Herschel Walker Another "Outstanding" Republican Senate Candidate

Right. Just like the Gator Grad Corrine Brown who spoke before congress congratulating “Corch Meyer” for winning the National championship “Go Gata”. Yea. That was some articulate speech right there. How dafuq she got a degree is the real fascination here.
That was quite the speech. In case you missed it

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That dumbass ain't running against Hank. Try again!

It’s what is known as an analogy. Let me TRY to explain it to you.
See both are black men one already has exposed just how dumb he is. The other is trying to represent the same state Georgia. He hasn’t stated anything so dumb in Congress because he’s not a member yet. I think if you are pointing out dumb statements or debates on the floor, you might do better to actually have the man say something dumb and not just predict it’s going to happen.

a comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.
"an analogy between the workings of nature and those of human societies"
  • a correspondence or partial similarity.
    "the syndrome is called deep dysgraphia because of its analogy to deep dyslexia"
  • a thing which is comparable to something else in significant respects.
    "works of art were seen as an analogy for works of nature"
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It’s what is known as an analogy. Let me TRY to explain it to you.
See both are black men one already has exposed just how dumb he is. The other is trying to represent the same state Georgia. He hasn’t stated anything so dumb in Congress because he’s not a member yet. I think if you are pointing out dumb statements or debates on the floor, you might do better to actually have the man say something dumb and not just predict it’s going to happen.

a comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.
"an analogy between the workings of nature and those of human societies"
  • a correspondence or partial similarity.
    "the syndrome is called deep dysgraphia because of its analogy to deep dyslexia"
  • a thing which is comparable to something else in significant respects.
    "works of art were seen as an analogy for works of nature"
First, this thread is not about race although, as usual, that's what you want it to be about. If Herschel was Caucasian, I still would have posted this thread. Why? Because he's dumber than a sack of rocks. Take Paul Gosar, a Republican darling from Arizona. He's Caucasian but another dumbass right winger. Now you understand?
First, this thread is not about race although, as usual, that's what you want it to be about. If Herschel was Caucasian, I still would have posted this thread. Why? Because he's dumber than a sack of rocks. Take Paul Gosar, a Republican darling from Arizona. He's Caucasian but another dumbass right winger. Now you understand?

Guess you didn’t understand the definition of analogy. Read the first sentence again, here I’ll help, a comparison between two things. Not making it about race but if you are comparing the two it’s hard not to notice they are both black
Guess you didn’t understand the definition of analogy. Read the first sentence again, here I’ll help, a comparison between two things. Not making it about race but if you are comparing the two it’s hard not to notice they are both black
You obviously don't understand. An analogy is not necessary. Herschel is dumb regardless of his race.
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I'm not by any means saying he's a bad guy. In fact I'm sure most who meet him would say he's a great dude. But this discussion is about his level of intellect and his ability to articulate, AND his competence as a potential politician. I'd even agree that he's a humble and genuine brother. He's just not the sharpest tool in the toolbox, and he's a little slow when it comes to putting 2 and 2 together, and getting 4. But again, don't take my word for it, maybe he wins and you guys can see for yourselves.
Stacy Abrams and Rafael Warnock make him look like a rocket scientist. He has that election wrapped up.
Then we'll have another dumb Republican in the Capitol.

Little does Hershel realize he will need to talk to the media sooner or later, at which point the world will learn of his superior intellectual prowess.
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Then we'll have another dumb Republican in the Capitol.
I’d say about 75% of the people in congress are dumb. Especially in the House of Representatives. Most of them get elected in districts that it doesn’t matter who’s on the ballot just party affiliation. Republicans and democrats.
The senate on the other hand was designed to balance out the partisanship of the congress by having to be elected statewide.
Little does Hershel realize he will need to talk to the media sooner or later, at which point the world will learn of his superior intellectual prowess.
why sleepy joe didn’t
I’d say about 75% of the people in congress are dumb. Especially in the House of Representatives. Most of them get elected in districts that it doesn’t matter who’s on the ballot just party affiliation. Republicans and democrats.
The senate on the other hand was designed to balance out the partisanship of the congress by having to be elected statewide.

why sleepy joe didn’t
Republican Senators say hello to partisanship when it comes to convicting criminals on impeachment charges.
Little does Hershel realize he will need to talk to the media sooner or later, at which point the world will learn of his superior intellectual prowess.
These Republicans never acknowledge the low intellect of their politicians especially Trump. Many of them think Trump is a policy maven but listen to him discuss any policy matter. The man is an imbecile. We all remember him discussing possible cures for Covid and his solution was bleach. Smfh
These Republicans never acknowledge the low intellect of their politicians especially Trump. Many of them think Trump is a policy maven but listen to him discuss any policy matter. The man is an imbecile. We all remember him discussing possible cures for Covid and his solution was bleach. Smfh

