Looks like Republicans flipped a seat in Congress and held another.

That is exactly what I said. You should be embarrassed by twisting words into what you want to hear. All this over the fact that you can't admit to yourself that AA's are tired of the tyranny and oppression of the Dems. Trump will get a minimum of 20% of the AA vote and you just can't accept that fact for some reason. You also can't understand the difference between immigrants and illegal immigrants or else you're just purposely leaving that part out for some reason.
Cems only thinks you care if you OK government handouts where the incompetent people administering the handout receive the lion's share. Cems is anti-worker and anti-people advancing themselves through their own efforts. That's why workers are rejecting statists like Cems who only care about grabbing funds for themselves at the expense of the working class.
Everywhere neighborhoods are run by Democratic Statists you see poverty and despair. Cems and his fellow would-be statists could care less.
With all your bullshit you still don't get it. Why should AA wait in line behind Whites but ahead of immigrants to get their piece of the pie? Have you ever thought that maybe we all should have equal access to the American dream? Not Whites first then AA and last immigrants.

You should be embarrassed posting this nonsense.
Cems says screw Americans. Just let everyone in the World in and let Cems and his incompetent band of statists take money from Americans and give it to all those who would be stupid enough to vote for them.
Thanks. You confirmed what I thought you meant. First of all, you don't give a dam about AA neighborhoods. If you did you would support policies that provided affordable medical insurance and not allow people to be uninsured especially during a pandemic made worse by an incompetent president. Secondly, AA aren't "waiting" for housing, education and food as if we're waiting for handouts. Affordable housing and education are expected by all Americans not just AA.

You and that POS in the WH boast about low unemployment numbers for AA but don't support a $15/hour wage. If you did, AA and immigrants could afford decent housing, education and food.
So can you tell me how eight years of Obama's policies helped the low income neighborhoods more then Trumps three years? Outside of 30 million more people being put on food stamps. These high crime big cities have been getting millions if not billions of dollars but for some reason there is never any improvement. But all their corrupt leaders who make promises all seem to have lots of money. They talk a good talk but they don't show any improvements. See Chicago, Baltimore, LA, Detroit, New Orleans, New York. Nothing ever changes.
Exactly why there is something to see here cems.
The first term President half time votes are always against incumbent.
The fact that dems won those seats in 18, CAN’T hold em now speaks VOLUMES!
But....look at that first term president's handling of the economy. Not good. He will pay biggly in November.
So can you tell me how eight years of Obama's policies helped the low income neighborhoods more then Trumps three years? Outside of 30 million more people being put on food stamps. These high crime big cities have been getting millions if not billions of dollars but for some reason there is never any improvement. But all their corrupt leaders who make promises all seem to have lots of money. They talk a good talk but they don't show any improvements. See Chicago, Baltimore, LA, Detroit, New Orleans, New York. Nothing ever changes.

Obama did lots to help AA and Americans in general. After W's **** up, another right wing nutjob, Obama came in and cleaned up his mess. The same thing Biden will do for Trump's disastrous handling of the virus and failing economy. You can see there's a pattern of Republicans tanking the economy and Dems coming in to fix it.

To continue our discussion on what Obama has done for AA and Americans in general. I would like to point out Obamacare which allowed millions to get health insurance for the first time. However, Trump's policies have tried on numerous occasions to kill Obamacare which would leave millions without health insurance. The crazy thing is Trump has no replacement. He doesn't want AA and other Americans to have health insurance.
Obama did lots to help AA and Americans in general. After W's **** up, another right wing nutjob, Obama came in and cleaned up his mess. The same thing Biden will do for Trump's disastrous handling of the virus and failing economy. You can see there's a pattern of Republicans tanking the economy and Dems coming in to fix it.

