MY Story With Muhammad Ali...

4210, stop with the semantics. A great man as it pertains to the discussion is someone who was known world wide and who created change or made an impression nationally and/or internationally. Ali put everything including his life on the line when he stood for justice of his people. The question is, what makes Bush Sr. a great man vs Ali, because he was a President? Are all Presidents great men just because? And what about the injustices going on at the time, what's your opinion on that? Should Ali have ignored it and went to war? How bout your opinion on that and why if you believe he should have
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Here we are paying tribute to a guy who as his career progressed had the very, very rare power to make the entire world smile and laugh….and the world wasn’t laughing at him. World leaders acted like little school girls when they were around him. Yet we have guys coming on here days after his death talking about how he is not a great man because of divorce, or that his legacy is a creation of the liberal media, or he should have been more like Elvis? Ali was dead set against doing drugs but he might make an exception and agree with me when I tell some of you guys to order a pizza, take a Xanax and chase both down with a glass of wine...or two.
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If there is anyone more disgusting than an actual racist, then it is someone who falsely accuses someone of being racist who is not a racist.

That is EXACTLY what we have here with Azar. A black man who consistently comes charging to the forefront to play the proverbial race card anytime a white man happens criticize a black man for his conduct, rather than his race, religion, etc...

Heaven forbid that a white man can cast an opinion about a black man based on CONDUCT, rather than that black man's race, and not have to come under the wrath of hate from black people. Criticize Shannon, be called a racist. Criticize Obama, be called a racist. Criticize Ali, be called a racist. Blah blah blah, yada yad yada... Same old song and dance from the same predictable posters.

It is incredible that in 2016, after all the progress our society has made after 50 years, that people cannot have well articulated DISCUSSIONS about race and race related issues without having the "racist" label slapped upon them at every turn. It is pathetic on multiple levels. Improving race relations in this country starts with people willing to TALK and LISTEN. Can we still have a conversation in America? Some of the thin skinned hypocritical liberals on this Board clearly cannot.

I'm not asking any black man to withhold his opinion about race and race related issues. Talk all you want, type all you want. I will both read and listen to ANY opinions from ANY black man about race and race related issues, anytime and any place, provided that they are both substantive and sincere. I.O.U. and I have talked about it in person; I have had similar discussions with other black posters on this Board who have PERSONALLY THANKED ME for simply taking the time to just LISTEN and try to understand a different point of view. My neighbor down the hall is a successful black man who is from central Florida and who went to UCF, where he unfortunately faced repeated racism. He has needed a long time trust white men in business, and to even open up to me as a neighbor about his experiences. But he eventually did, because I showed him I was willing to LISTEN to his opinion, offer my rebuttal opinion, and stimulate a healthy conversation. THAT is how friendships are forged between men of ANY color, and that is why I SCOFF at all this talk about all these racist accusations and this blame game on America.

But that is truly the favorite liberal play out of the liberal playbook, isn't it Azar...? Instead of formulating a well articulated reply to my thread, which was made in good faith, you went right for the cheap shot, the personal attack, the thinly veiled substantive reply. Instead of putting some intelligent thoughts down in writing so that I could reply back to you and may be even CONCEDE that you have a better point that I do, you dropped about 3-5 pieces of shit in this thread. Your replies were not roasting me- they were weak sauce shit from a weak minded man. Nothing more, nothing less.

It is truly ironic that liberals consistently champion themselves as this group of "tolerance" of other people's opinions, except when any of those different opinions conflict with liberals' point of view. Do as I say, not as I do. It is dishonesty, double standards, and divisiveness at the highest level.

Muhammad Ali was a man who refused to go into the Draft when his COUNTRY called. A man who refused to go into the Draft when CALLED UPON to serve his country cannot be considered an ALL TIME Great American. You can try to force feed me whatever "White America", "Racist America", "Privileged America" narrative you want, but that is merely an excuse in my opinion. This is still AMERICA, and we welcome change and embrace equality under the law, but blacks who consistently TRASH America to advance a self-serving "blackism" agenda over America as a whole are doing both themselves and America as a whole a MAJOR disservice. I don't agree with what Ali did, and you better believe that I have the right to exercise that opinion. I have provided more than enough substance to back that up. Now, if you have a problem with that opinion, then bring something more to the table than the same old self-serving racist commentary bullshit. It's laughable.

As a final FACT for you and your liberals here to consider before you get into your circle jerk, hold hands, and unload again in this thread, Ali was a member of the Nation of Islam- you know, the SAME Nation of Islam whici is a leftist RADICAL group who treat Jews like they're the Devil and think the Jews have no claim to Israel. Ali was a member of THAT group and influenced heavily by them. I guess "Jew Lives" don't matter that much to certain people. Nation of Islam, the SAME group who has SUPPORTED Black Lives Matter, a RACIST piece of shit domestic terrorist organization. So, you talk about "SHAMEFUL AMERICA", far left liberalism, Nation of Islam, and Black Lives Matter have brought AS MUCH SHAME to America has the white supremacists who sought to suppress the civil rights of blacks in the 1960's during the Civil Rights Movement...

But you don't want to talk about any of this though in a real intellectual discussion, do you- it is much easier to live in a delusional world that blames "White America", "White Privilege", and "White Power" on every single shortcoming of every single black man in America, instead of focusing on SELF-ACCOUNTABILITY. In the 1960's, black men had GREAT LEADERS in the 1950's and 1960's such as Martin Luther King, Jr., Medgar Evars, and Jackie Robinson. These people EMPOWERED black people at a time that America as a whole was struggling to afford black racial equality under the law after the United States Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education.

Now, in 2016, who are the black leaders of the black community...? We have the black community hanging its hat on Jesse Jackson (a fraud and tax evader), rappers who rap about raping white women and killing law enforcement, and Black Lives Matter which is a RACIST domestic terrorist organization advocating for violence and death against law enforcement. Americans as a whole don't have as much sympathy right now for the black community the way it did back in the 1960's because of the divisiveness, racial tensions, and demogagery that the Obama Administration, Black Lives Matter, and Rappers have created over the last 8 years. This isn't the same fight as it was 50 years ago. Today is about an Obama administration which has WEAKENED blacks across America by putting MORE blacks on entitlement, MORE blacks out of the labor force, and DIVIDING (not uniting) America along racial lines. You know who suffers when illegal immigrants run rampant throughout this country unchecked? LEGAL minorities (including blacks), because their jobs are being taken. You know who suffers when the far left liberals cast hate on law enforcement? BLACKS, because law enforcement are reluctant to go into poor neighborhoods to help protect innocent blacks from other blacks. You know who suffers from over gun control, like we see in flaming far left liberal cities like New York, San Francisco, and Chicago? Blacks. So don't give me this hogwash hogshit white supremacy bullshit all Republicans are the devil blah blah blah... Republicans actually do MORE for blacks than black will EVER realize, because the far left liberals pander and spoon feed the black community bullshit after bullshit after bullshit to get their vote. How is the average black man doing EIGHT YEARS after Obama?

Black people in America are perfectly capable of being the best Americans this country can offer, but it starts with the black community getting ITS COLLECTIVE HOUSE in order FIRST instead of spending all of this time blaming "White America", "White Privilege", "White Power" and all of this other red herring nonsense that far left liberal race agitators want to throw out there. You completely fail at cause and effect when it comes to race relations in this country.
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January, 2002... The University of Miami had beaten the hell out of Nebraska a few weeks earlier. I received a phohune call and was cordially invited to have dinner as a guest, along with some other people with the entire 2001 Miami Hurricanes Team at Joe's Stone Crabs on Miami Beach. Talk about being excited for an opportunity of a lifetime.

As we were all being seated, in walked Muhammad Ali. Yes, THAT Muhammad Ali. Of course, he had already been battling his Parkinson's Disease for almost twenty years. Although his speech was not what it once was, and his physicality was noticeably debilitating, he was still an impressive figure. With his body guards by his side, he shook the hands of everyone at the tables, including mine, and by a remarkable coincidence, ended up sitting two or three chairs away from me. Needless to say, the entire restaurant was in awe of Ali and the National Champion Miami Hurricanes, and there was a lot of picture taking and interaction with the former Heavyweight Champion.

However, there were some brief moments of pause, and I found the courage to get up out of my chair, shake his hand again, and have a conversation (albeit very brief) with him about his faith and religion.

What precipitated me to do this was the fact that 4 years earlier in 1998, when I was 17, my family and I took a trip to the Middle East, which included stops in Israel, Jordan, and Syria. We were briefly imprisoned in Syria for passport technical violations. I have spoken about this incident from time to time on the Board, and many of you who know me know the whole story- I won't take the time to repeat it here. However, I reference what was a difficult time for my family and I in 1998 because I wanted to ask Ali about his conversion to Islam and how he used his faith as a basis for protesting the War, and how other famous people who were opposed to various wars, nevertheless heeded their call as an American to serve this country. Of course, I was respectful with him, and he even smiled and chuckled a few times, probably at the fact that this 21 year old college kid had the curiosity to ask him about real adult issues, of which he was graciously proud to discuss. He told me what most of us already know: that in his mind, he wasn't dodging the Draft because there was no war to fight unless it was declared by "Allah". I remember coming away with the impression that he was bothered, more than anything, by the fact that for HIM, he shouldn't have to fight a "war" some five thousand miles away when there were "wars" (i.e., race/civil rights movement) five miles away. I gave him a hug and thanked him for his time and wished him well and sat back down. For such a powerful, all-time great American athlete, his demeanor was very peaceful- talking to him felt like talking to a professor in college, and I wanted to soak up as much of his thoughts as I could in the little time I talked to him at the table.

So, with this short story, I say now what I have said over the past few days, and what I have consistently said for years. That is, as much as I respect Ali for being one of the greatest all-time American Athletes, for ME, I do not consider him one of the greatest all-time AMERICANS, because of his reluctance to heed the call of duty and serve his country (despite what can be considered a reasonable basis based on his faith). That doesn't mean that Ali was either a bad person or a bad American, but it DOES mean, in my opinion, that he cannot be considered a great American on the level of a George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Jackie Robinson, Fredrick Douglass, or a George Patton. I will concede that Ali DID serve his country in other ways, most notably as a proponent for racial equality under the law. Perhaps it can be argued that that was even more important than fighting in the War.

