So no pics of Trump throwing up the "U"???

It was a Democratic Debate... so no Trump. If Hillary was to throw up The U...

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??? Last night there was a GOP debate at the university of Miami. Donald trump is a candidate in the GOP. Try to keep up big guy.

I stand corrected... I thought the GOP debate was elsewhere and the DNC was at UM. I figure this to be true since Shalalalalala left UM to go work on the Clinton campaign. (Thankfully I might add!)

I've quit watching the debates because all they were was a 4th grade name-calling contest... but it appears last nights debate was civil and well done. Guess I should have tuned in.

thanks for helping me get my facts straight sir.
According to the Salt Lake Tribune today, Trump's looking to get out of the debate scheduled for the University of Utah later this month. I wrote in on the comments for it that "He didn't have any trouble making it to Miami's campus last night and that I guess even Trump knows who The U really is". Can't wait to check the responses to that later today.
According to the Salt Lake Tribune today, Trump's looking to get out of the debate scheduled for the University of Utah later this month. I wrote in on the comments for it that "He didn't have any trouble making it to Miami's campus last night and that I guess even Trump knows who The U really is". Can't wait to check the responses to that later today.
Trump butt sore we didn't hire his favorite Casino dwelling coach El Pirata.
Come on, you know he had to do it. Anyone find anything?
I wonder if the same thing would have happened if TRump was there!! I love it. When you agree with someone, you clap. When you don't, you carry on like idiots. I wasn't going to vote for him, but, seeing what happened in Chicago , I sure am.
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I wonder if the same thing would have happened if TRump was there!! I love it. When you agree with someone, you clap. When you don't, you carry on like idiots. I wasn't going to vote for him, but, seeing what happened in Chicago , I sure am.
I was telling someone today that the protests last night could end up backfiring for those who dont want him because it seems to have pissed off many people.
I voted for Rubio, but what happened in Chicago pisses me off, there is no free speech anymore, if the left disagrees with you, they shut you down.
I voted for Rubio, but what happened in Chicago pisses me off, there is no free speech anymore, if the left disagrees with you, they shut you down.
From a neutral standpoint, I don't think it's about agreeing or disagreeing necessarily. All of this tension across the nation is based off of perception - perceived threats, perceived generalizations, perceived prejudices. We're creating chaos based off of perceptions, not reality, and it becomes a vicious cycle.
From a neutral standpoint, I don't think it's about agreeing or disagreeing necessarily. All of this tension across the nation is based off of perception - perceived threats, perceived generalizations, perceived prejudices. We're creating chaos based off of perceptions, not reality, and it becomes a vicious cycle.
Agree, but shutting down certain views you may not agree with, and not allowing for civil discourse only adds to it.
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I voted for Rubio, but what happened in Chicago pisses me off, there is no free speech anymore, if the left disagrees with you, they shut you down.
You got it ass backwards. Trumpfsters are the ones intimidating and beating up protesters at Trumpf's urging. Chitown and Cincinnati folks just said not in our cities bitch.
If you are willing to ignore his nativism, coded rhetoric, blatant racism and misogyny. .. you're already pretty angry.
There is no limit on anger. I think we can agree that many, many people in this country don’t bat an eye when they see rioting or violence in black neighborhoods because their attitudes are “its not my neighborhood so we don’t give a crap” or “they’re doing it to themselves,” etc. Even though it wasn’t just minorities protesting yesterday, the media is focusing a lot on the minorities in the chaos so now all of a sudden those same people who didn’t give a crap are having a different attitude when they see Trump supporters being trapped in their cars and having things thrown at them. I was reading many of the posts on CNN about the violence and from what I saw the level of anger has just been raised and most of it is not against Trump. As for me, both sides have culpability…….Trump has inappropriately provoked anger and many of the protesters last night were acting even more inappropriate.
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Cane ship is full of crap. It's the liberal idiots that start the fights at the rallies. The Trumpsters end it. No liberal can fight just all have big mouths because of no brains. I have a friend that is in the Trump camp and sends me daily pics of stupid fools. The funny thing is that crap they do just adds more and more votes for Trump. They only prove his point America is in shambles and the days of political correctness are gone. Those protest idiots better go to McDonald's and get a job because come 2017 their free ride is Gone.
Trump supporters aren't the ones going to liberal rallies and starting trouble..
It's the self appointed martyrs of the causes..
Plus it's popular to disrupt people if they don't think like the liberals...
The only opinion that matters is theirs. ..
The American middle class working people that pay all the taxes are pissed off...
Unless your union...
If the protesters had a job and paid their fair share of taxes they would have a different view of the world...they are fighting for more free they wouldn't have time to cause trouble..they would have to work
There is a big difference between a protest and a riot. Protests are peaceable expression of a point of view which is guaranteed by the 1st amendment.

A RIOT, which is what happened in Chicago, is a way to incite violence and intimidation in order to suppress true freedom of speech. A protest would not have stopped the rally. The riot did.

My main question is the following: who incited the riot....the democrats or the establishment GOP? Not sure it makes much difference because they look so similar these days.

