Bye Bye Obamacare hello tax reform. GOP has the votes to pass bill.

No what your saying is pure deflection, you looked foolish and now trying to create a defense. Again I never claimed Trumps numbers better. I merely posted an article that showed legit numbers. Again nice try, however it blew up in your face!! BIGLY!!

Thank you for posting an article that proved my point, and made me look like a fool for being correct. I think it blew up in my face when you confirmed I was right, and I am truly embarrassed now.
Thank you for posting an article that proved my point, and made me look like a fool for being correct. I think it blew up in my face when you confirmed I was right, and I am truly embarrassed now.
No no see here’s your problem, you being pissy like a woman has your judgement blinded. Again, article only showed actual numbers. Not who’s better, who’s numbers higher etc etc again above you accused me of saying Trumps numbers better which as we all know now was a false claim on your behalf. Again, everyone can see it. And you should be embarrassed. You made stupid statement about my reading comprehension when clearly you didn’t and don’t digest anything. Enjoy your Prius
No no see here’s your problem, you being pissy like a woman has your judgement blinded. Again, article only showed actual numbers. Not who’s better, who’s numbers higher etc etc again above you accused me of saying Trumps numbers better which as we all know now was a false claim on your behalf. Again, everyone can see it. And you should be embarrassed. You made stupid statement about my reading comprehension when clearly you didn’t and don’t digest anything. Enjoy your Prius

I actually drive a Tesla so you are close.

I guess we can both just agree that Obama's percentage growth, like I initially said, is better than Trump's.
I actually drive a Tesla so you are close.

I guess we can both just agree that Obama's percentage growth, like I initially said, is better than Trump's.
Don’t know, my reading comprehension is shit!
And for a guy who claims to be a Republican you cheer for Obama nonstop!!
Well if you mean by actual facts, real stats and documented history then you might want to educate yourself rather than sucking up the Obama love sponge.

The actual facts and stats are there. Even Palmasecondaccountboy agrees as long as the stats don't account for the day before Obama was inaugurated because that would make the discrepancy even bigger.
The actual facts and stats are there. Even Palmasecondaccountboy agrees as long as the stats don't account for the day before Obama was inaugurated because that would make the discrepancy even bigger.
Show me the actual numbers! No way it’s possibke. The market hasn’t moved that much in a term ever much less 11 months.
The actual facts and stats are there. Even Palmasecondaccountboy agrees as long as the stats don't account for the day before Obama was inaugurated because that would make the discrepancy even bigger.
When the F did I say that?? Never said that, you need to lie to defend a position?? And again with your “second account” accusation! Bro give up, nobody listens to you! Just keep clicking your heels and you look stupid!!
Show me the actual numbers! No way it’s possibke. The market hasn’t moved that much in a term ever much less 11 months.
And for record Cash, I didn’t agree with shit!! I simply posted an article that didn’t include twisted liberal spin on numbers!! Andy got caught talking stupid now in full panic!
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And for record Cash, I didn’t agree with shit!! I simply posted an article that didn’t include twisted liberal spin on numbers!! Andy got caught talking stupid now in full panic!