What is truly disgusting, dishonest, and frankly disturbing is how some of you treat reasonable criticism of Ali as some sort of either racially or bigotry based personal attack. That is weak sauce shit. If you have a reasonable rebuttal to criticism of Ali, then lay it out like an intellectual person, instead of being weak. All this other bullshit attacking posters who either criticize Ali or have a different opinion is WEAK. It is what weak minded people do. Don't twist words; don't shift the narrative; don't be a p***y and play the race card when there is no basis for playing it. What I find funny almost as much as anything is the fact that so many people tell me I would never say "ABC" to such and such person- well chances are, I ALREADY HAVE. I'll discuss any issue, anytime, anywhere.
Arvarkas, I don't know who you are but I've reading a lot of your posts on here as you seem to have an extensive amount of knowledge and insight when comes to the Miami Hurricane football program which is what I thought this site is about. I have read and re-read your post about Muhammed Ali couple of and have given considerable thought over the past couple of days as to how to respond and I think you are completely full of shit for a few reasons. First of all, you indicated that you did not consider Ali a great American because of his refusal to heed the call of duty and serve his country as you put it which you said was based on faith. You said that in 1998 you were 17 years old and referenced a trip to the Middle East with your family. Fast forward to 9/11/2001 which would have made you 20 or 21 years old. Did YOU "Heed the call of duty" and join one of the branches of the Armed Forces in response to the terrorists attacks on our country? If the answer is no which I'm assuming it is, you're full of shit and a hypocrite. You can't critize anyone for not doing something that you didn't do yourself. I know that there is no draft but that didn't stop folks like Pat Tillman and many other brave Americans like him from enlisting at that time in support of the Global War on Terror. Many people have called Ali a draft dodger and that he was unpatriotic for refusing to serve in Vietnam. He was a conscious objector which is a big difference from being a draft dodger. As you know, Muhammed Ali represented his country in the 1960 Olympic games in Rome, Italy and he won the gold medal only to come back to a segregated America where he couldn't eat in the same restaurants, drink out of the same water fountains or use the same bathrooms as whites. I'm African American and there is no way In hell I would have voluntarily joined the military at any time in the 60s and if I were drafted and had the resources to fight the government like Ali did would have done the same thing. Oh by the way, I forgot to mention that I am a 20 year Navy veteran who served in the Persian Gulf in support of Operation Desert Storm and deployed back to the Gulf in support of Operation Southern Watch, deployed to Somalia in support of the withdrawal of U.N. troops and was in during G.W.O.T. Where were you? You called your criticism of Ali reasonable but how reasonably critize anyone that you probably can't relate to in terms of sharing experiences such as discrimination, racism etc. Ali isn't a great American because he refused to serve in Vietnam? So what, neither did Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton's husband Bill Clinton they both got draft deferments and if you vote in the general election this November you will have to vote for on of these two candidates. Racism is in this country's DNA and it's funny how black people are accused of pulling this so called "race card" that you alluded to when we point it out. Look at Donald Trump and his presidential campaign, that campaign has nothing but racial overtones in it. Muhammed Ali's accomplishments outside of the ring arguably had more of an impact than what he achieved during his boxing career. In 1991, Ali met with Saddam Hussein and negotiated the release 15 of American hostages, was awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal, Presidential Medal of Freedom, raised millions of dollars for Parkinson's Disease research among other countless humanitarian accomplishments. If that's not a great American, I don't know what is. Like I said before I've read a lot of your blogs and know you are an attorney but you really should have thought this one through a little bit better because you made yourself sound really stupid.
Great fighter. Does anyone also remember the problems Jane Fonda caused during that time? Visiting North Vietnam while our troops are fighting a war and some were in POW camps being tortured and killed . I am not making any comparisons between Ali's draft dodging and Fonda's discusting manor in which she protested the Vietnam War, however we had two high profile Americans that protested our involvement in Vietnam. Ali's dodging of his draft was certainly less detrimental at that time than the traitorous damage that Fonda caused, however they had one thing in common, they gave our enemies propaganda that was used against us which was detrimental to our efforts at that time.
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Great fighter. Does anyone also remember the problems Jane Fonda caused during that time? Visiting North Vietnam while our troops are fighting a war and some were in POW camps being tortured and killed . I am not making any comparisons between Ali's draft dodging and Fonda's discusting manor in which she protested the Vietnam War, however we had two high profile Americans that protested our involvement in Vietnam. Ali's dodging of his draft was certainly less detrimental at that time than the traitorous damage that Fonda caused, however they had one thing in common, they gave our enemies propaganda that was used against us which was detrimental to our efforts at that time.
When you say detrimental do you mean that if Ali stayed quiet we could have had more American kids believe that they had less of a chance of being slaughtered, tortured or crippled or that our leaders would have retreated earlier? And when you say efforts what exactly do you mean?
Arvarkas, I don't know who you are but I've reading a lot of your posts on here as you seem to have an extensive amount of knowledge and insight when comes to the Miami Hurricane football program which is what I thought this site is about. I have read and re-read your post about Muhammed Ali couple of and have given considerable thought over the past couple of days as to how to respond and I think you are completely full of shit for a few reasons. First of all, you indicated that you did not consider Ali a great American because of his refusal to heed the call of duty and serve his country as you put it which you said was based on faith. You said that in 1998 you were 17 years old and referenced a trip to the Middle East with your family. (1) Fast forward to 9/11/2001 which would have made you 20 or 21 years old. Did YOU "Heed the call of duty" and join one of the branches of the Armed Forces in response to the terrorists attacks on our country? If the answer is no which I'm assuming it is, you're full of shit and a hypocrite. You can't critize anyone for not doing something that you didn't do yourself. I know that there is no draft but that didn't stop folks like Pat Tillman and many other brave Americans like him from enlisting at that time. Many people who called Ali a draft dodger and that he was unpatriotic for refusing to serve in Vietnam. He was a conscious objector which is a big difference from being a draft dodger. As you know, Muhammed Ali represented his country in the 1960 Olympic games in Rome, Italy and he won the gold medal only to come back to a segregated America where he couldn't eat in the same restaurants, drink out of the same water fountains or use the same bathrooms as whites. I'm African American and there is no way In hell I would have voluntarily joined the military at any time in the 60s and if I were drafted and had the resources to fight the government like Ali did would have done the same thing. (2) Oh by the way, I forgot to mention that I am a 20 year Navy veteran. (3) You called your criticism of Ali reasonable but how reasonably critize anyone that you probably can't relate to in terms of sharing experiences such as discrimination, racism etc. Ali isn't a great American because he refused to serve in Vietnam? So what, neither did Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton's husband Bill Clinton they both got draft deferments and if you vote in the general election this November you will have to vote for on of these two candidates. Racism is in this country's DNA and it's funny how black people are accused of pulling this so called "race card" that you alluded to when we point it out. Look at Donald Trump and his presidential campaign, that campaign has nothing but racial overtones in it. Muhammed Ali's accomplishments outside of the ring arguably had more of an impact than what he achieved during his boxing career. In 1991, Ali met with Saddam Hussein and negotiated the release 15 of American hostages, was awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal, Presidential Medal of Freedom, raised millions of dollars for Parkinson's Disease research among other countless humanitarian accomplishments. If that's not a great American, I don't know what is. Like I said before I've read a lot of your blogs and know you are an attorney but you really should have thought this one through a better because you made yourself sound really stupid.

I did think it through. Plenty. I stand by my opinions without hesitation and reservation, and there are people who have texted me that they agree with me. So there are plenty of people who have REASONABLY DIFFERENT opinions about Ali. The man WAS controversial after all.

(1) There was an ACTUAL DRAFT in Vietnam. Ali was DRAFTED as some sort of A-1 low IQ end draftee (which is another issue which was litigated). I was never DRAFTED in 1999. HAD I been DRAFTED, then yes I would have proudly served. This is a total apples to oranges argument.

(2) Thank you for your service and God bless you.

(3) Ali used his faith as a devout, converted Muslim to justify not fighting in the War. That coupled with his beliefs about racial inequality in this country provided him with his convictions to refuse to serve in the War. Fine. I've already acknowledged that is a reasonable position- but having a reasonable position about something does NOT unequivocally make you an ALL-TIME GREAT American. Not in my book. I've also said that criticism for him for ultimately NOT serving in the War is reasonable. There are two sides here, not one, which is why it was truly a pleasure to spend a few minutes talking to HIM about HIS mentality and what HE was feeling back then. That's the point- there was a dialect, I listened. I disagreed with him (quietly in my own mind) but I listened because I wanted to hear HIM.

I'm not going to shift the narrative into this Clinton Trump topic... It's all too much for one thread. I'm sticking with my original point which is that FOR ME, Ali is not an ALL-TIME great American. That SPECIFIC, PRESTIGIOUS, TOP-SHELF recognition is reserved for a SELECT FEW AMERICANS... People like George Washington, Martin Luther King Jr., George Patton, Abe Lincoln, Thomas Edison, Fredrick Douglass, FDR, Harriet Tubman, Clara Barton (Founder of the American Red Cross), Jackie Robinson, and one or two more. These people are the ALL-TIME GREATEST AMERICANS, in my opinion.

History will remember Ali as one of America's All-Time GREATEST ATHLETES, and a man who WAS instrumental in social change with respect to racial equality under the law. History will also remember several negatives about Ali.

To me, AGAIN, Ali is a GOOD (not ALL TIME GREAT) American who DID DO great things. I've said that before, and I'll say it again now.

Reasonable minds can differ.
I did think it through. Plenty. I stand by my opinions without hesitation and reservation, and there are people who have texted me that they agree with me. So there are plenty of people who have REASONABLY DIFFERENT opinions about Ali. The man WAS controversial after all.

(1) There was an ACTUAL DRAFT in Vietnam. Ali was DRAFTED as some sort of A-1 low IQ end draftee (which is another issue which was litigated). I was never DRAFTED in 1999. HAD I been DRAFTED, then yes I would have proudly served. This is a total apples to oranges argument.

(2) Thank you for your service and God bless you.

(3) Ali used his faith as a devout, converted Muslim to justify not fighting in the War. That coupled with his beliefs about racial inequality in this country provided him with his convictions to refuse to serve in the War. Fine. I've already acknowledged that is a reasonable position- but having a reasonable position about something does NOT unequivocally make you an ALL-TIME GREAT American. Not in my book. I've also said that criticism for him for ultimately NOT serving in the War is reasonable. There are two sides here, not one, which is why it was truly a pleasure to spend a few minutes talking to HIM about HIS mentality and what HE was feeling back then. That's the point- there was a dialect, I listened. I disagreed with him (quietly in my own mind) but I listened because I wanted to hear HIM.

I'm not going to shift the narrative into this Clinton Trump topic... It's all too much for one thread. I'm sticking with my original point which is that FOR ME, Ali is not an ALL-TIME great American. That SPECIFIC, PRESTIGIOUS, TOP-SHELF recognition is reserved for a SELECT FEW AMERICANS... People like George Washington, Martin Luther King Jr., George Patton, Abe Lincoln, Thomas Edison, Fredrick Douglass, FDR, Harriet Tubman, Clara Barton (Founder of the American Red Cross), Jackie Robinson, and one or two more. These people are the ALL-TIME GREATEST AMERICANS, in my opinion.

History will remember Ali as one of America's All-Time GREATEST ATHLETES, and a man who WAS instrumental in social change with respect to racial equality under the law. History will also remember several negatives about Ali.

To me, AGAIN, Ali is a GOOD (not ALL TIME GREAT) American who DID DO great things. I've said that before, and I'll say it again now.

