Analogies between the NCAA and ....


Jan 30, 2004
Key Largo
the Obama administration;

I don't like mixing politics and sports …especially in football; But one has to draw a comparison between the NCAA and the current Obama administration. They both have too much "abusive" power and their actions or lack of action are one sided and cause so much harm to balance of the population.

Both groups have been lying and using the system to benefit their own agenda; The Obama administration will & have done what ever it take to keep investigation by an independent source away … so as to investigate the incident themselves with an favorable outcome.
Obama must appease his base which fuels his party with large donations … the NCAA receives large sums of money from TV contracts and colleges and is influenced by certain conferences; ( it is in my opinion that the actions against Miami was to sway the income of sports money to these conferences / colleges (SEC/ USC) …. …. Miami by itself dominated college football for 20 years. One only needs to check where the power of domination is currently at to justify my statement on the SEC (# of SEC collages that end up in the top 10 year after year) … "Follow the Money Trail".
When faced with known facts of deception, the tactics of both entities are one in the same; deny any wrong doing and stall investigation as long as possible with the hopes that the hands of time will wash away the severities of incidents … and without any other governing body such as a independent special prosecutor, judge themselves innocent of any corruption or wrong doing.
With Benghazi , Obama had to perpetuate the lie that Al Quaeda was not a threat, so as to help Obama get re elected … it ended up blowing up in his face … with Miami , word got out, it also blew up in their (NCAA) face …. Both now trying to cover it up.
I could go on and on drawing analogy's such as Chicago Style politics, ponzie scheming statics, abusive power with large sums of money … but you get the picture.

I still have hope for the Miami Program … but faced with the power structure of the NCAA … Miami has its work cut out for them, unless they submit to the NCAA additional punishment so as for the 2A to save face …. I don't feel that positive with our country at this time and point …we will endure 3 more years of corruption.
Ya'll Republicans need to kill all this hatred for Obama and, because no one sucked more and abused their power more than George W. Bush Administration. If you want I can post his ten mile long rap sheet. Anybody with a half a brain knows politics and government is one of the dirtiest institutions in the world.. it doesn't matter if its Dem or Rep. But for some reason Republicans seem to get a case of amnesia during the Bush yrs.. but now they are Sherlock Holmes since Obama is in office.. so if you voted for Bush twice please cut your mic off and have a seat.
Great Post , please do not try to compare Obama to Bush administrations ........Obama is SATAN.
Reagan was the Devil you probably have a statue of him.
Bush was just an idiot. You hate Obama because you can never
Be what he is. I wonder how many of you are Tea party members.
Originally posted by sweatchuck:
Ya'll Republicans need to kill all this hatred for Obama and, because no one sucked more and abused their power more than George W. Bush Administration. If you want I can post his ten mile long rap sheet. Anybody with a half a brain knows politics and government is one of the dirtiest institutions in the world.. it doesn't matter if its Dem or Rep. But for some reason Republicans seem to get a case of amnesia during the Bush yrs.. but now they are Sherlock Holmes since Obama is in office.. so if you voted for Bush twice please cut your mic off and have a seat.
I'm not a republican; I'm an American who knows the differenent between right & wrong ... if your a Dem. and can't not be proud of Obama ...if you were a Repubican you could not be proud of Nioxn ... As a Hurrican Fan .. I was upset that the "Nothwest High " players knew our past history and did the very thing that got Miami in trouble before? Why do supporter of a corrupt (administration or collage) try to justify the current adminstration or college class with the same old excuse ' Bush Bush Bush ... so it's ok to support a administration that lies to the American people, it's OK to support a football team that that knew better yet had their hands out for money; WHEN IS ENOUGH ENOUGH?

I support what Coach Golden is doing ... maning up... when are we as Americans going to man up and say; Hey it was wrong then ... it is wrong now; Obama and Clinton have blood on their hands, those Americans were begging for their lives and for the sake of re election Obama went to bed and Clintion did the same while Americans were killed.

Say what you all want about Randy Shannon ... but didn't he man up and say stay away from his guy? No one listen, now Miami is paying the price ............ Why isn't no one listening with Obama?? I don't like liers and I don't like the fact that Obama played us and his supporters are helping him sell us out. If a Tea Party member is one who stands up and ask Why? Sign me up!!! My father servered in WW2 , my brother served in Viet Nam, I won't shut up if some one labels as a Tea Partier .... If you a bad President .. I'll call you out.... If you want to be a Hurricane, & Alabama, LSU, Alburn wants to offer you $$$ or give your Daddy a job or money you a home ... that's not what Miami is all about.

This post was edited on 5/27 11:11 AM by canekeylargo

This post was edited on 5/27 11:19 AM by canekeylargo
Not sure this post belongs on this board, but I agree 100%. I am a republican and in no way do I think Bush was without fault. But Obama will go down as the worst president in our history.
Posted from[/URL]
Originally posted by Trampledunderfoot:
Somebody has been watching Glen Beck.
Trampledunerfoot, please give me credit for having my own thoguhts .. I haven't seen or heard of Glen Beck in years ... is he a Miami Hurricane fan (LOL).

What is funny is ... no one disagrees with the analogy in refferences with the NCAA !! so we must at least all agree there!

It was just a analogy ... I think I'm on the money with the analogy and I was thinking about my brother & dad on memorial day who both are not with me anyone. Our goverment was not never meant to be an empowering force over it's citizens.

Just do this if your a supporter of Obama ... stop for a min. ... I'am not saying not to support him ... but watch him, don't follow him blindly .... don't give up your freedom that so many have die for, he is chipping away our freedom,
ask, why the lieing to the American people? Why using the IRS to shut people up who disagree with him?.... it's wrong, it's un American; Don't be afarid to question him even if you supported him .... power and money is the drug of choice by people in goverment and the NCAA.

Now that we all agree that at least the NCAA the devil .... what lessons have colleges who are not in the SEC have learned? This year it was Miami, "when will it be my college"? That is why I think Miami needs to go to court, so that other schools won't be subject to the back door dealings that I believe is going on.