OT:Heat Trade


Jul 14, 2010
Palmetto Bay, FL
Cleveland offered the No. 1 pick, Dion Waiters to try and land Minnesota's Kevin Love. But new Timberwolve's president Flip Saunders won't move Love.

If you were the Heat would you do the same trade for Bosh?

I love Bosh. I like him more off the court but I see Waiters as a huge asset to help Wade, Thompson is an up and comer at PF and the #1 oick can be huge as well. Could be swapped for an established big man.Even an older one(Duncan, Okafor, Gortat, Robin Lopez or maybe even the hated Garnett.

I would pray that Cleveland would offer that if it worked salary wise , even if we had to add Cole, Miller or another player.

Cleveland wouldn't deal with us but a trade like that would set us up for year to come.

WOW. If only.

I know Riley is always working and wheels are spinning. If we get a huge package for Bosh like that, I'd have to jump
The trade would be better off for the Heat in the future but in would hurt us in the short term. First, this team is in win now mode and Pat Riley is not planning on anything long term. Bosh affects the game in many other ways that Thompson can't. Why change something that has won you back to back titles?
Tristan averaged 12 and 10, Waiters is a talent in the backcourt and the #1 pick could be moved for a big man to pick up the slack for Bosh. I think in theory this would make us a better team.

However the trade wont be offered to us so it is moot.
I can only hope we dump Chalmers this offseason. He infuriates me.
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I'll give you a different perspective.....How about the Heat offering Bosh to Minn. for Kevin Love, which I think would help both teams but would be a gamble for Miami given Love's health issues the past four seasons. Love is a better rebounder than Bosh and better three point shooter but can be an issue as he wants the ball in his hands while Bosh is more a team player. If Minn. would be interested in this deal, Riley would have to think it long and hard.....
Originally posted by pramis123:
I'll give you a different perspective.....How about the Heat offering Bosh to Minn. for Kevin Love, which I think would help both teams but would be a gamble for Miami given Love's health issues the past four seasons. Love is a better rebounder than Bosh and better three point shooter but can be an issue as he wants the ball in his hands while Bosh is more a team player. If Minn. would be interested in this deal, Riley would have to think it long and hard.....

But is love the Defensive player bosh is? I think not. Noah's d is underrated IMO. Love would be a PF while bosh of course can play Both.

I would be intrigued by love though except we'd need a center as well. The other scenario allows us to get a center.

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Originally posted by DJnitro:
I can only hope we dump Chalmers this offseason. He infuriates me.
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LOL my man, Chalmers isn't going anywhere. He'll drive you crazy sometimes, and he isn't a great PG, but he's the kind of guy who has value to us. Good shooter, can hit the 3, and has ice water in his veins. He's never afraid to take - and make - the big shot, and for a team that's always going to go deep in the playoffs and play in big games that is HUGE. Plus, he does continue to improve as a player. There were many games this postseason where he gave us a big contribution on nights he wasn't hitting the 3. His ability to finish around the basket and score off the pick and roll is something he didn't have 2 years ago.

And to top if all off, where are you gonna get that value for $4 mill a year - for a team dealing with the luxury tax it will be hard to improve that position (with a veteran you can trust in the postseason) at that money. So relax, get yourself a Chalmers jersey, and enjoy the ride!
Originally posted by StateOfMiami:

Originally posted by DJnitro:
I can only hope we dump Chalmers this offseason. He infuriates me.
Posted from
LOL my man, Chalmers isn't going anywhere. He'll drive you crazy sometimes, and he isn't a great PG, but he's the kind of guy who has value to us. Good shooter, can hit the 3, and has ice water in his veins. He's never afraid to take - and make - the big shot, and for a team that's always going to go deep in the playoffs and play in big games that is HUGE. Plus, he does continue to improve as a player. There were many games this postseason where he gave us a big contribution on nights he wasn't hitting the 3. His ability to finish around the basket and score off the pick and roll is something he didn't have 2 years ago.

And to top if all off, where are you gonna get that value for $4 mill a year - for a team dealing with the luxury tax it will be hard to improve that position (with a veteran you can trust in the postseason) at that money. So relax, get yourself a Chalmers jersey, and enjoy the ride!
Here, Here!!
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