Reasonable minds can differ.
1. You referenced Jackie Robinson as a great American and I would agree with you but I would also say that Ali did just as much if not more in terms of advocating social change, humanitarian efforts than even the great Jackie Robinson. Ali was initially classified as not being enlistment eligible I believe that he failed the ASVAB (the ASVAB is a mental aptitude exam required for enlisting)the version of it at that time. He was reclassified as being enlistment eligible because the Army lowered its standards.
2. I realize that there was no draft in 1999 which I am assuming was when you turned 18. We went to an all volunteer force in the mid 70s shortly after Vietnam. I was a Navy recruiter during the 9/11 time frame and I had patriotic Americans literally beating down my door wanting to enlist so I think that was a fair question for me to ask why weren't you one of them if not answering your nations call is a metric that you are using to define what a great American looks like? To me it doesn't matter if you are drafted or enlist voluntarily I don't think it is an apples to oranges comparison. In essence, what you are saying is that you wouldn't serve in the military unless you were forced to do so.
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1. You referenced Jackie Robinson as a great American and I would agree with you but I would also say that (1) Ali did just as much if not more in terms of advocating social change, humanitarian efforts than even the great Jackie Robinson. Ali was initially classified as not being enlistment eligible I believe that he failed the ASVAB (the ASVAB is a mental aptitude exam required for enlisting)the version of it at that time. He was reclassified as being enlistment eligible because the Army lowered its standards.
2. I realize that there was no draft in 1999 which I am assuming was when you turned 18. We went to an all volunteer force in the mid 70s shortly after Vietnam. I was a Navy recruiter during the 9/11 time frame and I had patriotic Americans literally beating down my door wanting to enlist so I think that was a fair question for me to ask why weren't you one of them if not answering your nations call is a metric that you are using to define what a great American looks like? To me it doesn't matter if you are drafted or enlist voluntarily I don't think it is an apples to oranges
comparison. In essence, what you are saying is that you wouldn't serve in the military unless you were forced to do so.

(1) On this issue, yes. However, to Jackie's defense, there were for lack of a better description "more moving parts in place" in the Civil Rights Movement when Ali was in his prime than when Jackie Robinson was in his prime. Also, Jackie broke the COLOR BARRIER in Major League Baseball, whereas there had been blacks in boxing prior to Ali coming to the forefront. Jackie also passed in 1972 and I think he was only about 50 years old, whereas Ali lived to be 75 or so, having the opportunity to impact social change in different ways thanks to technological developments in both tv and radio. Another factor to consider is that Jackie played a TEAM SPORT, so Jackie had to "be one of the white guys" and Mr. Nice and be an exemplary black gentleman in the face of overwhelming racism against him. On the other hand, Ali could be brash, and bold, and big as an athlete and go to Africa to fight and make political statements because boxing is more of an INDIVIDUAL SPORT and Ali was not first black boxer.

(2) Correct, which is why I consider Pat Tillman one of the best Patriots of all time. A man who LITERALLY gave up his life to serve his country. A man who left millions of dollars of NFL money on the table to serve his country.
4210, stop with the semantics. A great man as it pertains to the discussion is someone who was known world wide and who created change or made an impression nationally and/or internationally. Ali put everything including his life on the line when he stood for justice of his people. The question is, what makes Bush Sr. a great man vs Ali, because he was a President? Are all Presidents great men just because? And what about the injustices going on at the time, what's your opinion on that? Should Ali have ignored it and went to war? How bout your opinion on that and why if you believe he should have

A great man to me is based on his character. Period. Bush was and is known worldwide and made a huge impression. The difference to me is one had a little more character than the other.
Semantics? Hardly. At least not how I judge a man.
For example Azar, to me Clinton was a President and well known but he was of low character. Get it now???? Do I need to spell it out for you? Call me crazy, but getting a BJ in the Oval Offfice as the leader of our country doesn't fit my description as a high character individual? But I
Pat Tillman was also about as Far Left on the political spectrum as one can well as a atheist

2 things u clearly do not like
Arvarkas, I don't know who you are but I've reading a lot of your posts on here as you seem to have an extensive amount of knowledge and insight when comes to the Miami Hurricane football program which is what I thought this site is about. I have read and re-read your post about Muhammed Ali couple of and have given considerable thought over the past couple of days as to how to respond and I think you are completely full of shit for a few reasons. First of all, you indicated that you did not consider Ali a great American because of his refusal to heed the call of duty and serve his country as you put it which you said was based on faith. You said that in 1998 you were 17 years old and referenced a trip to the Middle East with your family. Fast forward to 9/11/2001 which would have made you 20 or 21 years old. Did YOU "Heed the call of duty" and join one of the branches of the Armed Forces in response to the terrorists attacks on our country? If the answer is no which I'm assuming it is, you're full of shit and a hypocrite. You can't critize anyone for not doing something that you didn't do yourself. I know that there is no draft but that didn't stop folks like Pat Tillman and many other brave Americans like him from enlisting at that time in support of the Global War on Terror. Many people have called Ali a draft dodger and that he was unpatriotic for refusing to serve in Vietnam. He was a conscious objector which is a big difference from being a draft dodger. As you know, Muhammed Ali represented his country in the 1960 Olympic games in Rome, Italy and he won the gold medal only to come back to a segregated America where he couldn't eat in the same restaurants, drink out of the same water fountains or use the same bathrooms as whites. I'm African American and there is no way In hell I would have voluntarily joined the military at any time in the 60s and if I were drafted and had the resources to fight the government like Ali did would have done the same thing. Oh by the way, I forgot to mention that I am a 20 year Navy veteran who served in the Persian Gulf in support of Operation Desert Storm and deployed back to the Gulf in support of Operation Southern Watch, deployed to Somalia in support of the withdrawal of U.N. troops and was in during G.W.O.T. Where were you? You called your criticism of Ali reasonable but how reasonably critize anyone that you probably can't relate to in terms of sharing experiences such as discrimination, racism etc. Ali isn't a great American because he refused to serve in Vietnam? So what, neither did Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton's husband Bill Clinton they both got draft deferments and if you vote in the general election this November you will have to vote for on of these two candidates. Racism is in this country's DNA and it's funny how black people are accused of pulling this so called "race card" that you alluded to when we point it out. Look at Donald Trump and his presidential campaign, that campaign has nothing but racial overtones in it. Muhammed Ali's accomplishments outside of the ring arguably had more of an impact than what he achieved during his boxing career. In 1991, Ali met with Saddam Hussein and negotiated the release 15 of American hostages, was awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal, Presidential Medal of Freedom, raised millions of dollars for Parkinson's Disease research among other countless humanitarian accomplishments. If that's not a great American, I don't know what is. Like I said before I've read a lot of your blogs and know you are an attorney but you really should have thought this one through a little bit better because you made yourself sound really stupid.

(1) On this issue, yes. However, to Jackie's defense, there were for lack of a better description "more moving parts in place" in the Civil Rights Movement when Ali was in his prime than when Jackie Robinson was in his prime. Also, Jackie broke the COLOR BARRIER in Major League Baseball, whereas there had been blacks in boxing prior to Ali coming to the forefront. Jackie also passed in 1972 and I think he was only about 50 years old, whereas Ali lived to be 75 or so, having the opportunity to impact social change in different ways thanks to technological developments in both tv and radio. Another factor to consider is that Jackie played a TEAM SPORT, so Jackie had to "be one of the white guys" and Mr. Nice and be an exemplary black gentleman in the face of overwhelming racism against him. On the other hand, Ali could be brash, and bold, and big as an athlete and go to Africa to fight and make political statements because boxing is more of an INDIVIDUAL SPORT and Ali was not first black boxer.

(2) Correct, which is why I consider Pat Tillman one of the best Patriots of all time. A man who LITERALLY gave up his life to serve his country. A man who left millions of dollars of NFL money on the table to serve his country.
The Pat Tillman that killed by friendly fire from his his own unit? Riddick Bowe joined the marines...
Awesome story as I don't think most folks would have the balls to have that conversation with him, especially at 21, so amazing job and much admiration to Ali for making you feel welcomed and honestly engaging you in that discussion. Great story!!
(1) On this issue, yes. However, to Jackie's defense, there were for lack of a better description "more moving parts in place" in the Civil Rights Movement when Ali was in his prime than when Jackie Robinson was in his prime. Also, Jackie broke the COLOR BARRIER in Major League Baseball, whereas there had been blacks in boxing prior to Ali coming to the forefront. Jackie also passed in 1972 and I think he was only about 50 years old, whereas Ali lived to be 75 or so, having the opportunity to impact social change in different ways thanks to technological developments in both tv and radio. Another factor to consider is that Jackie played a TEAM SPORT, so Jackie had to "be one of the white guys" and Mr. Nice and be an exemplary black gentleman in the face of overwhelming racism against him. On the other hand, Ali could be brash, and bold, and big as an athlete and go to Africa to fight and make political statements because boxing is more of an INDIVIDUAL SPORT and Ali was not first black boxer.

(2) Correct, which is why I consider Pat Tillman one of the best Patriots of all time. A man who LITERALLY gave up his life to serve his country. A man who left millions of dollars of NFL money on the table to serve his country.
Good post. I think in addition to Muhammad Ali going down in history as the greatest boxer of all time, he will also be considered one the greatest and most influential Americans to ever live for reasons that I have already articulated. To have the privilege of meeting Ali is something alot of people can't say myself included. You don't share the same sentiments and that's fine, for anyone to begrudge Ali or any black man for not serving a country that treated us as subhumans for years is something I patently reject. You challenged folks to come with good dialogue which I'm confident that I've done. I think that this is one of those deals where we will have to agree to disagree. Going forward, I look forward to reading your blogs on this site about one thing that we both agree wholeheartedly on and that's our love for The University of Miami's football program. I get a good laugh out of your AlAverage Folden Zook, Turkey Tits comments. I live in Indiana and will be there when Miami plays at Notre Shame. If you are there maybe we can have beer and talk shit to the N.D. fans. Go Canes.
No need for a long ass post. It's that simple. AdvArkas is a racist!!

He openly is a homophobe and loves to call liberals fags and circle jerk each other and cocksuckers just because they have a different opinion.

He says he is not racist but labels all transgenders as sickos and pedophiles.

He claims he is not racist but criticized Ali for being Islamic and generalized all Members of Islam as terrorist.

And those are just a few things he says on this board publicly. I can just imagine the things he says about Hispanics and blacks behind closed doors.
1. You referenced Jackie Robinson as a great American and I would agree with you but I would also say that Ali did just as much if not more in terms of advocating social change, humanitarian efforts than even the great Jackie Robinson. Ali was initially classified as not being enlistment eligible I believe that he failed the ASVAB (the ASVAB is a mental aptitude exam required for enlisting)the version of it at that time. He was reclassified as being enlistment eligible because the Army lowered its standards.
2. I realize that there was no draft in 1999 which I am assuming was when you turned 18. We went to an all volunteer force in the mid 70s shortly after Vietnam. I was a Navy recruiter during the 9/11 time frame and I had patriotic Americans literally beating down my door wanting to enlist so I think that was a fair question for me to ask why weren't you one of them if not answering your nations call is a metric that you are using to define what a great American looks like? To me it doesn't matter if you are drafted or enlist voluntarily I don't think it is an apples to oranges comparison. In essence, what you are saying is that you wouldn't serve in the military unless you were forced to do so.

