Manafort case not going according to plan for dems...


Jan 25, 2011
Laughing @CDwrong

Hilarious and...sad.

"We don't want anyone in this country with unfettered power. It's unlikely you're going to persuade me the special prosecutor has power to do anything he or she wants," Ellis told Dreeben. "The American people feel pretty strongly that no one has unfettered power."

When Dreeben answered Ellis' question about how the investigation and its charges date back to before the Trump campaign formed, the judge shot back, "None of that information has to do with information related to Russian government coordination and the campaign of Donald Trump.""
The only talk about Russia worth a damn is Russia hosting the World Cup in one month.

Or how they worked with Hillary and the DNC to defeat the republican nominee for president.

Rudy G. is playing chess while the left can't even figure out how to play checkers.
Manafort was charged by Mueller, a lifelong Republican. He was appointed to multiple positions in the justice department by Reagan and Bush 41. He was appointed FBI director by Bush 43. This case has nothing to do with Dems. It wasn't long ago that guys like Mueller were well respected in the republican party. Sadly now it is Trump's republican party these days. No room for a guy like Mueller. Only absolute loyalists to the dear leader need apply.
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Hilarious and...sad.

"We don't want anyone in this country with unfettered power. It's unlikely you're going to persuade me the special prosecutor has power to do anything he or she wants," Ellis told Dreeben. "The American people feel pretty strongly that no one has unfettered power."

When Dreeben answered Ellis' question about how the investigation and its charges date back to before the Trump campaign formed, the judge shot back, "None of that information has to do with information related to Russian government coordination and the campaign of Donald Trump.""
Dems this is your brain......this is your brain on DRUGS......:eek::eek:
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Mueller is a career establishment lapdog.He has worked with anyone in power.Left or right.Please dont confuse Bush with the current right wing movement.To us the Bush's are as bad as the Clintons.And no Coomey isnt rightwing either

I don't confuse the Bushs with the current Republican party. Sadly that republican party is dead. It is now a party of scared white extremists.
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Not sure why you are glorifying the family that tried to kill Reagan and lied about WMD's to kill over million muslims.We all know 911 was a false flag.Bush jr had the chance to stop same sex marriage and " kicked the can down the road" Hardly a conservative
Where's your evidence?
Where's your evidence?

Mueller has been investigating Trump for 353 days, and there is still no evidence of Russia collusion. Remember, that’s what this investigation was supposedly about, this is no investigation, it’s a witch hunt. He’s acting like the KGB investigating a person not a crime.
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Mueller has been investigating Trump for 353 days, and there is still no evidence of Russia collusion. Remember, that’s what this investigation was supposedly about, this is no investigation, it’s a witch hunt. He’s acting like the KGB investigating a person not a crime.

300 days is a drop in the bucket compared with the following.

Iran-Contra special prosecutor: 7 years
Whitewater special prosecutor: 6 years
Watergate special prosecutor: 17 months.
Benghazi select Committee: 2 years

Also, Mueller's mandate includes Russian interference and "any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4."

That is a very broad mandate that includes Manafort's activities in Ukraine - for which he has already been indicted, to Flynn's activities in Russia, to Cohen's activities as Trump's "Fixer" who utilized a secret slush fund protect Trump from the appearance of illegal activities.

As for the no collusion argument that Trump and his supporters keep parroting as if saying it frequently enough will somehow make it true. That has now also been debunked in the public domain by way of the Don Jr. meeting with Russian government spies/officials. Don Jr. also made a call to a blocked number that was redacted on one the transcripts. If that was to Trump (who apparently uses a blocked number) then Mueller likely already has this information.

Mueller is under no obligation to reveal what he has until his investigation is fully complete, which will likely involve Trump being subpoenaed to testify under oath. Until that happens, the investigation will keep chugging along and any attempts to stop it will be perceived as an attempt to obstruct justice.
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I sense the investigation is nearing the end and would expect any big revelations to come out by summer if there are any.

300 days is a drop in the bucket compared with the following.

Iran-Contra special prosecutor: 7 years
Whitewater special prosecutor: 6 years
Watergate special prosecutor: 17 months.
Benghazi select Committee: 2 years

Also, Mueller's mandate includes Russian interference and "any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4."

That is a very broad mandate that includes Manafort's activities in Ukraine - for which he has already been indicted, to Flynn's activities in Russia, to Cohen's activities as Trump's "Fixer" who utilized a secret slush fund protect Trump from the appearance of illegal activities.