Go Cruz, Go Trump!!!!

Go Canes!
Very different actions from two opposing sides. Tea Party activist protest to get a point across, liberals protest to shut opposing views up.
There is a big difference between a protest and a riot. Protests are peaceable expression of a point of view which is guaranteed by the 1st amendment.

A RIOT, which is what happened in Chicago, is a way to incite violence and intimidation in order to suppress true freedom of speech. A protest would not have stopped the rally. The riot did.

My main question is the following: who incited the riot....the democrats or the establishment GOP? Not sure it makes much difference because they look so similar these days.

Go Cruz, Go Trump!!!!

Go Canes!
I agree with this 100%. Many of our leaders right now are conveniently not finding joint culpability. It’s the same leaders who repeatedly pled with various communities over the last three years to voice their protests peacefully when violence broke out while at the same time condemning what caused the outrage. This time around those leaders are sending a message that its ok to be violent as long as Trump doesnt tone down his rhetoric.
Cane ship is full of crap. It's the liberal idiots that start the fights at the rallies. The Trumpsters end it. No liberal can fight just all have big mouths because of no brains. I have a friend that is in the Trump camp and sends me daily pics of stupid fools. The funny thing is that crap they do just adds more and more votes for Trump. They only prove his point America is in shambles and the days of political correctness are gone. Those protest idiots better go to McDonald's and get a job because come 2017 their free ride is Gone.
Hey Shit for brains even Rubio and Cruz are denouncing Trumpf. He's a bully who ducked service in Vietnam. Big talker no fight in him. Protesters were outnumbered and bully pussies who follow Trumpf blindly did what bullies do. Then Chitown and Cincinnati happened and the Trumpf bullies were sent scurrying like roaches hide when a light is turned on in a Trumpf hotel room. They said not in our town bitches. Lol.
Trump supporters aren't the ones going to liberal rallies and starting trouble..
It's the self appointed martyrs of the causes..
Plus it's popular to disrupt people if they don't think like the liberals...
The only opinion that matters is theirs. ..
The American middle class working people that pay all the taxes are pissed off...
Unless your union...
If the protesters had a job and paid their fair share of taxes they would have a different view of the world...they are fighting for more free they wouldn't have time to cause trouble..they would have to work

They probably had a job because unemployment is at 5%. Probably unemployed in 2008/2009 whe the great republican policies under Bush had our unemployment Rate at 11%. Yeah, the good old days under republican reign. Near collapse of the countries economy, two wars going full force (still waiting on weapons of mass destruction). Good idea to go back to that!! Awsome.

Trump wants to get rid of enviornment protection agency and cut education to closeto nothing but people love him because he is going to build a wall and make Mexicans pay for it and because he says "pretty terrific" all the time.
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You can thank mandatory reduced guidelines for home loans through Freddie and Fannie..for the bank collapse...democrats & Barney can thank Bill Clinton for the NAFTA agreement and sending all the manufacturing plants to other countries...
The EPA??? What a scam...out of control college professors. . (Did you see what they did to the Colorado river? ).
Global warming?...another scam... unlimited College research grants. They will never say it's just natural climate change...or admit the higher than normal volcanic activity.
Don't disagree about the wars though..we shouldn't have gone...upset the entire balance structure.
Employment wasn't at 11 percent until Well after Obama...
The country could have come back years ago
If it wasn't for his policies....
Solar energy hasn't made a dime and won't for another twenty years or so (I build Solar plants btw)'s still a don't act like everything is Ok..
We are walking an economic tightrope
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I wonder if the same thing would have happened if TRump was there!! I love it. When you agree with someone, you clap. When you don't, you carry on like idiots. I wasn't going to vote for
him, but, seeing what happened in Chicago , I sure am.

Heading that way myself. Thought he was a clown show but now seeing the light that there are 2 movements. I'll pick the one that does not take half of what God gave me to build!

And if there are a bunch of mlilitants anywhere near me, there going to get more than the ****ers that like Trump gave them.

This is America, not just the place that free speech means that you can say what you want if you are a liberal and everything else will be spat on!
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They probably had a job because unemployment is at 5%. Probably unemployed in 2008/2009 whe the great republican policies under Bush had our unemployment Rate at 11%. Yeah, the good old days under republican reign. Near collapse of the countries economy, two wars going full force (still waiting on weapons of mass destruction). Good idea to go back to that!! Awsome.

Trump wants to get rid of enviornment protection agency and cut education to closeto nothing but people love him because he is going to build a wall and make Mexicans pay for it and because he says "pretty terrific" all the time.

Real employment is at 11% dumbass
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Very different actions from two opposing sides. Tea Party activist protest to get a point across, liberals protest to shut opposing views up.

Thank you, I'm not a trump fan but compare this shit show to the tea party movement. It's a laugher. Tea party are a bunch of salient concerned Americans. The shit show you are watching are a bunch of entitled, lazy jackasses who want something for nothing and they have nothing more to to do than be relevant in protest as opposed to business.