Bruh, this dude is a prime example of what I mean by white supremacist ideology. I really do think the ideology is so deeply imbedded to the point that I don't think he truly realizes what he's saying, . The ideology he's expressing says disregard all the unjust and inhumane sh*t we're imposing upon your and your people, your reality is not important. It is only our needs or circumstances that matter and we will judge your life solely based on your lack of compliance to our needs. It's literally unreal how they can say this sh*t will boldness and confidence as if it really makes sense. Don't believe me, go ahead and test it out. In all of the responses to this issue, none of them who think like this has acknowledged anything about the racism or injustices being of significance. They literally speak as if none of the sh*t was happening.
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Bruh, this dude is a prime example of what I mean by white supremacist ideology. I really do think the ideology is so deeply imbedded to the point that I don't think he truly realizes what he's saying, . The ideology he's expressing says disregard all the unjust and inhumane sh*t we're imposing upon your and your people, your reality is not important. It is only our needs or circumstances that matter and we will judge your life solely based on your lack of compliance to our needs. It's literally unreal how they can say this sh*t will boldness and confidence as if it really makes sense. Don't believe me, go ahead and test it out. In all of the responses to this issue, none of them who think like this has acknowledged anything about the racism or injustices being of significance. They literally speak as if none of the sh*t was happening.
But some of his best friends are black.
I've advised (suggested) to Varkas (per the urging of a couple others) who will remain anonymous to take a break from CS. It's down time now, and quite frankly he's getting out of hand.
I am very impressed by most of the posts in this thread. All I can add is I was draft age during the Vietnam Nam war and I made sure I kept my ass in school at Coral Gables. Many of you cannot comprehend what it was to getting drafted into service without any say on ones part. Getting drafted in those days was a direct ticket to Viet Nam and I had a few of my childhood friends die or come back totally changed and for the worse. No one wanted that war so because our politicians for misguided reasons got us into that war then a person had to blindly be ok with that? I applaud Ali for what he did and at a terrible cost to him.
Now for some levity here is my Ali story....
In 1982 for the first Arguello/Prior fight which was at the OB, a few of my buddies from San Juan came to Miami for the fight and we're staying at the Sailboat Bay Hotel in the Grove. Friday night I went to pick them up and as I pulled out of my car there was Muhammad by himself chatting with one of the valets. I went up to him and told him he was my favorite boxer and I never missed any of his fights. He looked at me and asked me which one was my favorite and I replied the Foreman "rope a dope" in Zayre. As if on cue Muhammad went into the rope a dope yelling "hit me George" as the valet and I just stood there laughing like 2 little boys.
"It will be a chilla, a thrilla and a killa when I get the gorilla in Manila" rest in peace are one of my idols.
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I am very impressed by most of the posts in this thread. All I can add is I was draft age during the Vietnam Nam war and I made sure I kept my ass in school at Coral Gables. Many of you cannot comprehend what it was to getting drafted into service without any say on ones part. Getting drafted in those days was a direct ticket to Viet Nam and I had a few of my childhood friends die or come back totally changed and for the worse. No one wanted that war so because our politicians for misguided reasons got us into that war then a person had to blindly be ok with that? I applaud Ali for what he did and at a terrible cost to him.
Now for some levity here is my Ali story....
In 1982 for the first Arguello/Prior fight which was at the OB, a few of my buddies from San Juan came to Miami for the fight and we're staying at the Sailboat Bay Hotel in the Grove. Friday night I went to pick them up and as I pulled out of my car there was Muhammad by himself chatting with one of the valets. I went up to him and told him he was my favorite boxer and I never missed any of his fights. He looked at me and asked me which one was my favorite and I replied the Foreman "rope a dope" in Zayre. As if on cue Muhammad went into the rope a dope yelling "hit me George" as the valet and I just stood there laughing like 2 little boys.
"It will be a chilla, a thrilla and a killa when I get the gorilla in Manila" rest in peace are one of my idols.
There are and were some great well known comedians who had writers on staff and spent countless hours preparing for concerts in order to make people laugh......Ali did it by the seat of his pants.
One again, true racist will reveal themselves. You're 1st sentence tells the story about you, jackazz. Even if it was a false accusation, you believe that those accusing you of racism are more disgusting than an actual racist??? And this sh*t makes sense to you? This entire post is full of more of your bullsh*t verbal masterbation void of any facts or relevance. You nor any of the clowns like you who accuse me of racism can't nor have you ever pointed out anything I've said that was untrue, non-factual, or racist even when I've challenged your azz so stfu. You're a bullsh8t artist who masks your racism and the racism of others with deflections(i.e. NOI, BLM, etc) and baseless accusations about me being racist, too typical. Your stance does not pass the smell test and you know it but you're in too deep to back out of it so you attempt to justify your racism by accusing those who can clearly see who you are to be the racist.

It's so much white supremacist rhetoric in this post, I don't even know where to begin with this b.s. However, just a few quick comments about some of this half truth garbage you spew.
1. The black community has no leaders, jackass. This is a white generated narrative that socially mis-educated and white supremacist like you follow. JJ is a fckn community/civil right activist not a fckn leader. When has there ever been a black vote to nominate a black leader, can you point out one of those? Of course you can't because it didn't happen but your Fox News sounding azz runs with the dumbazz narrative of JJ and Al being ceo's of the "black community". Very few people give a rats azz about either of the two, we know they're charlatans and aren't truly fighting for the people. Ironically you and many whites hate them because you actually believe they are. Lol.

2. The rap music you probably listen to as with many of the white dudes and use many of the cool quotes those black dudes say is funded by Jewish backers who, in fact, hi-jacked and intentionally redirected the music to the degrading direction it's moved in today. I really don't think you wanna have this Jewish argument as it pertains to black folks dude as it was Jewish backers who financed and insured the slave ships. Documented facts! Slave ports closed in recognition of Jewish holidays due to the fact of them having such monetary control and power in this devilish fckn act. How bout you go study that sh*t, Mr. Attorney. Yeah, truth is mf. It was Jewish t.v. and movie producers who've been behind disparaging the images of black folks since Birth of a Nation on up through the Zip Coon, Sambo, and Mammy Images. And it is now Jewish producers who stop financing conscious rap of the 80's and 90's intentionally directing the music towards the guns, violence and rap you speak about. This hi-jacking of the direction of rap has been voiced by a number of rappers as well and r&b singers who refused to play the game. You see there's always a back story to the white supremacist rhetoric. You ignorant clowns just don't know it and believe what you're told or shown by those who think like you. Even more insulting, however, is the fact that racist mf's like you say shit as if rappers somehow speak or represent the black collective. This is once again some racist sh*t. According to racist, if a few blacks do it then they all must be down with it or approve of it. Are you responsible for policing the degenerates in white culture? Fohwthbs! smdh. Just can't control those white supremacist thoughts, huh? They just pop out at every corner

3. Fck Black Lives Matter, I'm not down with that group but for very different reasons than you oppose them which I won't go into. As I've said in the past, anyone or any group that stands for justice and equality for black folks, white folks like yourself without fail find reasons to disparage them not unlike what you did with Ali. What black organization/group that stood for justice has white america ever supported? Name fck, one, I dare you. You can go back through history and not one of you can name one and we're not suppose to find this sh*t odd? Lmao. Oh this is just coincidence, it's really the fact that us black folks just don't know how organize and fight for our rights in the right way. It that it, Sir? smdh. You really are fckn ridiculous. Also, stop the b.s. about BLM promotes cop killings and violence. You've seen one fckn looped Fox video and now you're projecting it on the entire movement. More of your ws rhetoric.

This comment really says it all "Americans as a whole don't have as much sympathy right now for the black community the way it did back in the 1960's because of the divisiveness, racial tensions, and demogagery that the Obama Administration, Black Lives Matter, and Rappers have created over the last 8 years." First, America had no fckn sympathy in the 60's, more of your arrogant ignorance. The country has always been divided, maybe you wanna let everyone else know about this time you know of when it wasn't. Division heightened because racist whites who lost their fckn minds when a black man got elected. And lastly, this whole notion of America having sympathy for black folks indicates you know your azz is privileged! And the funny sh*t about it is that you think the things you say sound o.k. Lol

I'm really glad you wrote this because it surely confirms to me who you are, no more guess work needed. And you summed it up with your final comment:

"Black people in America are perfectly capable of being the best Americans this country can offer, but it starts with the black community getting ITS COLLECTIVE HOUSE in order FIRST instead of spending all of this time blaming "White America", "White Privilege"

Imagine, the white man who's disenfranchised, oppressed, discriminated, and blocked every avenue by which the black man can rise saying you need to get your house in order. Should I take your azz through history detail by detail and cite many instances and era whites have stolen, blocked, and oppressed black progress? Should I cite the many programs such as the Homestead act, the New Deal, and others where whites were given land, grants, loans in times of need that blacks were not privy to? Should I cite the 300 fckn years of free labor and generated wealth which catapulted this country past others that had been existed long before, and the wealth that allowed banks to give loans to build business which provided jobs which provided money for housing which spawned other business and fckn so on till today. It's called the domino effect jackazz, america didn't fckn get rid of the wealth generated when slavery ended now did they? It's still in circulation and still benefiting the descendants. Tell you what else was never restructured, none of the institutions (i.e. governments, criminal justice, business, etc). The only thing that was done is a damn Act saying you can't stop black people from coming into your business and later with Affirmative Action (which was not just for blacks) when it was necessary to force companies to hire other than white.

And lastly, you have the nerve to rehash this draft bs about Ali but once again you mention nothing of the racism he dealt with. Again, simply amazing how white supremacy logic works. Don't worry about how we treat you, go fight n*gga! You really are a clown. How bout you take your long winded, white supremacist diatribe back to your Fox News audience where it sounds sensible and reasonable. To anyone else, you've proven to be just who I thought you were.

P.S. I just read this b.s. again: "Muhammad Ali was a man who refused to go into the Draft when his COUNTRY called". Really??? HIS COUNTRY??? You mean the fckn country that wouldn't serve him a fckn cup of coffee? The country that didn't to give allow him human rights until 64? The fckn country that was still hanging, beating, and jailing black folks for asking for rights? You mean that country, HIS COUNTRY? That's the one he should've answered the call for? Fck you a 1000x's over if you believe that bs!
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One again, true racist will reveal themselves. You're 1st sentence tells the story about you, jackazz, if you believe that those, even if hypothetically it was false, accusing you of racism are more disgusting than an actual racist??? And this sh*t makes sense to you? This entire post is fool of more of you bullsh*t verbal masterbation void of any facts or relevance. You nor any of the clowns like who accuse me of racism can't nor have ever pointed out anything I've said that was untrue, non-factual, or racist even when I've challenged your azz so stfu. You're a bullsh8t artist who masks your racism and the racism of others with deflections(i.e. NOI, BLM, etc) and baseless accusations about me being racist, too typcal. Your stance does not pass the smell test and you know it but you're in too deep to back out of it so you attempt to justify your racism by accusing those who can clearly see who you are to be the racist.

