs like that Bernie Sanders follower that shot up the Republican Baseball game. Also you’ve got more and more Black Thugs killing innocent white people the 5 year old boy that was executed and the step dad and daughter that were just gunned down in SC this past Monday. The media is instigating a lot of this. Can you imaging if we had these two killings on tape and the media showed them over and over and over??
On Morning Joe this morning (MSNBC) criticizing last night's convention they said the republicans lied that Biden never spoke against the protests which he did within 2 hours of the convention (only because of the polls). I don't think the republicans are glued to see what Sleepy Joe has to say once every two weeks.
Republicans are NEVER glued to anything sleepy bumbling joe does!
Wait, I do love watching his gaffe videos
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They will not let him speak by himself if it not completely rehearsed, otherwise he is with his wife or Kamala who put end before he can finish what he is saying and mess it up. Now Pelosi is making excuses why Biden should not debate Trump, top storyon .
Did you laugh as hard as i did today when Biden pivoted and said the violence has to stop for the first time. LOL. They must have looked at the ratings plummeting.

Too late ****ERS.
Yep no doubt . Most normal every day working blue collar working families do not condone looting and riots. They are tired of being called racist by the people that would not be making millions with out them. The race card is being played as hard as it can because many hard working blacks see what is going on. The Obama’s, Sharpton, Waters, Squad, BLM ,ANTIFA getting rich off them. Do you really think the squad and Sharpton's of the world want to see racism go away ?
Plan on staying home for a bit if Trump wins. Interestingly, conservatives have more guns than the left but except for self defense, you don't have to worry about them using them if Biden wins... Don't have to worry about us rioting and looting either.
I live in a red county. They come here they gonna see how you handle riots.
Did you laugh as hard as i did today when Biden pivoted and said the violence has to stop for the first time. LOL. They must have looked at the ratings plummeting.

Too late ****ERS.
Internal Dem polling. They cant affoird to hold off on it any more. Killing them.

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