I have as varied a playlist as anyone. Right now I cruise in the Suburban with everything from Metallica, AC/DC, some old Motown stuff, Stapleton, Waylon, Tool, and Jay-Z on my iTunes. Jay Z’s Black Album is one of my top 2-3 albums of all time. I always go back and forth between that and Tool’s Lateralus. AC/DC Back in Black occupies the #1 spot.
One thing I never got into was the grunge of the early 90’s. At that point I was developing my affinity for rap/hip hop. A tribe called quest, wu-tang, and the west coast jams dominated my discman from about 91-94. So I figure I missed out on the Seattle grunge band influx. Later on as my sound palate grew I got into it a little bit but not enough to put them over Metallica who I’ve been listening to since the 80s. Funny, after I responded to the initial post I had the radio on in the background and Alive came on.