It's so much white supremacist rhetoric in this post, I don't even know where to begin with this b.s. However, just a few quick comments about some of this half truth garbage you spew.
1. The black community has no leaders, jackass. This is a white generated narrative that socially mis-educated and white supremacist like you follow. JJ is a fckn community/civil right activist not a fckn leader. When has their ever been a black vote to nominate a black leader, can you point out one of those? Of course you can't because it didn't happen but your Fox News sounding azz runs with the dumbazz narrative JJ and Al are ceo's of the "black community". Very few people give a rats azz about either of the two, we know they're charlatans and aren't truly fighting for the people. Ironically you many whites hate them because you actually believe they are. Lol.

2. The rap music you probably listen to as with many of the white dudes and use many of the cool quotes those black dudes say is funded by Jewish backers who, in fact, hi-jacked and intentionally directed the music to the degrading direction it's moved in today. I really don't think you wanna have this Jewish argument as it pertains to black folks dude as it was Jewish backers who financed and insured the slave ships. Documented facts! Slave ports closed in recognition of Jewish holidays due to the fact of them having such monetary control and power in this devilish fckn act. How bout you go study that sh*t, Mr. Attorney. Yeah, truth is mf. It was Jewish t.v. and movie producers who've been behind disparaging the images of black folks since Birth of a Nation on up through the Zip Coon, Sambo, and Mammy Images. And it is now Jewish producers who stop financing conscious rap of the 80's and 90's intentionally directing the music towards the guns, violence and rap you speak about. This hi-jacking of the direction of rap has been voiced by a number of rappers as well and r&b singers who refused to play the game. You see there's always a back story to the white supremacist rhetoric. You ignorant clowns just don't know it and believe what you're told or shown by those who think like you. Even more insulting, however, is the fact that racist mf's like you say shit as if rappers somehow speak or represent the black collective. This is once again some racist sh*t. According to racist, if a few blacks do it then they all must be down with it or approve of it. Are you responsible for policing the degenerates in white culture? Fohwthbs! smdh. Just can't control those white supremacist thoughts, huh? They just pop out at every corner

3. Fck Black Lives Matter, I'm not down with that group but for very different reasons than you oppose them which I won't go into. As I've said in the past, anyone or any group that stands for justice and equality for black folks, white folks like yourself without fail find reasons to disparage them not unlike what you did with Ali. What black organization/group that stood for justice has white america ever supported? Name fck one, I dare you. You can go back through history and not one you can name and we're not suppose to find this sh*t odd? Lmao. Oh this is just coincidence, it's really the fact that us black folks just don't know how organize and fight for our rights in the right way. It that it, Sir? smdh. You really are fckn ridiculous. Also, stop the b.s. about they promote cop killings and violence. You've seen one fckn looped Fox video and now you're projecting it on the entire movement. More of your ws rhetoric.

This comment really says it all "Americans as a whole don't have as much sympathy right now for the black community the way it did back in the 1960's because of the divisiveness, racial tensions, and demogagery that the Obama Administration, Black Lives Matter, and Rappers have created over the last 8 years." First, America had no fckn sympathy in the 60's, more of your arrogant ignorance. The country has always been divided, you might wanna let everyone else know about this time you know of when it wasn't. It was racist whites who lost their fckn minds when a black man got elected. And lastly, this whole notion of America having sympathy black folks indicates you know your azz is privileged! And the funny sh*t is that you think the things you say sound o.k. Lol

I'm really glad you wrote this because it surely confirms to me who you are, no more guess work needed. And you summed it up with your final comment:

"Black people in America are perfectly capable of being the best Americans this country can offer, but it starts with the black community getting ITS COLLECTIVE HOUSE in order FIRST instead of spending all of this time blaming "White America", "White Privilege"

Imagine, the white man who's disenfranchised, oppressed, discriminated, and blocked every avenue by which the black man can rise saying you need to get your house in order. Should I take your azz through history detail by detail and cite many instances and era whites have stolen, blocked, and oppressed black progress? Should I cite the many programs such as the Homestead act, the New Deal, and others where whites were given land, grants, loans in times of need that black were not privy to? Should I cite the 300 fckn years of free labor and generated wealth which catapulted this country past others that had been existed long before, and the wealth that allowed banks to give loans to build business which provided jobs which provided money for housing which spawned other business and fckn so on till today. It's called the domino effect jackazz, america didn't fckn get rid of the wealth generated when slavery ended now did they? It's still in circulation and still benefiting the descendants. Tell you what else was never restructured, none of the institutions (i.e. governments, criminal justice, business, etc). The only thing that was done is a damn Act saying you can't stop black people from coming into your business and later with Affirmative Action (which was not just for blacks) when it was necessary to force companies to hire other than white.

And lastly, you have the nerve to rehash this draft bs about Ali but once again you mention nothing of the racism he dealt with. Again, simply amazing how white supremacy logic works. Don't worry about how we treat you, go fight n*gga! You really are a clown. How bout you take your long winded, white supremacist diatribe back to your Fox News audience where it sounds sensible and reasonable. To anyone else, you've proven to be just who I thought you were.

P.S. I just read this b.s. again: "Muhammad Ali was a man who refused to go into the Draft when his COUNTRY called". Really??? HIS COUNTRY??? You mean the fckn country that wouldn't serve him a fckn cup of coffee? The country that didn't to give allow him human rights until 64? The fckn country that was still hanging, beating, and jailing black folks for asking for rights? You mean that country, HIS COUNTRY? That's the one he should've answered the call for? Fck you a 1000x's over if you believe that bs!
You went on this one bruh. To the bottom of the Pacific. You are my hero. Did that clown call The Nation of Islam a domestic terrorist organization or was he referring to BLM?
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Well stated bruh P! I've been banging with these white supremacist for years now and they still continue to say the most racist things and claim they're not racist. Their arrogance and their God complex leads them to believe they understand our plight better than we do and, might I add, they're quite the experts on racism. Don't know how they know it so well but they seem to know what it looks like, how it works, and how we should respond to it. Ali being a great man is not a matter of opinion, it's fact, at least where humanity is concerned. Ali put everything on the line, his career, money, fame and fortune for his people and beliefs. This is at a time when black people had very few right and opportunity. Most men would have buckled or sold out under the pressure, he didn't. He stood like man and a souljah, and spoke boldly, unapologetically and proudly for not only the civil rights of his people but the human rights and dignity of black people. Yet, historically ignorant dudes like the o.p. and the like conveniently disregard all the evil and inhumane sh*t being perpetrated by the state, fed governments, and the white collective as they truly believed in the superiority lie they've been sold. They mention nothing of the culture/climate of racial hatred, murder, oppression, brutality, and disenfranchisement that was occurring during that time. Noooo, it was just Ali the draft dodger. What they fail to realize is that anyone looking back on history, or let me say, any human looking back on that era would more than agree with what Ali did, what he stood for and recognize the sacrifices he made in fighting for justice for an entire race of people. However, if your reality, compassion, and humanity ends where another race begins then you get dumb azz comments that disregard all the crimes against other humanity and make judgments based solely on the interest of your people and yours only. This is the form of white supremacy we still deal with the today
true facts there brother..but you know what piss me off the most,is that as long as i been a hurricane fan 37years this is the last fan base that i thought would be racist,hell the reason i'm with the hurricanes was because they bucked the system i had never seen anything like it and i fell in love with the canes on the spot and to see this shit thats happing in here is messed up..Jerome brown and the boyz couldn't stand a redneck wouldn't even eat with them,and to see the same type of in the closet racist shit that we have here now. he would stand up in his got dam grave.I been an activist for 30years i'm a Pan-Africanist,RBG,Garveyite,U.N.I.A..BPP..and i go around the country debating and doing lectures this the first time i have let this be known,I thought when i came to this page that i could just talk sports,I came just to talk about hurricane football,I did not expect the bullshit that i have ran across in here.and the reason I'm just now coming out with it is because i wanted to show that no matter what a person do in their day job that they could still come on a form and just enjoy canes football,i never brought out what it is that i am or do because it wasn't important,because this is football so i thought, boy was i wrong.I couldn't believe some of the shit i was seeing,i thought i was tripping so i just sat back and watched and studied the people on the board and there comments until one day it came to a head because i said i don't vote and never a few of us passed words back and forth they thought i was a racist and after being called out my name,they just knew they had me until i told them to go to my page and look at my mixed grand babies and with me being mixed with the slave masters Irish blood it shut their ass down,they learned that day to not try to play checkers with a man that plays after that i chilled for months and just watched the same ones say little sly racist comments and make jokes amongst themselves putting down Mexicans as well as others ,go look at that Cinco de mayo post.and them voting post.and you will see the same ones ya'll called out are the same ones that i called how in the hell can we who have never met a day in our life all be wrong about the same ones who still sit here and say we playing the race shit and then accuse us of the race card what ever that shit mean..they tried to get me barred man,the same mfk that was on here talking about respect people's the end of the day i just want too meet some good people and talk canes football and leave everything else that's not football outside the box for a min...thats why i starting too see who is cool and who i need too leave the hell alone..I came in here and put my world views on the back burner to talk football.why in the hell couldn't these racist mfk do the same??on that note they got some nerve to say they an't racist ,man I'm from Lynchburg Va...i been around rednecks,skinheads,kkk,bigots..i help whipped the klans ass in my town in 85 i know a racist when i see,hear and smell one of them beast, I been debating and living around them so long i can tell one with my eyes close..i dont give a **** about none of these raciest mfk's on this board, they died too me just another face in the got dam crowd ..a bunch of keyboard big mouth wash women, who won't bust a grape in a fruit fight,,just a bunch of chitter chatter but cant kill a fly with mfk sledge hell with these beast we need to stick together and enjoy some canes football hopefully..might get put out this peace you know how shit can get when a blackman speaks his um brother and just watch the board and they will expose who they i said im just looking for some cool cane fans too talk football with, I dont fk with them other dudes. they dont need to respond back they better off just not say nothing too me we ant got shit to talk about...i support you brother and i got your back..hit me on the"FB" name is Africa Black-Chaos Davis..ase..#RBG4life
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true facts there brother..but you know what piss me off the most,is that as long as i been a hurricane fan 37years this is the last fan base that i thought would be racist,hell the reason i'm with the hurricanes was because they bucked the system i had never seen anything like it and i fell in love with the canes on the spot and to see this shit thats happing in here is messed up..Jerome brown and the boyz couldn't stand a redneck wouldn't even eat with them,and to see the same type of in the closet racist shit that we have here now. he would stand up in his got dam grave.I been an activist for 30years i'm a Pan-Africanist,RBG,Garveyite,U.N.I.A..BPP..and i go around the country debating and doing lectures this the first time i have let this be known,I thought when i came to this page that i could just talk sports,I came just to talk about hurricane football,I did not expect the bullshit that i have ran across in here.and the reason I'm just now coming out with it is because i wanted to show that no matter what a person do in their day job that they could still come on a form and just enjoy canes football,i never brought out what it is that i am or do because it wasn't important,because this is football so i thought, boy was i wrong.I couldn't believe some of the shit i was seeing,i thought i was tripping so i just sat back and watched and studied the people on the board and there comments until one day it came to a head because i said i don't vote and never a few of us passed words back and forth they thought i was a racist and after being called out my name,they just knew they had me until i told them to go to my page and look at my mixed grand babies and with me being mixed with the slave masters Irish blood it shut their ass down,they learned that day to not try to play checkers with a man that plays after that i chilled for months and just watched the same ones say little sly racist comments and make jokes amongst themselves putting down Mexicans as well as others ,go look at that Cinco de mayo post.and them voting post.and you will see the same ones ya'll called out are the same ones that i called how in the hell can we who have never met a day in our life all be wrong about the same ones who still sit here and say we playing the race shit and then accuse us of the race card what ever that shit mean..they tried to get me barred man,the same mfk that was on here talking about respect people's the end of the day i just want too meet some good people and talk canes football and leave everything else that's not football outside the box for a min...thats why i starting too see who is cool and who i need too leave the hell alone..I came in here and put my world views on the back burner to talk football.why in the hell couldn't these racist mfk do the same??on that note they got some nerve to say they an't racist ,man I'm from Lynchburg Va...i been around rednecks,skinheads,kkk,bigots..i help whipped the klans ass in my town in 85 i know a racist when i see,hear and smell one of them beast, I been debating and living around them so long i can tell one with my eyes close..i dont give a **** about none of these raciest mfk's on this board, they died too me just another face in the got dam crowd ..a bunch of keyboard big mouth wash women, who won't bust a grape in a fruit fight,,just a bunch of chitter chatter but cant kill a fly with mfk sledge hell with these beast we need to stick together and enjoy some canes football hopefully..might get put out this peace you know how shit can get when a blackman speaks his um brother and just watch the board and they will expose who they i said im just looking for some cool cane fans too talk football with, I dont fk with them other dudes. they dont need to respond back they better off just not say nothing too me we ant got shit to talk about...i support you brother and i got your back..hit me on the"FB" name is Africa Black-Chaos Davis..ase..#RBG4life

