Biden is going to be a complete disaster

Tomorrow is a Great day for China Iran.. Twiitter/ Social Media.. and Left Wing Socialists everywhere.. And A horrible day for the USA.. The Bill of Rights.. Freedom..and Capitalism..

What a nightmare we are heading into
You left out the mexican cartels. Shame their enterprises aren’t available in the stock market. This is huge for them.
Tomorrow is a Great day for China Iran.. Twiitter/ Social Media.. and Left Wing Socialists everywhere.. And A horrible day for the USA.. The Bill of Rights.. Freedom..and Capitalism..

What a nightmare we are heading into
That is a real vote of confidence...NUTS!
You will all see what a great president Trump was in a short period of time. Like OP said, Biden will be a complete disaster. Love him or hate him Trump's policies were good for our country.

They weren't good for us at all. We are considerably weaker and less respected globally and at war with another domestically - all because of Trump's incompetence.

U will have to draw him a pic......these people do not understand FACTS.......
Dawg, here’s a FACT for ya...DT has been a racist piece of shyt as a human being since forever! It’s beyond parties-he was one when he was a Dem!
Dawg, here’s a FACT for ya...DT has been a racist piece of shyt as a human being since forever! It’s beyond parties-he was one when he was a Dem!

Some are apparently ok with this as long as they get tax cuts.
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Tomorrow is a Great day for China Iran.. Twiitter/ Social Media.. and Left Wing Socialists everywhere.. And A horrible day for the USA.. The Bill of Rights.. Freedom..and Capitalism..

What a nightmare we are heading into

Yep, as you pointed out the Communist Chinese can hardly contain themselves, their bought and paid for asset is in the White House.

Yep, as you pointed out the Communist Chinese can hardly contain themselves, their bought and paid for asset is in the White House.

Newsflash - Just about every country in the world wanted Biden to win, because they prefer dealing with a sane, rational individual.
Dawg, here’s a FACT for ya...DT has been a racist piece of shyt as a human being since forever! It’s beyond parties-he was one when he was a Dem!
Dawg here is fact for 1 thing that the Dumbacrat party has done for is another Fact name 1 thing that is on there agenda.........and here is a bigger Fact Joe Biden is bigger racist........go back and look at what he has voted for........FACT.......
Dawg here is fact for 1 thing that the Dumbacrat party has done for is another Fact name 1 thing that is on there agenda.........and here is a bigger Fact Joe Biden is bigger racist........go back and look at what he has voted for........FACT.......
Like I’ve said in other threads, I’m not for neither party cause BOTH have been on some bullshyt when it comes to the treatment of black ppl in this country! And when it comes to JB, he’s has enough sense to admit when he’s fuk’d up and shown that he’s human (is it that hard for the fuk boy from queens to issue apologies and admit the error of his ways, obviously yes) Also, you’re turning this into party thing, had DT b*tchazz ran as Dem which he was at different times, I would’ve voted GOP...AND FAST!
Tomorrow is a Great day for China Iran.. Twiitter/ Social Media.. and Left Wing Socialists everywhere.. And A horrible day for the USA.. The Bill of Rights.. Freedom..and Capitalism..

What a nightmare we are heading into
Where have you been for the last 4 years? That corrupt POS destroyed this country with his insurrection, lying nonstop and criminal enterprise. He even had the gall to pardon several of his co-conspirators as he left the WH. What a fukking nightmare the last 4 years have been. America is glad he is gone.
Where have you been for the last 4 years? That corrupt POS destroyed this country with his insurrection, lying nonstop and criminal enterprise. He even had the gall to pardon several of his co-conspirators as he left the WH. What a fukking nightmare the last 4 years have been. America is glad he is gone.
Notice he didn't mention Russia. Putin just lost his #1 Stooge and Trump always took his word over that of his own Intel!
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Notice he didn't mention Russia. Putin just lost his #1 Stooge and Trump always took his word over that of his own Intel!