To be honest, we shouldn’t be surprised that the party of science denial, climate change denial, and with their heads in the sand on the existence of racism in American society, are offering up dumb candidates who offer nothing of intellectual value to their largely uneducated constituents.
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I have seen multiple interviews with Herschel Walker. He does not come across as unintelligent or inarticulate IMO
To be honest, we shouldn’t be surprised that the party of science denial, climate change denial, and with their heads in the sand on the existence of racism in American society, are offering up dumb candidates who offer nothing of intellectual value to their largely uneducated constituents.
Remember those White Southerners who were a big part of the Democratic Party? They were mostly uneducated who eventually moved to the Republican party. As Paul Harvey said many times, "And now we know the rest of the story. Good day".
I've heard lots of people come across as less intelligent and less articulate. It doesn't matter- voters. will decide.
Remember those White Southerners who were a big part of the Democratic Party? They were mostly uneducated who eventually moved to the Republican party. As Paul Harvey said many times, "And now we know the rest of the story. Good day".
Senators Eastland and Stennis and Rep Robert" Sheets "'Byrd were not uneducated and did not become Republicans
Brandon doesn’t need any help with disrupting his train of thought, he’s got that covered all by himself.
Has the GOP caucus had their train of disrupted??? Last week RNC chairperson announced the Republicans will not participate in the 2024 debates. This gives the Democrats a golden opportunity. How quickly the red tsunami dissipates. Ms McDaniel said our requests for the 2024 debates were not honored by the commission. " One request was the removal of a mute button for the debates. Back in the 2020 debates DJT incessant interruptions while Biden was speaking. Sounds as though DJT has a firm grip on the GOP. They are , without question deadly afraid of the man.
Or how about Mark Meadows, DJT former chief of staff who not only perpetuated the lie The 2020 elections were stolen." He commiserated with Ginny Thomas, wife of SCOTUS Clarence Thomas who refuses to recuse himself from the hearings of Jan 06. A few days ago a report surfaced saying he registered to vote in 3 states.
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Senators Eastland and Stennis and Rep Robert" Sheets "'Byrd were not uneducated and did not become Republicans
But the rest were uneducated and moved to the Republican party. Look at your party and especially folks like Herschel. They all are dumber than a sack of rocks.
But the rest were uneducated and moved to the Republican party. Look at your party and especially folks like Herschel. They all are dumber than a sack of rocks.
And you think the democrats are any better? Come on man!!!
Has the GOP caucus had their train of disrupted??? Last week RNC chairperson announced the Republicans will not participate in the 2024 debates. This gives the Democrats a golden opportunity. How quickly the red tsunami dissipates. Ms McDaniel said our requests for the 2024 debates were not honored by the commission. " One request was the removal of a mute button for the debates. Back in the 2020 debates DJT incessant interruptions while Biden was speaking. Sounds as though DJT has a firm grip on the GOP. They are , without question deadly afraid of the man.
Or how about Mark Meadows, DJT former chief of staff who not only perpetuated the lie The 2020 elections were stolen." He commiserated with Ginny Thomas, wife of SCOTUS Clarence Thomas who refuses to recuse himself from the hearings of Jan 06. A few days ago a report surfaced saying he registered to vote in 3 states.
Has the GOP caucus had their train of disrupted??? Last week RNC chairperson announced the Republicans will not participate in the 2024 debates. This gives the Democrats a golden opportunity. How quickly the red tsunami dissipates. Ms McDaniel said our requests for the 2024 debates were not honored by the commission. " One request was the removal of a mute button for the debates. Back in the 2020 debates DJT incessant interruptions while Biden was speaking. Sounds as though DJT has a firm grip on the GOP. They are , without question deadly afraid of the man.
Or how about Mark Meadows, DJT former chief of staff who not only perpetuated the lie The 2020 elections were stolen." He commiserated with Ginny Thomas, wife of SCOTUS Clarence Thomas who refuses to recuse himself from the hearings of Jan 06. A few days ago a report surfaced saying he registered to vote in 3 states.
You’re either desperately clueless, or shamelessly trying to manipulate the narrative.

Here’s one of numerous videos from the man who thinks he’s president.

I'm not by any means saying he's a bad guy. In fact I'm sure most who meet him would say he's a great dude. But this discussion is about his level of intellect and his ability to articulate, AND his competence as a potential politician. I'd even agree that he's a humble and genuine brother. He's just not the sharpest tool in the toolbox, and he's a little slow when it comes to putting 2 and 2 together, and getting 4. But again, don't take my word for it, maybe he wins and you guys can see for yourselves.
Lol. Articulate? Have you been watching Brandon the last few years? And how did you ditermine his level of competence?
And intelligence? Does that even matter to you folk? DeSantis is smart AF. And you ridicule him.
Obviously intelligence isn’t a measure for liberals. There are plenty of umm borderline libs let’s just say it that way. Corrine Brown comes immediately to mind. Let’s not forget that Gem from I believe Texas, that asked NASA to verify if the American flag was actually planted on MARS. I think she even represented Houston. Yes Houston we do have a fckn problem.
"Biden has always been dumb. He's even dumber now , and it's making the world more dangerous"- Dick Morris Senior Advisor to Bill Clinton
" Biden has been on the wrong side of every issue since I've known him"- Robert Gates Sec. of Defense under Obama

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