ASE' Fam! RBG Pan-Africanist all the way on this end! Like you, I definitely don't give a fck about any of these cowards who blatantly disrespects and disregards the history, culture, and rights of my people which many of these insensitive b*stards do on a regularly bases. They say the most insulting sh*t as if its o.k. So I feel exactly where you coming from and my sentiments are exactly the same. I come on here to check out hurricane news and info. but I could give a rats azz about being friends when it comes to the disrespect black members have to put up with on this forum. Bruh, the twisted part about it is that I really believe a few of the ones we speak about actually believe they aren't racist such as the clown who posted about the "exceptional blacks vs the lazy blacks". Huh? Da fuq? Lmao! You really gotta laugh at the sh*t. They say racist sh*t then scream bloody murder the minute you check their azzes on it. As the canesport racists' world goes, racism is always a false claim because whites are no longer racist, it only exist in the minds of black folks. No matter what it looks like to us, no matter how long we've dealt with it, experienced it, or seen it we really don't know what the fck we're talking about, bruh. We're simply hyper-sensitive and racist ourselves, of course. They apparently know much more about it than we do. We're just too stupid to understand our reality and incapable of properly responding or developing any organization that correctly responds to injustices. Ain't that a real mutha for ya! This is the insulting azz sentiment you find regularly on this site. I swear its like they can't contain their bigotry, it seems to pop out at every turn.

Re this whole discussion about Ali, when a white icon dies you never see black members come on here trashing their name and legacy. I could've come on here plenty of times over the years and done the same but what's the fckn point??? There is none other than to specifically agitate which is their intention and to express hate. They use any reason or opportunity to express their closeted racism. They let that sh*t out whenever they see an opportunity. "Ali didn't go in the draft", really??? Are you fckn serious? All the rich white draft dodgers who had no reason to avoid going vs Ali who have every reason not to go and that's what you clown azz dudes are attempting to trash this man's legacy with? Nah clowns, real eyes can see yo azz.

Bruh I go in on their azzes to specifically make this sh*t as uncomfortable a discussion as possible because they constantly make it uncomfortable for black members with the blatant disrespect of black people and disregard of culture. I've seen many times where dudes have even respectfully told them that their comments were off base but instead of saying they understand or my bad I didn't know, they come with arrogant sh*t like "race card" or "you're the racist". It's just no way they could actually be wrong.

Anyway fam, I appreciate you chiming in and keeping 100, and not worrying about being the friendly negro to disrespectful mf's who've shown what they think about us. Also I will hit you up on FB.
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You went on this one bruh. To the bottom of the Pacific. You are my hero. Did that clown call The Nation of Islam a domestic terrorist organization or was he referring to BLM?

Think he was referring to BLM with the terrorist comment but he called the NOI radicals. Neither of these groups have any history of violence towards anyone. This is nothing more than baseless white supremacist rhetoric. The KKK has proven history of murder, rape, torture, intimidation, assault, racial hate, etc. and guess what bruh? The American government allows this criminal hate group to freely exist till this day yet they specifically created an operation to attack and destroy the BPP. Chew on that a minute......
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Think he was referring to BLM with the terrorist comment but he called the NOI radicals. Neither of these groups have any history of violence towards anyone. This is nothing more than baseless white supremacist rhetoric. The KKK has proven history of murder, rape, torture, intimidation, assault, racial hate, etc. and guess what bruh? The American government allows this criminal hate group to freely exist till this day yet they specifically created an operation to attack and destroy the BPP. Chew on that a minute......
Exactly, I'm not the smartest cat around but I thought you had to actually commit an act of terrorism to be considered a domestic terrorist. I don't ever recall the Nation of Islam or BLM committing any acts of domestic terror unlike let's say the KKK, Skinheads, Ayrian Nation, Timothy McVeigh, The Uni Bomber etc. hmm, there is a common thread among all of these organizations and people I just named, they are all white. That dude referenced Medgar Evers but failed to mention that he was assassinated by a domestic terrorist in Bryan De LaBeckwith. May he rest in hell.
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If there is anyone more disgusting than an actual racist, then it is someone who falsely accuses someone of being racist who is not a racist.

That is EXACTLY what we have here with Azar. A black man who consistently comes charging to the forefront to play the proverbial race card anytime a white man happens criticize a black man for his conduct, rather than his race, religion, etc...

Heaven forbid that a white man can cast an opinion about a black man based on CONDUCT, rather than that black man's race, and not have to come under the wrath of hate from black people. Criticize Shannon, be called a racist. Criticize Obama, be called a racist. Criticize Ali, be called a racist. Blah blah blah, yada yad yada... Same old song and dance from the same predictable posters.

It is incredible that in 2016, after all the progress our society has made after 50 years, that people cannot have well articulated DISCUSSIONS about race and race related issues without having the "racist" label slapped upon them at every turn. It is pathetic on multiple levels. Improving race relations in this country starts with people willing to TALK and LISTEN. Can we still have a conversation in America? Some of the thin skinned hypocritical liberals on this Board clearly cannot.

I'm not asking any black man to withhold his opinion about race and race related issues. Talk all you want, type all you want. I will both read and listen to ANY opinions from ANY black man about race and race related issues, anytime and any place, provided that they are both substantive and sincere. I.O.U. and I have talked about it in person; I have had similar discussions with other black posters on this Board who have PERSONALLY THANKED ME for simply taking the time to just LISTEN and try to understand a different point of view. My neighbor down the hall is a successful black man who is from central Florida and who went to UCF, where he unfortunately faced repeated racism. He has needed a long time trust white men in business, and to even open up to me as a neighbor about his experiences. But he eventually did, because I showed him I was willing to LISTEN to his opinion, offer my rebuttal opinion, and stimulate a healthy conversation. THAT is how friendships are forged between men of ANY color, and that is why I SCOFF at all this talk about all these racist accusations and this blame game on America.

But that is truly the favorite liberal play out of the liberal playbook, isn't it Azar...? Instead of formulating a well articulated reply to my thread, which was made in good faith, you went right for the cheap shot, the personal attack, the thinly veiled substantive reply. Instead of putting some intelligent thoughts down in writing so that I could reply back to you and may be even CONCEDE that you have a better point that I do, you dropped about 3-5 pieces of shit in this thread. Your replies were not roasting me- they were weak sauce shit from a weak minded man. Nothing more, nothing less.

It is truly ironic that liberals consistently champion themselves as this group of "tolerance" of other people's opinions, except when any of those different opinions conflict with liberals' point of view. Do as I say, not as I do. It is dishonesty, double standards, and divisiveness at the highest level.

Muhammad Ali was a man who refused to go into the Draft when his COUNTRY called. A man who refused to go into the Draft when CALLED UPON to serve his country cannot be considered an ALL TIME Great American. You can try to force feed me whatever "White America", "Racist America", "Privileged America" narrative you want, but that is merely an excuse in my opinion. This is still AMERICA, and we welcome change and embrace equality under the law, but blacks who consistently TRASH America to advance a self-serving "blackism" agenda over America as a whole are doing both themselves and America as a whole a MAJOR disservice. I don't agree with what Ali did, and you better believe that I have the right to exercise that opinion. I have provided more than enough substance to back that up. Now, if you have a problem with that opinion, then bring something more to the table than the same old self-serving racist commentary bullshit. It's laughable.

As a final FACT for you and your liberals here to consider before you get into your circle jerk, hold hands, and unload again in this thread, Ali was a member of the Nation of Islam- you know, the SAME Nation of Islam whici is a leftist RADICAL group who treat Jews like they're the Devil and think the Jews have no claim to Israel. Ali was a member of THAT group and influenced heavily by them. I guess "Jew Lives" don't matter that much to certain people. Nation of Islam, the SAME group who has SUPPORTED Black Lives Matter, a RACIST piece of shit domestic terrorist organization. So, you talk about "SHAMEFUL AMERICA", far left liberalism, Nation of Islam, and Black Lives Matter have brought AS MUCH SHAME to America has the white supremacists who sought to suppress the civil rights of blacks in the 1960's during the Civil Rights Movement...

But you don't want to talk about any of this though in a real intellectual discussion, do you- it is much easier to live in a delusional world that blames "White America", "White Privilege", and "White Power" on every single shortcoming of every single black man in America, instead of focusing on SELF-ACCOUNTABILITY. In the 1960's, black men had GREAT LEADERS in the 1950's and 1960's such as Martin Luther King, Jr., Medgar Evars, and Jackie Robinson. These people EMPOWERED black people at a time that America as a whole was struggling to afford black racial equality under the law after the United States Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education.

Now, in 2016, who are the black leaders of the black community...? We have the black community hanging its hat on Jesse Jackson (a fraud and tax evader), rappers who rap about raping white women and killing law enforcement, and Black Lives Matter which is a RACIST domestic terrorist organization advocating for violence and death against law enforcement. Americans as a whole don't have as much sympathy right now for the black community the way it did back in the 1960's because of the divisiveness, racial tensions, and demogagery that the Obama Administration, Black Lives Matter, and Rappers have created over the last 8 years. This isn't the same fight as it was 50 years ago. Today is about an Obama administration which has WEAKENED blacks across America by putting MORE blacks on entitlement, MORE blacks out of the labor force, and DIVIDING (not uniting) America along racial lines. You know who suffers when illegal immigrants run rampant throughout this country unchecked? LEGAL minorities (including blacks), because their jobs are being taken. You know who suffers when the far left liberals cast hate on law enforcement? BLACKS, because law enforcement are reluctant to go into poor neighborhoods to help protect innocent blacks from other blacks. You know who suffers from over gun control, like we see in flaming far left liberal cities like New York, San Francisco, and Chicago? Blacks. So don't give me this hogwash hogshit white supremacy bullshit all Republicans are the devil blah blah blah... Republicans actually do MORE for blacks than black will EVER realize, because the far left liberals pander and spoon feed the black community bullshit after bullshit after bullshit to get their vote. How is the average black man doing EIGHT YEARS after Obama?