According to US Treasury documents.

Fuk Boy didn’t even have the decency to attend the inauguration.....B*tchazz 🤨

Who would you respect more a President who shows up while being part of a political backstabbing investigation and shakes hands or someone who says I’m not playing this game.
The response was to being a liar. Don’t want to touch that ?
I will. Trump literally showed up, admitted that he bought politicians when useful, admitted he used polls when beneficial and undercut them when not, ultimately admitted that he undercut the press no for truth sake but so that he would be believed when he spoke and they would not accuracy be yes the man who said his supporters were so devout that they would allow him to shoot someone and still vote for him proved that his truth was relative.

Trump was a pathological liar.
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Who would you respect more a President who shows up while being part of a political backstabbing investigation and shakes hands or someone who says I’m not playing this game.
Zeke, cut the bullshyt dawg..DT is a b*tchazz racist fuk boy from Queens! it’s not political, he’s been one for awhile even when he was a Dem! He lost the election and couldn’t handle that he’d been rejected! He started talking about the election being rigged way before the election as some preemptive shyt! He won the election last time because HC was just as bad of a candidate and a lot of my black bruthas and sistas sat the election out because they were fuk’n with either one!
He got these ppl out here riled up and running up in the Capitol on a lie on some Jim Jones manipulative shyt...dumb azzes-all of them are catching cases too! I think the real reality show is about to start for the clown who couldn’t admit that he lost an election!!
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Yep, much more confident now that we have someone who was top of his law class.
1. Biden didn’t have his attorney threaten to sue his school if they released the transcripts.

2. John McCain was a shit student and amazing man leader and American icon.

3. Bush 43 was a mediocre student that barely graduated.

4. Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar.

5. Obama was top of the class and President Of Harvard Law Review.
Soooo if you find a correlation performance in school you’ll have some difficulty without acknowledging Obama and Clinton’s records. Personally I think Bush was great for the first six years.
Biden is President now let’s talk about him, when will you people stop. Trump is gone. You’ve all gone on about how you detest people who lie now all you can do is Trump, Trump, Trump.
1. Biden didn’t have his attorney threaten to sue his school if they released the transcripts.

2. John McCain was a shit student and amazing man leader and American icon.

3. Bush 43 was a mediocre student that barely graduated.

4. Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar.

5. Obama was top of the class and President Of Harvard Law Review.
Soooo if you find a correlation performance in school you’ll have some difficulty without acknowledging Obama and Clinton’s records. Personally I think Bush was great for the first six years.
Obama was a bullshit elitist and Slick Willie Clinton took advantage of an employee and should be chastised for marrying the ugliest, most disgusting, the most criminal beatch that we have ever had to endure. Slick Willie should be concerned with the Epstein investigation.
Right after University of Delaware.
Cool...they ALL should be released-Just like all of their taxes should be released! I’m with all of that dawg! BTW, fuk boy always talks about how smart he is-if he fully believed this, genius wouldn’t have blocked his transcripts from being released, would he?🧐 As much as he likes to brag, he would wear a suit with all of his “academic” accomplishments
Cool...they ALL should be released-Just like all of their taxes should be released! I’m with all of that dawg

Glad you’re for it now get Biden to release his senatorial papers from UD. or is it Delaware St.
Glad you’re for it now get Biden to release his senatorial papers from UD. or is it Delaware St.
Doesn’t matter to me__they all should release them! BTW, I hope you’re not trying to hurl insult dawg. I’m actually a proud graduate of an HBCU-first person in my immediate family to graduate from college bruh! Also, I have quite a few friends who I grew up with that attended and graduated from Del St. They’re ALL doing well too..
Doesn’t matter to me__they all should release them! BTW, I hope you’re not trying to hurl insult dawg. I’m actually a proud graduate of an HBCU-first person in my immediate family to graduate from college bruh

Congrats no hurt here. Neice was in Administration at Morgan St.
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