You posted an article that proved my point. Your article said that MSNBC's numbers started on the day before the inauguration making it 31% instead of starting on the day of inauguration making it 26.57%. They then go on to say that Trump's numbers were reported correctly at 25%. You then spent some time saying that you never said Trump's numbers were higher, but apparently you have now backtracked.
You posted an article that proved my point. Your article said that MSNBC's numbers started on the day before the inauguration making it 31% instead of starting on the day of inauguration making it 26.57%. They then go on to say that Trump's numbers were reported correctly at 25%. You then spent some time saying that you never said Trump's numbers were higher, but apparently you have now backtracked.
Never did say Trumps numbers were higher! If I did then show me! Because you made a stupid joke, looked stupid and then start twisting and turning with all your BS. Either show me when I said Trumps numbers higher or shut the F up already. Lying sack of shit.
Where did I say Trumps numbers higher??? Talk about reading comprehension. You look so stupid it’s baffling you haven’t gone to your safe space!!
I am pretty sure this is a very clear cut issue: 1) Obama's percentage growth is higher, or 2) Trump's percentage growth is higher. If there is a 3rd option please let me know because apparently you don't agree with 1 or 2.
I am pretty sure this is a very clear cut issue: 1) Obama's percentage growth is higher, or 2) Trump's percentage growth is higher. If there is a 3rd option please let me know because apparently you don't agree with 1 or 2.
Who is this question directed at?
Maybe the guy that posted the no spin article that says Trump's numbers are lower than Obama's? Of the guy that disputes the numbers but liked the article?
Ok the same guy you falsely accused of something he never said. Again I didn’t say “higher” or “lower” so stop putting up smoke screen messages. Admit you made a mistake and move on. Nobody buying your deflections. I simply provided accurate numbers
So I was the guy that posted an article I didn't read in an attempt to show that Trump's numbers surpassed Obama's, and then claimed that wasn't my reasoning?

Got it.
Still can’t show board where I said Trumps numbers surpassed Obama’s?? Or do you want to man up and admit the stupid “reading comprehension” joke blew up in your face?
So I was the guy that posted an article I didn't read in an attempt to show that Trump's numbers surpassed Obama's, and then claimed that wasn't my reasoning?

Got it.
So again when did I claim Trumps numbers higher?? Show the board!! @andyctree tried to play funny and ends up looking stupid as usual. Typical pissy liberal.
So again when did I claim Trumps numbers higher?? Show the board!! @andyctree tried to play funny and ends up looking stupid as usual. Typical pissy liberal.

I can show you were you posted an article you didn't read because you thought it would show Trump's numbers were higher than Obama's. Oh right, your intention was to show Obama's numbers were higher.
I can show you were you posted an article you didn't read because you thought it would show Trump's numbers were higher than Obama's. Oh right, your intention was to show Obama's numbers were higher.
Actually if you could read, I clearly stated “no agenda at all” which if you weren’t so stupid and stayed in the dummy mane where you belong you’d know it was just a factual breakdown either way. And again, you tried to be funny and looked stupid while doing it. Still can’t show me where I said Trumps numbers higher?? You didn’t wonder why I said “no agenda” you jerkoff
Actually if you could read, I clearly stated “no agenda at all” which if you weren’t so stupid and stayed in the dummy mane where you belong you’d know it was just a factual breakdown either way. And again, you tried to be funny and looked stupid while doing it. Still can’t show me where I said Trumps numbers higher?? You didn’t wonder why I said “no agenda” you jerkoff

So then you admit that Obama's numbers are better than Trump's based on your "no agenda" article?
So then you admit that Obama's numbers are better than Trump's based on your "no agenda" article?
Again what does that have to do with you lying??? You lied, own it, be a man and admit it. You call me a “pussy” yet you can’t Man up and admit a mistake.
Again what does that have to do with you lying??? You lied, own it, be a man and admit it. You call me a “pussy” yet you can’t Man up and admit a mistake.