Black people in America are perfectly capable of being the best Americans this country can offer, but it starts with the black community getting ITS COLLECTIVE HOUSE in order FIRST instead of spending all of this time blaming "White America", "White Privilege", "White Power" and all of this other red herring nonsense that far left liberal race agitators want to throw out there. You completely fail at cause and effect when it comes to race relations in this country.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, I understand the emphasis on you saying his COUNTRY that time they his COUNTRY also called him the N word, shunned him in restaurants, at water fountains, in hotels, etc.....That, imo, is enough to say no to something you don't believe in. There are a lot and I mean a lot of people that dodged that war sir.....Some just did it in a manner that was "legal", so we will definitely have to re-evaluate a lot of so called "great americans".....if not going to war, when your country called is the base.
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If there is anyone more disgusting than an actual racist, then it is someone who falsely accuses someone of being racist who is not a racist.

That is EXACTLY what we have here with Azar. A black man who consistently comes charging to the forefront to play the proverbial race card anytime a white man happens criticize a black man for his conduct, rather than his race, religion, etc...

Heaven forbid that a white man can cast an opinion about a black man based on CONDUCT, rather than that black man's race, and not have to come under the wrath of hate from black people. Criticize Shannon, be called a racist. Criticize Obama, be called a racist. Criticize Ali, be called a racist. Blah blah blah, yada yad yada... Same old song and dance from the same predictable posters.

It is incredible that in 2016, after all the progress our society has made after 50 years, that people cannot have well articulated DISCUSSIONS about race and race related issues without having the "racist" label slapped upon them at every turn. It is pathetic on multiple levels. Improving race relations in this country starts with people willing to TALK and LISTEN. Can we still have a conversation in America? Some of the thin skinned hypocritical liberals on this Board clearly cannot.

I'm not asking any black man to withhold his opinion about race and race related issues. Talk all you want, type all you want. I will both read and listen to ANY opinions from ANY black man about race and race related issues, anytime and any place, provided that they are both substantive and sincere. I.O.U. and I have talked about it in person; I have had similar discussions with other black posters on this Board who have PERSONALLY THANKED ME for simply taking the time to just LISTEN and try to understand a different point of view. My neighbor down the hall is a successful black man who is from central Florida and who went to UCF, where he unfortunately faced repeated racism. He has needed a long time trust white men in business, and to even open up to me as a neighbor about his experiences. But he eventually did, because I showed him I was willing to LISTEN to his opinion, offer my rebuttal opinion, and stimulate a healthy conversation. THAT is how friendships are forged between men of ANY color, and that is why I SCOFF at all this talk about all these racist accusations and this blame game on America.

But that is truly the favorite liberal play out of the liberal playbook, isn't it Azar...? Instead of formulating a well articulated reply to my thread, which was made in good faith, you went right for the cheap shot, the personal attack, the thinly veiled substantive reply. Instead of putting some intelligent thoughts down in writing so that I could reply back to you and may be even CONCEDE that you have a better point that I do, you dropped about 3-5 pieces of shit in this thread. Your replies were not roasting me- they were weak sauce shit from a weak minded man. Nothing more, nothing less.

It is truly ironic that liberals consistently champion themselves as this group of "tolerance" of other people's opinions, except when any of those different opinions conflict with liberals' point of view. Do as I say, not as I do. It is dishonesty, double standards, and divisiveness at the highest level.

Muhammad Ali was a man who refused to go into the Draft when his COUNTRY called. A man who refused to go into the Draft when CALLED UPON to serve his country cannot be considered an ALL TIME Great American. You can try to force feed me whatever "White America", "Racist America", "Privileged America" narrative you want, but that is merely an excuse in my opinion. This is still AMERICA, and we welcome change and embrace equality under the law, but blacks who consistently TRASH America to advance a self-serving "blackism" agenda over America as a whole are doing both themselves and America as a whole a MAJOR disservice. I don't agree with what Ali did, and you better believe that I have the right to exercise that opinion. I have provided more than enough substance to back that up. Now, if you have a problem with that opinion, then bring something more to the table than the same old self-serving racist commentary bullshit. It's laughable.

As a final FACT for you and your liberals here to consider before you get into your circle jerk, hold hands, and unload again in this thread, Ali was a member of the Nation of Islam- you know, the SAME Nation of Islam whici is a leftist RADICAL group who treat Jews like they're the Devil and think the Jews have no claim to Israel. Ali was a member of THAT group and influenced heavily by them. I guess "Jew Lives" don't matter that much to certain people. Nation of Islam, the SAME group who has SUPPORTED Black Lives Matter, a RACIST piece of shit domestic terrorist organization. So, you talk about "SHAMEFUL AMERICA", far left liberalism, Nation of Islam, and Black Lives Matter have brought AS MUCH SHAME to America has the white supremacists who sought to suppress the civil rights of blacks in the 1960's during the Civil Rights Movement...

But you don't want to talk about any of this though in a real intellectual discussion, do you- it is much easier to live in a delusional world that blames "White America", "White Privilege", and "White Power" on every single shortcoming of every single black man in America, instead of focusing on SELF-ACCOUNTABILITY. In the 1960's, black men had GREAT LEADERS in the 1950's and 1960's such as Martin Luther King, Jr., Medgar Evars, and Jackie Robinson. These people EMPOWERED black people at a time that America as a whole was struggling to afford black racial equality under the law after the United States Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education.

Now, in 2016, who are the black leaders of the black community...? We have the black community hanging its hat on Jesse Jackson (a fraud and tax evader), rappers who rap about raping white women and killing law enforcement, and Black Lives Matter which is a RACIST domestic terrorist organization advocating for violence and death against law enforcement. Americans as a whole don't have as much sympathy right now for the black community the way it did back in the 1960's because of the divisiveness, racial tensions, and demogagery that the Obama Administration, Black Lives Matter, and Rappers have created over the last 8 years. This isn't the same fight as it was 50 years ago. Today is about an Obama administration which has WEAKENED blacks across America by putting MORE blacks on entitlement, MORE blacks out of the labor force, and DIVIDING (not uniting) America along racial lines. You know who suffers when illegal immigrants run rampant throughout this country unchecked? LEGAL minorities (including blacks), because their jobs are being taken. You know who suffers when the far left liberals cast hate on law enforcement? BLACKS, because law enforcement are reluctant to go into poor neighborhoods to help protect innocent blacks from other blacks. You know who suffers from over gun control, like we see in flaming far left liberal cities like New York, San Francisco, and Chicago? Blacks. So don't give me this hogwash hogshit white supremacy bullshit all Republicans are the devil blah blah blah... Republicans actually do MORE for blacks than black will EVER realize, because the far left liberals pander and spoon feed the black community bullshit after bullshit after bullshit to get their vote. How is the average black man doing EIGHT YEARS after Obama?

Black people in America are perfectly capable of being the best Americans this country can offer, but it starts with the black community getting ITS COLLECTIVE HOUSE in order FIRST instead of spending all of this time blaming "White America", "White Privilege", "White Power" and all of this other red herring nonsense that far left liberal race agitators want to throw out there. You completely fail at cause and effect when it comes to race relations in this country.
Just can't let this one go. Advarkas, you really come across as a smug know-it-all. Azar is the real racist here? In fact, he is worse than you because he called you racist, so he is more disgusting, making you clearly superior to this black reverse racist. It seems that looking down on inferior "disgusting" black people comes naturally to you.

Then you top it off on your ill informed non sense on the black community and how their problems are self inflicted. Stick to sports, where you may have some knowledge, because your shallow, pseudo intellectual drivel on race in America is a joke. Posting your "draft dodger" crap on Alii's RIP thread what was "disgusting". Then you top it off with this fake story. You should just stick to your usual "My family invented Florida...Derrrr" BS.
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Think he was referring to BLM with the terrorist comment but he called the NOI radicals. Neither of these groups have any history of violence towards anyone. This is nothing more than baseless white supremacist rhetoric. The KKK has proven history of murder, rape, torture, intimidation, assault, racial hate, etc. and guess what bruh? The American government allows this criminal hate group to freely exist till this day yet they specifically created an operation to attack and destroy the BPP. Chew on that a minute......
Wasn't it a couple years ago you wouldn't accept the definitions of racist in the dictionary, only the one you liked? I've never seen someone write so many words with so little meaning.
One again, true racist will reveal themselves. You're 1st sentence tells the story about you, jackazz. Even if it was a false accusation, you believe that those accusing you of racism are more disgusting than an actual racist??? And this sh*t makes sense to you? This entire post is full of more of your bullsh*t verbal masterbation void of any facts or relevance. You nor any of the clowns like you who accuse me of racism can't nor have you ever pointed out anything I've said that was untrue, non-factual, or racist even when I've challenged your azz so stfu. You're a bullsh8t artist who masks your racism and the racism of others with deflections(i.e. NOI, BLM, etc) and baseless accusations about me being racist, too typical. Your stance does not pass the smell test and you know it but you're in too deep to back out of it so you attempt to justify your racism by accusing those who can clearly see who you are to be the racist.

It's so much white supremacist rhetoric in this post, I don't even know where to begin with this b.s. However, just a few quick comments about some of this half truth garbage you spew.
1. The black community has no leaders, jackass. This is a white generated narrative that socially mis-educated and white supremacist like you follow. JJ is a fckn community/civil right activist not a fckn leader. When has there ever been a black vote to nominate a black leader, can you point out one of those? Of course you can't because it didn't happen but your Fox News sounding azz runs with the dumbazz narrative of JJ and Al being ceo's of the "black community". Very few people give a rats azz about either of the two, we know they're charlatans and aren't truly fighting for the people. Ironically you and many whites hate them because you actually believe they are. Lol.

