More Russian Indictments!!!

To get dirt.. this is common shit that goes down, and unfortunately nothing came of it

Please explain why Hillary had her server with the missing 30000 emails smashed and bleached/wiped? Also, please explain why Hillary as sec of state gave Putin 20 percent of the countries uranium

Listen, I know it hurts.. you and many others were wrong .. it sucks but it's ok.. the good thing is that you can vote in November and try to help move this country in the direction it was previously in, which sucked.. unfortunately for you and your party, being unhinged and in denial is only hurting you.. I suspect sometime around 2023 you and your party will begin to understand what the hell happened but by then, future president pence or whoever reps the republicans will be well on their way to winning the 2024 election... Not looking too good for you folks
Don't get mad at me. I'm not the one that has indicted Russians and Americans. Mueller has and it's for real. You need to read today's indictment. It's linking Trump's speech in Miami on July 27, 2016 to the release of emails. Roger Stone should lawyer up.
Don't get mad at me. I'm not the one that has indicted Russians and Americans. Mueller has and it's for real. You need to read today's indictment. It's linking Trump's speech in Miami on July 27, 2016 to the release of emails. Roger Stone should lawyer up.
Lmfao.. i aint mad atcha.. but seriously lmfao
Bro, Trump has been the BIGGEST supporter of law enforcement.. the left has always hated law enforcement.. Trump wants to eliminate the corrupt Untouchables, aka Comey, Strozk, Page, Brennan, Clapper, Loretta Lynch, Rosenstein, Mueller, etc, etc... the last man at the end of that line of corruption is no other than Obama himself

If he supported law enforcement then he wouldn't spend his time attempting to discredit the legal process surrounding the Mueller investigation. If he was innocent then he would simply stay quiet, welcome a full investigation, and conduct an interview with Mueller to expedite wrapping things up. Instead, he has a vast propaganda network at Fox News, Giuliani, and others spending half their time undermining and discrediting the investigation and creating obfuscation narratives around Stzrock/Page, Rosenstein, Sessions, and many others. Rather than behaving like a dignified statesman worthy of holding the position of POTUS, he is instead behaving like an insecure banana republic dictator who knows the walls are slowly closing in.
Considering all things related to the investigation, I would recommend everyone to lawyer up. There’s absolutely nothing to be gained by testifying at this point.

Don't get mad at me. I'm not the one that has indicted Russians and Americans. Mueller has and it's for real. You need to read today's indictment. It's linking Trump's speech in Miami on July 27, 2016 to the release of emails. Roger Stone should lawyer up.
I blame Hillary for using an illegal server which ultimately was hacked and gave access to our national secrets. There’s no debate in that.
You're getting confused. The DNC server was not an illegal server. You are referring to the server she had at her home which was not hacked but the DNC server was hacked.
If he supported law enforcement then he wouldn't spend his time attempting to discredit the legal process surrounding the Mueller investigation. If he was innocent then he would simply stay quiet, welcome a full investigation, and conduct an interview with Mueller to expedite wrapping things up. Instead, he has a vast propaganda network at Fox News, Giuliani, and others spending half their time undermining and discrediting the investigation and creating obfuscation narratives around Stzrock/Page, Rosenstein, Sessions, and many others. Rather than behaving like a dignified statesman worthy of holding the position of POTUS, he is instead behaving like an insecure banana republic dictator who knows the walls are slowly closing in.
Ok.. dignified statesman?? You mean like John Kerry and Obama and Bush?? That kind of crap has gotten us nowhere.. time for a real change
Ok.. dignified statesman?? You mean like John Kerry and Obama and Bush?? That kind of crap has gotten us nowhere.. time for a real change

Absolutely. People who conduct themselves with a degree of professionalism and not like John Gotti walking into a Bronx pool hall.
Both were hacked.

You're getting confused. The DNC server was not an illegal server. You are referring to the server she had at her home which was not hacked but the DNC server was hacked.
Lets go for obstruction of justice and financial crimes like money laundering. Collusion is not a crime.
This is completely correct. No such crime as collusion. Trump won't get charged with a crime that does not exist. Treason?
We are now seeing why it is so important for Trump and his team to go all out to discredit law enforcement. They are playing the long game and know that when the inevitable bad news drops, that Trump's supporters will be sufficiently gaslit to where they literally don't believe any negative information about Trump.
Yep...thats the plan. Discredit any news organization that doesn't support this idiot. Discredit our great people of law enforcement and turn this into civil war more or less. This is why I call him a POS...Oh, and by the way. I am not a great fan of law enforcement on the street level....but when it comes to organizations like the FBI or the CIA they are the best of the best. I have great friends in the FBI and 270,000 people apply for the FBI for 3,000 jobs. They are elite. The best of the best. Trying to put them on a hot seat and clown them is stupid. They won't fold. They aren't regular civilians.
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Trump is still playing the Dems and Mueller. 0 US people have been charged with collusion-related crimes or interference and Trump is still not under investigation. People chest thumping about fraudulent tax/financial reporting done in 2014, prior to the campaign, clearly aren’t educated enough to assess facts. This is entertaining. Fantasy land must be nice.
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Lmao if that's it then major fail
Charging a sitting president for obstruction of justice and money laundering is a major fail?

You do know if the Dems win the House, he will be impeached? However, I will not bet on a conviction.
Impeachment is a start. Jail would be great but not realistic....but for him, i will also take shame.
They may indict, but I seriously doubt they will convict on either count. As stated though, if it’s coming it will likely come before a vote on Kavanaugh.

Charging a sitting president for obstruction of justice and money laundering is a major fail?

Both were hacked.
Hillary's server was never hacked. The FBI said there was no evidence her server was hacked. You need to read today's indictment. It links a speech Trump made on July 27, 2016 to the timing of released emails. This will get uglier.
Hillary's server was never hacked. The FBI said there was no evidence her server was hacked. You need to read today's indictment. It links a speech Trump made on July 27, 2016 to the timing of released emails. This will get uglier.

It was a sarcastic joke.. if you don't see that then you are blind... typical leftists take everything Trump says literally and not seriously.. we take him serious, but not literally
He's an establishment Republican, aka a never trumper.. take a look a his crew investigating Trump, "13 angry democrats" who simply cannot allow an outsider to succeed
More right wing nonsense. With your logic you better hope you never get charged with a crime with an all Dem jury. lol
More right wing nonsense. With your logic you better hope you never get charged with a crime with an all Dem jury. lol

Its the standard response from a completely gaslit trump supporter. Part of the delegitimization of law enforcement. The subtext here is anyone whose work threatens Trump must be discredited.
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