It's in the proverbial bag: cover-up always worse than crime

These right wingers pretend they don't know Trump is corrupt. Give me a break. They will be crushed when Mueller finishes his investigation and all the dirt comes out.
Dude, this is a dumpster fire and shit is about to get real for them quick fast and in a hurry. It's very sad too. Trump is going get cracked like an egg like Sloppy Steve said about Eric. It's going down, it is just a matter of when....and this cat has his crap together.

They are trying to disparage the DOJ over a text comment about a secret society that was said jokingly. This is gotten to the point of pure desperation. Mueller is a Republican they wanted to do this....all this stuff to discredit the FBI is just laughable. The facts lead where they lead.

My only concern is I am not going to be completely satisfied unless there is an indictment of Trump. I will accept impeachment and then charges....but the stuff being discussed is treasonous.
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Again, I don't know why you guys nervously come here every day trying to litigate this for Trump. He has lawyers. You will get the charges when and/or if Mueller brings them. Relax. I believe they will find a lot of things. That's my opinion. I am not going to discuss opinion based conjecture. Everyone has their own opinion.
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The investigation is broad and has little to do with a fisa warrant. Its about Russian interference and all things and persons related to it, so the scope is well within what it is intended to be. Trump, by firing Comey because he was homing in on Russian interference is by itself pure obstruction. The attempt to fire Mueller and all of these recent plots related to Nunes could also be folded into that. There is likely more than enough for a successful obstruction case now and that's before Trump is even interviewed.
More lies
Dude, this is a dumpster fire and shit is about to get real for them quick fast and in a hurry. It's very sad too. Trump is going get cracked like an egg like Sloppy Steve said about Eric. It's going down, it is just a matter of when....and this cat has his crap together.

They are trying to disparage the DOJ over a text comment about a secret society that was said jokingly. This is gotten to the point of pure desperation. Mueller is a Republican they wanted to do this....all this stuff to discredit the FBI is just laughable. The facts lead where they lead.

My only concern is I am not going to be completely satisfied unless there is an indictment of Trump. I will accept impeachment and then charges....but the stuff being discussed is treasonous.
And more propoganda, twisted facts and lies
Again, I don't know why you guys nervously come here every day trying to litigate this for Trump. He has lawyers. You will get the charges when and/or if Mueller brings them. Relax. I believe they will find a lot of things. That's my opinion. I am not going to discuss opinion based conjecture. Everyone has their own opinion.
Fake news from the leader in fake news
Dumbazz, don't you know Trump has been money laundering Russian money through his hotel ventures. That's why that POS has been trying to shut down the investigation therefore obstruction of justice. The evidence is also clear he worked with Russia to win the election. More to come but please stop watching Fox Fake News because you know jack shzzt.
You don’t even know what laundering money actually is. If he were actually laundering money he would’ve already been indicted. It’s super easy to prove. Once again you belief every little thing you read and run to the boards with it. Be careful who you call a dumbass. They’re more likely smarter than you!
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They just found evidence Russia funded his campaign through the NRA. Over 55mil.
Bhahahahaha that’s hilarious. Some of the stuff you people come up with is just beyond ridiculous. So the NRA took money from the Russian govt and funneled it to DJT? An org that’s so closely watched by every liberal rag in the country? Yeah that makes sense.

You guys are so gullible
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These right wingers pretend they don't know Trump is corrupt. Give me a break. They will be crushed when Mueller finishes his investigation and all the dirt comes out.
Want to bet there’s ZERO charges of collusion and money laundering? When I say zero I’m talking nothing! Put a wager out there!
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Good post. This is pretty much my take on things as well.

One of Mueller's former associates, who is now a tv pundit, seems to think Mueller is pursuing three lanes of inquiry - Conspiracy (aka Collusion), Obstruction of Justice, and Financial Crimes. The unfortunate part of all of this is that Trump isn't behaving like an innocent person by trying to constantly undermine the credibility of the FBI and Mueller himself; and by having his lackeys like Hannity and Devin Nunes constantly cooking up nonsense in order to try to undermine the FBI's credibility.

Ultimately, innocent people are fully cooperative because they know they did nothing wrong and are confident that they will be cleared. Trump is basically doing the opposite.
Are you serious? You actually believe a word of any of this BS you write?? I cannot wait till this is over and what spin you’ll have then!! It’s going to be hilarious
Bhahahahaha that’s hilarious. Some of the stuff you people come up with is just beyond ridiculous. So the NRA took money from the Russian govt and funneled it to DJT? An org that’s so closely watched by every liberal rag in the country? Yeah that makes sense.