If your stance is that Trump's numbers are better than say it. If not, then say it. You know you don't want to say anything now because 1) you have to admit Obama's numbers were better or 2) you were too much of a dipshit to read the article before posting (aka proving my point). Just so you know, saying Obama's numbers were better would make me in the wrong, but you are too chicken shit to do it. The assumption that every single thing you post on this board is pro-Trump, and you have 1000 posts in the last 33 days to prove it, is not that far fetched. And that is why you are a huge pussy. I know your intentions were to prove Trump's number better as does everyone else, and we all know you don't actually read half the shit you post on here because you just posted an article as a fact that Robert Kraft is going to buy a factory in NC even though the only source is second hand from Trump.
If your stance is that Trump's numbers are better than say it. If not, then say it. You know you don't want to say anything now because 1) you have to admit Obama's numbers were better or 2) you were too much of a dipshit to read the article before posting (aka proving my point). Just so you know, saying Obama's numbers were better would make me in the wrong, but you are too chicken shit to do it. The assumption that every single thing you post on this board is pro-Trump, and you have 1000 posts in the last 33 days to prove it, is not that far fetched. And that is why you are a huge pussy. I know your intentions were to prove Trump's number better as does everyone else, and we all know you don't actually read half the shit you post on here because you just posted an article as a fact that Robert Kraft is going to buy a factory in NC even though the only source is second hand from Trump.
Again stupid, use all the deflection you want. The numbers were NOT the argument. I never said and still haven’t stated who had better numbers. You lied and stated that I commented Trumps were better. I never said that!! So again, you tried to be funny and got made yourself look foolish. Deflect all you want, everyone knows what an idiot you are!! You keep digging yourself a hole. And for the record I read everything I post. For the last time, you are a jerkoff that’s proven most people’s opinion about you that your a clown!! Isn’t surprising that most think you are a crybaby.
Your OzonaCane1!!!

Now it makes sense. Did you get banned and start another account 6 months to the day later?
Again stupid, use all the deflection you want. The numbers were NOT the argument. I never said and still haven’t stated who had better numbers. You lied and stated that I commented Trumps were better. I never said that!! So again, you tried to be funny and got made yourself look foolish. Deflect all you want, everyone knows what an idiot you are!! You keep digging yourself a hole. And for the record I read everything I post. For the last time, you are a jerkoff that’s proven most people’s opinion about you that your a clown!! Isn’t surprising that most think you are a crybaby.

Maybe you should look up deflection OzonaCane1
Nice reading comprehension. Lol

It says MSNBCs numbers are wrong but they still are better than Trumps. Too funny...

Is this the post that I am deflecting from?

My assumption that post 1334 would be pro-Trump instead of a post in favor of Obama's numbers.
Is this the post that I am deflecting from?

My assumption that post 1334 would be pro-Trump instead of a post in favor of Obama's numbers.
Yes the same post I’ve pointed out to you several times. Notice the “reading comprehension” joke, now you’ll deflect that you made an assumption? Hahahaha what a fraud you are!! Seriously all this for a stupid joke you shouldn’t have made! Fraud
OzonaCane panties are in a bunch.

Why did you get banned in the first place?
Again with the lies and crying!! Prove the claim to Gary and make a fool of yourself again. No my panties just fine, it’s you that keeps coming back with whacky claims! All pissy and whining like a girl. More Andy lies
No it didn't . Gary doesn't give a shit about the lounge and doesn't care if you post 3 billion threads. It was because CD reported him over and over and over for using "racial code".
And Thug, these liberal creeps is make up lies to silence board members??? Wtf? What happened to Freedom of Speech they loved so much? Only when they agree with that person!
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And Thug, these liberal creeps is make up lies to silence board members??? Wtf? What happened to Freedom of Speech they loved so much? Only when they agree with that person!

Well for starters this is a private board that is owned by a corporation - and a publicly traded one at that, which sets its own rules. So the moderators get to limit what content it's users can post.

The rules of the forum clearly state....

1. No Profanity, racist, religious or sexist comments. This includes using abbreviations or changing one letter of a swear word such that the word(s) are still interpreted by most as profane.

2. No Sexual Innuendos


So make of that what you will.
[QUOTE="PalmaBoy, post: 1983835, member: 48238"]So if it’s private and it’s publicly traded it’s not private! That’s first! Second, the Mods do get to limit what’s said, however again do these rules you quote only apply to us? On the right!! Or do they appt for everyone? And seriously quoting the rules?? When both sides talk smack back and forth all day? Sexual references go back and forth all day, and again you don’t say a thing!! Hypocrite![/QUOTE]

Just let that sink in for a moment.

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