2. The rap music you probably listen to as with many of the white dudes and use many of the cool quotes those black dudes say is funded by Jewish backers who, in fact, hi-jacked and intentionally redirected the music to the degrading direction it's moved in today. I really don't think you wanna have this Jewish argument as it pertains to black folks dude as it was Jewish backers who financed and insured the slave ships. Documented facts! Slave ports closed in recognition of Jewish holidays due to the fact of them having such monetary control and power in this devilish fckn act. How bout you go study that sh*t, Mr. Attorney. Yeah, truth is mf. It was Jewish t.v. and movie producers who've been behind disparaging the images of black folks since Birth of a Nation on up through the Zip Coon, Sambo, and Mammy Images. And it is now Jewish producers who stop financing conscious rap of the 80's and 90's intentionally directing the music towards the guns, violence and rap you speak about. This hi-jacking of the direction of rap has been voiced by a number of rappers as well and r&b singers who refused to play the game. You see there's always a back story to the white supremacist rhetoric. You ignorant clowns just don't know it and believe what you're told or shown by those who think like you. Even more insulting, however, is the fact that racist mf's like you say shit as if rappers somehow speak or represent the black collective. This is once again some racist sh*t. According to racist, if a few blacks do it then they all must be down with it or approve of it. Are you responsible for policing the degenerates in white culture? Fohwthbs! smdh. Just can't control those white supremacist thoughts, huh? They just pop out at every corner

3. Fck Black Lives Matter, I'm not down with that group but for very different reasons than you oppose them which I won't go into. As I've said in the past, anyone or any group that stands for justice and equality for black folks, white folks like yourself without fail find reasons to disparage them not unlike what you did with Ali. What black organization/group that stood for justice has white america ever supported? Name fck, one, I dare you. You can go back through history and not one of you can name one and we're not suppose to find this sh*t odd? Lmao. Oh this is just coincidence, it's really the fact that us black folks just don't know how organize and fight for our rights in the right way. It that it, Sir? smdh. You really are fckn ridiculous. Also, stop the b.s. about BLM promotes cop killings and violence. You've seen one fckn looped Fox video and now you're projecting it on the entire movement. More of your ws rhetoric.

This comment really says it all "Americans as a whole don't have as much sympathy right now for the black community the way it did back in the 1960's because of the divisiveness, racial tensions, and demogagery that the Obama Administration, Black Lives Matter, and Rappers have created over the last 8 years." First, America had no fckn sympathy in the 60's, more of your arrogant ignorance. The country has always been divided, maybe you wanna let everyone else know about this time you know of when it wasn't. Division heightened because racist whites who lost their fckn minds when a black man got elected. And lastly, this whole notion of America having sympathy for black folks indicates you know your azz is privileged! And the funny sh*t about it is that you think the things you say sound o.k. Lol

I'm really glad you wrote this because it surely confirms to me who you are, no more guess work needed. And you summed it up with your final comment:

"Black people in America are perfectly capable of being the best Americans this country can offer, but it starts with the black community getting ITS COLLECTIVE HOUSE in order FIRST instead of spending all of this time blaming "White America", "White Privilege"

Imagine, the white man who's disenfranchised, oppressed, discriminated, and blocked every avenue by which the black man can rise saying you need to get your house in order. Should I take your azz through history detail by detail and cite many instances and era whites have stolen, blocked, and oppressed black progress? Should I cite the many programs such as the Homestead act, the New Deal, and others where whites were given land, grants, loans in times of need that blacks were not privy to? Should I cite the 300 fckn years of free labor and generated wealth which catapulted this country past others that had been existed long before, and the wealth that allowed banks to give loans to build business which provided jobs which provided money for housing which spawned other business and fckn so on till today. It's called the domino effect jackazz, america didn't fckn get rid of the wealth generated when slavery ended now did they? It's still in circulation and still benefiting the descendants. Tell you what else was never restructured, none of the institutions (i.e. governments, criminal justice, business, etc). The only thing that was done is a damn Act saying you can't stop black people from coming into your business and later with Affirmative Action (which was not just for blacks) when it was necessary to force companies to hire other than white.

And lastly, you have the nerve to rehash this draft bs about Ali but once again you mention nothing of the racism he dealt with. Again, simply amazing how white supremacy logic works. Don't worry about how we treat you, go fight n*gga! You really are a clown. How bout you take your long winded, white supremacist diatribe back to your Fox News audience where it sounds sensible and reasonable. To anyone else, you've proven to be just who I thought you were.

P.S. I just read this b.s. again: "Muhammad Ali was a man who refused to go into the Draft when his COUNTRY called". Really??? HIS COUNTRY??? You mean the fckn country that wouldn't serve him a fckn cup of coffee? The country that didn't to give allow him human rights until 64? The fckn country that was still hanging, beating, and jailing black folks for asking for rights? You mean that country, HIS COUNTRY? That's the one he should've answered the call for? Fck you a 1000x's over if you believe that bs!
Booom!!!Man!..that right there was a little umar and seti and hasar,mixed in one family..#HOK
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ASE' Fam! RBG Pan-Africanist all the way on this end! Like you, I definitely don't give a fck about any of these cowards who blatantly disrespects and disregards the history, culture, and rights of my people which many of these insensitive b*stards do on a regularly bases. They say the most insulting sh*t as if its o.k. So I feel exactly where you coming from and my sentiments are exactly the same. I come on here to check out hurricane news and info. but I could give a rats azz about being friends when it comes to the disrespect black members have to put up with on this forum. Bruh, the twisted part about it is that I really believe a few of the ones we speak about actually believe they aren't racist such as the clown who posted about the "exceptional blacks vs the lazy blacks". Huh? Da fuq? Lmao! You really gotta laugh at the sh*t. They say racist sh*t then scream bloody murder the minute you check their azzes on it. As the canesport racists' world goes, racism is always a false claim because whites are no longer racist, it only exist in the minds of black folks. No matter what it looks like to us, no matter how long we've dealt with it, experienced it, or seen it we really don't know what the fck we're talking about, bruh. We're simply hyper-sensitive and racist ourselves, of course. They apparently know much more about it than we do. We're just too stupid to understand our reality and incapable of properly responding or developing any organization that correctly responds to injustices. Ain't that a real mutha for ya! This is the insulting azz sentiment you find regularly on this site. I swear its like they can't contain their bigotry, it seems to pop out at every turn.

Re this whole discussion about Ali, when a white icon dies you never see black members come on here trashing their name and legacy. I could've come on here plenty of times over the years and done the same but what's the fckn point??? There is none other than to specifically agitate which is their intention and to express hate. They use any reason or opportunity to express their closeted racism. They let that sh*t out whenever they see an opportunity. "Ali didn't go in the draft", really??? Are you fckn serious? All the rich white draft dodgers who had no reason to avoid going vs Ali who have every reason not to go and that's what you clown azz dudes are attempting to trash this man's legacy with? Nah clowns, real eyes can see yo azz.

Bruh I go in on their azzes to specifically make this sh*t as uncomfortable a discussion as possible because they constantly make it uncomfortable for black members with the blatant disrespect of black people and disregard of culture. I've seen many times where dudes have even respectfully told them that their comments were off base but instead of saying they understand or my bad I didn't know, they come with arrogant sh*t like "race card" or "you're the racist". It's just no way they could actually be wrong.

Anyway fam, I appreciate you chiming in and keeping 100, and not worrying about being the friendly negro to disrespectful MF's who've shown what they think about us. Also I will hit you up on FB.
ASE'Family.. Man i had been up studying for a debate had seti banging for a few hour so .I was like let me get away from the study for a bit and check on my canes.after messing around on the page i decided to check out the forms,Man some of the shit i ran across blow me away.I was like what the F i been rocking with my boys for 37years and i did not know we had some rednecks in our fan base,I tried to let it go but it worried me for a few days ,not my canes,after the debate it stayed on my mind so i checked back in the form and a few post caught my eye ,so i checked out the one about voting after reading a bunch of what i consider racist comments i said i don't vote and all hell broke out of course since this is what i do which they didn't know because remember i just came here for football i engaged..And this Avark or what ever his name is **** um.came out his mouth and damn near told me i need to move to Iran.not knowing that my family members was killed by them folks,he said he was sorry but i told him i wasn't ****ing with him right now, maybe we might be cool later,man after that i was reading some more shit. This cat was straight off the hook around the other,post after post after post man you would have thought that cat was in his living room standing on a dam soapbox speaking to the masses.but what amaze me is how in the hell can a Whiteman tell a Blackman about being black?that's straight up arrogant ,i ready that long ass post he wrote i was LMAO..I was like this boy don't know shit about what he think he know..lmao yo fam,this fool think Jessie and Al run something..lmao. Dam He/They late i can't stop laughing long enough to type,oh shit that shit funny,ROTFL..And that black lives Matter.brah you already know i rock with IG I'm with you them mf don't speak for me either they need to quit saying that shit..what piss them off with me is because i don't vote and i don't belong to any party they can't go back and forth with me and call me a dem.crooked as this Amerikkkan government is why would i have a back and fort debate with satan or the devil as the two choices?even though i dont rock with that religion shit straight kemmit here i stand on the shoulds of Dr.Ben,Dr.Clark they don't know nothing about that, but want to set here and tell us about being black..smgdh..and then that jew shit they really don't know shit.I should have told them to google Hebrew performing circuition with mouth on babies penis's and giving them herpes.But you crushed him on the jew i was saving that back for his ass..But on the real fam ,glad we could build and im up in here with you 100 family and that goes for the other brothers and sister in here..ASE'and in the words of Dr.Clark "We only debate our equals the rest we teach"
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ASE'Family.. Man i had been up studying for a debate had seti banging for a few hour so .I was like let me get away from the study for a bit and check on my canes.after messing around on the page i decided to check out the forms,Man some of the shit i ran across blow me away.I was like what the F i been rocking with my boys for 37years and i did not know we had some rednecks in our fan base,I tried to let it go but it worried me for a few days ,not my canes,after the debate it stayed on my mind so i checked back in the form and a few post caught my eye ,so i checked out the one about voting after reading a bunch of what i consider racist comments i said i don't vote and all hell broke out of course since this is what i do which they didn't know because remember i just came here for football i engaged..And this Avark or what ever his name is **** um.came out his mouth and damn near told me i need to move to Iran.not knowing that my family members was killed by them folks,he said he was sorry but i told him i wasn't ****ing with him right now, maybe we might be cool later,man after that i was reading some more shit. This cat was straight off the hook around the other,post after post after post man you would have thought that cat was in his living room standing on a dam soapbox speaking to the masses.but what amaze me is how in the hell can a Whiteman tell a Blackman about being black?that's straight up arrogant ,i ready that long ass post he wrote i was LMAO..I was like this boy don't know shit about what he think he know..lmao yo fam,this fool think Jessie and Al run something..lmao. Dam He/They late i can't stop laughing long enough to type,oh shit that shit funny,ROTFL..And that black lives Matter.brah you already know i rock with IG I'm with you them mf don't speak for me either they need to quit saying that shit..what piss them off with me is because i don't vote and i don't belong to any party they can't go back and forth with me and call me a dem.crooked as this Amerikkkan government is why would i have a back and fort debate with satan or the devil as the two choices?even though i dont rock with that religion shit straight kemmit here i stand on the shoulds of Dr.Ben,Dr.Clark they don't know nothing about that, but want to set here and tell us about being black..smgdh..and then that jew shit they really don't know shit.I should have told them to google Hebrew performing circuition with mouth on babies penis's and giving them herpes.But you crushed him on the jew i was saving that back for his ass..But on the real fam ,glad we could build and im up in here with you 100 family and that goes for the other brothers and sister in here..ASE'and in the words of Dr.Clark "We only debate our equals the rest we teach"

No doubt! Hey Fam, check your FB when you get a minute....
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