You guys are so gullible
Cash, ask him for the source article or where he gets this info! I can’t wait to see him lie his way out of this one!! This is hilarious
These clowns have no idea what they’re talking about. None! It’s comedy hour with these three.
It really is, they can’t be any more naive or brainwashed. Most hilarious part is they make up 99% of their arguments with zero facts. This new one from the Queen Commie, “Russia funded with $55 million from NRA” where does he invent thi stuff? He’s a sociopath!
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It really is, they can’t be any more naive or brainwashed. Most hilarious part is they make up 99% of their arguments with zero facts. This new one from the Queen Commie, “Russia funded with $55 million from NRA” where does he invent thi stuff? He’s a sociopath!
More than you know. His behavior pattern actually does lean in that direction.
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You don’t even know what laundering money actually is. If he were actually laundering money he would’ve already been indicted. It’s super easy to prove. Once again you belief every little thing you read and run to the boards with it. Be careful who you call a dumbass. They’re more likely smarter than you!
Mueller knows what's money laundering. Count on it. As for your dumbass comment I know anybody that watches Fox Fake News and don't know they're fake news is a dumbass.
Mueller knows what's money laundering. Count on it. As for your dumbass comment I know anybody that watches Fox Fake News and don't know they're fake news is a dumbass.
Just like I thought... you don’t know what it is but yet here you are trying have a debate about it. Don’t get mad, get educated!
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Just like I thought... you don’t know what it is but yet here you are trying have a debate about it. Don’t get mad, get educated!
Cash the more I think about this the more I realize it’s not our job to educate these liberal, racist hypocrites! This the very reason they are all so stupid, lack of common sense and education! Scary this is much of our society however they don’t want to be informed nor educated. Worst of all they’ll have zero clue regarding a topic and instead of saying “hey I’m without any info can you fill me in?” They’ll lie and act like an expert on the topic!! And we wonder why majority of Dems on Govt assistance, they are just plain ignorant!
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Lets be clear, you don't have thoughts. Fox Fake News thinks for you. Got it?
So now you’re telling what I think? Isn’t that what you’re basically accusing me of by saying I’m a mouthpiece for Fox News? Pretty funny! Literally nothing I’ve said here in this thread has been from Fox or even been talked about on Fox. I’m talking about a subject I have 20+ years of experience in. I can provide you a picture of my training records from DOJ if you’d like?
Just like I thought... you don’t know what it is but yet here you are trying have a debate about it. Don’t get mad, get educated!
I used to think the right had our backs when it came to defending this country against foreign subversion even if the left was screwing things up. Not anymore. The right is systematically destroying our justice system to save a corrupt president. Ronald Reagan would not be associated with your party of today.
I used to think the right had our backs when it came to defending this country against foreign subversion even if the left was screwing things up. Not anymore. The right is systematically destroying our justice system to save a corrupt president. Ronald Reagan would not be associated with your party of today.
Did you say that when the IRS, Lois Lerner & Obama Admin were targeting Conservative groups and then obstructing the investigation. Did you say that in the Fast & Furious Investigation when the Attorney General was held in congressional contempt for not turning over records? Yeah didn’t think so!
So now you’re telling what I think? Isn’t that what you’re basically accusing me of by saying I’m a mouthpiece for Fox News? Pretty funny! Literally nothing I’ve said here in this thread has been from Fox or even been talked about on Fox. I’m talking about a subject I have 20+ years of experience in. I can provide you a picture of my training records from DOJ if you’d like?
I'm talking about a news source that purposely distorts facts like Trump does. In doing so millions of Americans don't have a sense of reality. I assume like me you were educated in this country. If so, were you not taught critical thinking skills? If so, you should know Fox News is so biased that they drum up fake news.
Did you say that when the IRS, Lois Lerner & Obama Admin were targeting Conservative groups and then obstructing the investigation. Did you say that in the Fast & Furious Investigation when the Attorney General was held in congressional contempt for not turning over records? Yeah didn’t think so!
Now you're making up shzzt. I don't think I was posting in the Lounge during that time. Stop deflecting.
I'm talking about a news source that purposely distorts facts like Trump does. In doing so millions of Americans don't have a sense of reality. I assume like me you were educated in this country. If so, were you not taught critical thinking skills? If so, you should know Fox News is so biased that they drum up fake news.
I don’t watch a ton of news to begin with but let’s not sit here and pretend cnn and msnbc haven’t been caught drumming up fake news also. A critical thinker knows this. A critical thinker also realizes why the news markets are split. What I’ve been stating here is from my own experience so not sure how that plays into the whole national media taking points and fake news.
I don’t watch a ton of news to begin with but let’s not sit here and pretend cnn and msnbc haven’t been caught drumming up fake news also. A critical thinker knows this. A critical thinker also realizes why the news markets are split. What I’ve been stating here is from my own experience so not sure how that plays into the whole national media taking points and fake news.
Which news network is more credible, Fox News or ABC?
So now you’re telling what I think? Isn’t that what you’re basically accusing me of by saying I’m a mouthpiece for Fox News? Pretty funny! Literally nothing I’ve said here in this thread has been from Fox or even been talked about on Fox. I’m talking about a subject I have 20+ years of experience in. I can provide you a picture of my training records from DOJ if you’d like?
Yes he’s exactly telling you what you are thinking! Which is why I have him on ignore. He’s all nonsense! Either you are a “racist” a “NAZI” or get the info from “Fake Fox News” same BS over and over and over!!
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Which is more credible, Breitbart or NBC?
Let me help you out. I work 42-54 hours a week as a police officer. I also have my own company that I work approximately another 20-30 hours a week on. I don’t watch a lot of tv. Now count in my time on CaneSport (lmao). You’re lucky if I sleep.
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I used to think the right had our backs when it came to defending this country against foreign subversion even if the left was screwing things up. Not anymore. The right is systematically destroying our justice system to save a corrupt president. Ronald Reagan would not be associated with your party of today.
Yet 99% of the Military is part of the right! And funny, you rely on “the right” to defend you and the pot smoking hippie liberals while you dump on our beliefs all day!! Typical Liberal expecting everything from everyone else!
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