To continue our discussion on what Obama has done for AA and Americans in general. I would like to point out Obamacare which allowed millions to get health insurance for the first time. However, Trump's policies have tried on numerous occasions to kill Obamacare which would leave millions without health insurance. The crazy thing is Trump has no replacement. He doesn't want AA and other Americans to have health insurance.
What a dumb post.Bush was not responsible for the 2009 crisis . It was Clinton , Chris Dodd, and Barney Frank, who thought everyone was entitled to get a mortgage even if they didn't have a job and were on welfare. Bush tried to reverse that dumb policy but couldn't.
Explain Trump's. disastrous handling of the economy.
Cems says screw Americans. Just let everyone in the World in and let Cems and his incompetent band of statists take money from Americans and give it to all those who would be stupid enough to vote for them.
And you continually boasts about Whites at the front of the line, AA second and then immigrants. Got it!
LOL. Your state supreme court victory was some time ago. You did not celebrate it at the time. You are bringing it up now to avoid the conclusion that your dumb ass predictions were wrong again.
Actually, that election was last month, dumbass.
That is exactly what I said. You should be embarrassed by twisting words into what you want to hear. All this over the fact that you can't admit to yourself that AA's are tired of the tyranny and oppression of the Dems. Trump will get a minimum of 20% of the AA vote and you just can't accept that fact for some reason. You also can't understand the difference between immigrants and illegal immigrants or else you're just purposely leaving that part out for some reason.

Doesn't matter your point was clearly understood. The societal pecking order for you is Whites, AA and then immigrants. However, that will not work for me and many others.
What a dumb post.Bush was not responsible for the 2009 crisis . It was Clinton , Chris Dodd, and Barney Frank, who thought everyone was entitled to get a mortgage even if they didn't have a job and were on welfare. Bush tried to reverse that dumb policy but couldn't.
Explain Trump's. disastrous handling of the economy.

One Republican disaster at a time. Lol

So you're blaming Dems for W's poor handling of the economy? Are you blaming Dems for W's lies to start a war in Iraq which was unfunded as well? As for Trump, we all see our economy tanking after he did nothing to avoid it. That's why he trails Biden in the polls.
Actually, that election was last month, dumbass.
Like I said, some time ago. An insignificant election as you are aware and you did not celebrate at the time. You are raising now to cover up your incompetent and clueless predictions and assertions.
Like I said, some time ago. An insignificant election as you are aware and you did not celebrate at the time. You are raising now to cover up your incompetent and clueless predictions and assertions.
How do you know I didn't celebrate? Are you now a peeping Tom?
Doesn't matter your point was clearly understood. The societal pecking order for you is Whites, AA and then immigrants. However, that will not work for me and many others.
No as usual the point was completely misunderstood by you and you're trying to say something I clearly didn't say. If you want to debate that is fine but don't put thoughts to me that I don't have. AA's should be equal to anybody else in every way. Illegals however should not be taking the slice of pie that they don't deserve. Again, simple math should tell you that if money is given to illegals then there is less money left over to fix impoverished communities but for some reason you twist it into something racial.
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No as usual the point was completely misunderstood by you and you're trying to say something I clearly didn't say. If you want to debate that is fine but don't put thoughts to me that I don't have. AA's should be equal to anybody else in every way. Illegals however should not be taking the slice of pie that they don't deserve. Again, simple math should tell you that if money is given to illegals then there is less money left over to fix impoverished communities but for some reason you twist it into something racial.

Don't forget less money for the military and farmers. GTFOOH!!
One Republican disaster at a time. Lol

So you're blaming Dems for W's poor handling of the economy? Are you blaming Dems for W's lies to start a war in Iraq which was unfunded as well? As for Trump, we all see our economy tanking after he did nothing to avoid it. That's why he trails Biden in the polls
No. I'm saying Bush was not responsible for the mortgage crisis. He didn't think everyone deserved a mortgage like your idols did. He was right.
Tell me howTrump mismanaged the economy with facts, not bullshit left wing assertions.
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But....look at that first term president's handling of the economy. Not good. He will pay biggly in November.
Im gonna try and pretend you didnt say that cems. You are way to smart to think the economy wasnt the best ever, including globally.
NO one blames Trump for what happened to the economy. He has left opening to each state.
Funny how majority of governors NOT wanting to reopen are all dems.
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Im gonna try and pretend you didnt say that cems. You are way to smart to think the economy wasnt the best ever, including globally.
NO one blames Trump for what happened to the economy. He has left opening to each state.
Funny how majority of governors NOT wanting to reopen are all dems.
Dems are protecting their peeps. Republicans not so.

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