As for the no collusion argument that Trump and his supporters keep parroting as if saying it frequently enough will somehow make it true. That has now also been debunked in the public domain by way of the Don Jr. meeting with Russian government spies/officials. Don Jr. also made a call to a blocked number that was redacted on one the transcripts. If that was to Trump (who apparently uses a blocked number) then Mueller likely already has this information.

Mueller is under no obligation to reveal what he has until his investigation is fully complete, which will likely involve Trump being subpoenaed to testify under oath. Until that happens, the investigation will keep chugging along and any attempts to stop it will be perceived as an attempt to obstruct justice.
I sense the investigation is nearing the end and would expect any big revelations to come out by summer if there are any.

A lot depends on Trump’s own cooperation. If he attempts to play hardball by refusing an interview with Mueller then it will drag on for some time since he will have to deal with a subpoena and all the legal wrangling that accompanies it.
A lot depends on Trump’s own cooperation. If he attempts to play hardball by refusing an interview with Mueller then it will drag on for some time since he will have to deal with a subpoena and all the legal wrangling that accompanies it.

Just wait, they are going to find collusion tomorrow. I just know it. Just you wait.
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Who hired Steele?
Right wingers initially hired Steele but didn't like the dirt he found on Trump so Dems continued his work. Here's your problem with your constant retort about who paid for dossier. Its not fake news. Much of what's in the dossier has been proven to be factual. Regardless of who paid for the dossier Mueller has Real indictments and guilty pleas. How do you spin that?
Right wingers initially hired Steele but didn't like the dirt he found on Trump so Dems continued his work. Here's your problem with your constant retort about who paid for dossier. Its not fake news. Much of what's in the dossier has been proven to be factual. Regardless of who paid for the dossier Mueller has Real indictments and guilty pleas. How do you spin that?

Haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa

Put the crack pipe down.
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Mueller has been investigating Trump for 353 days, and there is still no evidence of Russia collusion. Remember, that’s what this investigation was supposedly about, this is no investigation, it’s a witch hunt. He’s acting like the KGB investigating a person not a crime.
If it's a witch hunt Trump should fire Mueller. Why doesn't he?
From my understanding, the judge said nothing againsr the validity of Mueller’s charges. It’s simply a matter of if Mueller has the jurisdiction (lawyers correct me if I used the wrong word). Not sure why anyone’s fired up about this. Trump collusion is a long shot, but Manafort is a huge piece of shit and known lobbyist for dictators. I hope justice will prevail against this slimeball, whether that’s Mueller or someone else.
I doubt he testifies but even then I figure this thing is getting close to running out of steam.

A lot depends on Trump’s own cooperation. If he attempts to play hardball by refusing an interview with Mueller then it will drag on for some time since he will have to deal with a subpoena and all the legal wrangling that accompanies it.
I’m not suggesting any of it is true or false, rather concerned who was involved with putting it together. There was Russian operatives involved and the information was being gathered to influence the election. Collusion?

Right wingers initially hired Steele but didn't like the dirt he found on Trump so Dems continued his work. Here's your problem with your constant retort about who paid for dossier. Its not fake news. Much of what's in the dossier has been proven to be factual. Regardless of who paid for the dossier Mueller has Real indictments and guilty pleas. How do you spin that?
I’m not suggesting any of it is true or false, rather concerned who was involved with putting it together. There was Russian operatives involved and the information was being gathered to influence the election. Collusion?
Russian operatives were involved because Trump people reached out to them. Remember when Jr met the Russians in Trump Tower? And there were more contacts. Stop trying to over think a simple case of conspiracy against our country to flip the 2016 election.
No, as they don’t involve him, his campaign, or his presidency. That said, do you think he should fire Mueller?

Why would he? To squash an investigation that has multiple indictments and several guilty pleas and Mueller aiming for Trump. Is that a good enough reason?
Stop being purposely naive. The Russian operatives were being used by Steele who in fact was working on behalf of the DNC and Hillary campaign. Does that matter to you or is it just the Repubs interaction with the Russians that matter?

Russian operatives were involved because Trump people reached out to them. Remember when Jr met the Russians in Trump Tower? And there were more contacts. Stop trying to over think a simple case of conspiracy against our country to flip the 2016 election.

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