Wade's ex-wife holds personal protest


Jan 17, 2013
I feel bad for the kids, she needs a lot of help

She gets over 35K a month
This post was edited on 7/20 9:39 AM by cashinn83

I saw this craziness. My office is a couple blocks away and I was in the Daley Center yesterday.

Based on all the news coverage, her protest is succeeding in getting attention. But, I'm not so sure it's a good type of attention.
Wow what bad judgement Dwayne Wade had as a young man to marry a woman this crazy. Thank God he is out of that marriage. She should be committed.
Jsmdh. I read about that yesterday, which lead me to an article about how lorenzen wright's ex blew through the $1 million dollar insurance settlement in about 10 months.

After both those stories, I just had to hug my wife....but thats ok because I didnt tell her y.
Originally posted by lkantor:
Wow what bad judgement Dwayne Wade had as a young man to marry a woman this crazy. Thank God he is out of that marriage. She should be committed.
......I doubt she was like this when they got married.
I really hate his personnel business is out in the streets like this for people to judge who don't know their situation. I think I am going to give them their privacy because it is a private matter gone public.
What a loony tune. I feel bad for the kids and Dwayne. She blows her settlement and can't live on $300-400k a year and Wat's people to feel sorry for her.. Trying to embarrass Wade into giving her more money.
That woman is f#cked up and it just goes to show you that anytime you put a ring on a girls finger you take a major chance. Its a chance we all take at some point but you never know how crazy someone really is until you get a divorce.

These days a prenup is a must.

This woman has gone through crazy lengths to mess with him and no woman deserves 35k a month that she didnt earn no matter how much you make.
She has gone through 12 lawyers already. 12. that's all you need to know about how crazy this woman is.
Originally posted by StateOfMiami:
She has gone through 12 lawyers already. 12. that's all you need to know about how crazy this woman is.


The judge needs to cut her settlement by at least half. Bat sh*t craziness should not be rewarded.
Posted from[/URL]
Well... The kids definitely are the ones who pay the price... But, I tell you in this country if you are rich you can get away with anything... You never know what happens behind closed doors...
I do feel bad for her.....she needs help. We all do some need it quicker than others.
She is not crazy but she IS an emotional wreck and is deeply hurt because she lost custody of her children and the material benefits that normally come with being the mother of a millionaires children. She needs to repair her image by getting some professional help which should include counseling. She also should not criticize any of the judiciary who she is asking to restore custody and to increase child support and alimony if alimony was ordered. Courts are loathe to take custody from the natural mother normally. She should consider filing a malpractice claim against one or more of her lawyers assuming the statute of limitations has not expired . This assumes of course that she would have listened to the advice of her attorney(s) and that advice would have preserved her custodial rights. it's likely that Wade petitioned for shared custody and she bitched because of the starlet. She also should accept the fact that as an average to below average looking woman she could never compete with the starlets, models, groupies etc. who are available to superstar athletes. The sad fact is that most men but especially men who have been in a marriage or relationship for an extended period tend to tire of sex with his girlfriend or spouse and desire something different. Some men act on that desire some don't. Although there are many reasons for break ups and divorces I will wager that a desire for sex with a different woman can be found tucked away in the corner of reasons if not in the forefront. Sad but true.